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Messages - flying peach

Pages: 1 [2]
DF Books / Re: F**k, Marry, and Kill- The Dresden Edition.
« on: December 11, 2017, 07:05:46 PM »
I want Butters written out. He’s obviously fan service to the point where it breaks my suspension of disbelief and jars me out of the story.

Silly person, everyone knows from Butters that time is a river and it's the door that is a jar.  :)

DF Books / Re: F**k, Marry, and Kill- The Dresden Edition.
« on: December 08, 2017, 10:08:14 PM »
F Andi. Marry Molly. Kill Murphy.

DF Spoilers / Can fairies get pregnant?
« on: October 20, 2017, 07:19:31 PM »
This has probably been asked before, but hey I don't remember it.

If fairies can get pregnant, what are the chances Harry knocked up Mab?

DF Books / Re: How do most wizards live day-to-day?
« on: May 21, 2017, 10:10:49 PM »
If I recall correctly, wardens receive a stipend. If the wizards have a stipend, it makes sense that the council would also have a stipend. Then there's Ebenezer who has a (profitable?) farm to run.

  I do not scour the World Wide Web for every tidbit I can find about my favorite authors, singers, or movie and television players.

I haven't been able to find any risque pictures of Jim Butcher, but there is a video of him in the gym

I wasn't trying to pick on anyone for speculating about alimony, it's just the level of detail needed to truly understand his divorce settlement and decree far exceed what I should know about a stranger. For instance, in a non-community property state is the intellectual property of an existing character's future use being divided or just existing royalties on existing books? Or maybe what is being divided is the expected value of a contract existing prior to the divorce that won't be complete until after the divorce (i.e. book deal). Why would any Court award a property interest in work that is performed after the divorce (i.e. book deal). On the other hand, sometimes people feel bad about divorces and put things on the table that they don't need to give away. In addition, none of the prior things actually addressed the issue of alimony which is a flat monthly payout. In negotiating alimony, or taking it to trial, to what extent (if any) do the parties or the Court allow any future royalties to be subtracted from the alimony? I don't actually need to know any of these things.

However, I could use more videos of Jim Butcher comparing himself to Wolverine because that was funny. I'll even forgive him for calling a quarter depth hack bar squat a "squat." Even though I really shouldn't. Alright, I admit it I am going to hold this "squat" thing against him. :)   

I think it is a huge business mistake to delay publishing the book. The money that he will earn from the books can't be invested when he hasn't earned it yet. He also loses the additional royalties that his series would have generated from the books being available to purchase for a longer period of time. In addition, new readers might be hesitant to read the books when there are so many years between new books being released. I also think that as the series loses momentum he'll lose readers which is an unfortunate fact of life. In another two years, a 22 year old college grad might look at the series as something that he read "back in high school." You get the point, people have life happen and move on.

I also think that it would be good public relations to have a brief statement on this forum about his book release and the delay. I think a majority of Jim Butcher's fans like him and want to like him. Having said that, his personal life is none of my business and the details of his divorce decree are also none of my business.   


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