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Messages - robertltux

Pages: 1 [2] 3
DF Reference Collection / Re: Mouse's Origins
« on: September 27, 2012, 02:36:39 PM »
I'm sure Tara has a sister or 5.

or that a message has gotten to The Temple concerning a FOO DOG running around Chicago (wanna bet that Ancient Mai outright sent a scroll to the mountains right after she saw Mouse in Turncoat??) if you assume that Foos are born as Pairs then Mrs Mouse is running around in the mountains without Her Mate.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Mouse's Origins
« on: September 24, 2012, 06:26:10 PM »
What confuses me, is why does Uriel call Mouse "Little Brother" when Mouse is from from a Buddhist tradition? What does a Foo Dog have to do with Christianity?

As they are both "servants of The Divine" they are in a way "brothers". Not much but i would bet that Doctor Wilburn would still take his shoes of if he visited a Buddist Temple.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The YLC (Why Little Chicago) thread
« on: September 20, 2012, 05:51:00 PM »
On later consideration i do not believe the brownies enter harry's lab, so withdrawing brownies as suspect.

it is mentioned that there is a "No Brownies In The Lab" rule so unless one of the brownies ignored that rule thats a NO GO. (may explain how WhoEver found out about LC maybe).

Absolutely love this.

But I think threatening Arianna should also be noted,.. no clue how to call the notice maybe;

Notice of Council Interaction (Age 36)
- Threatens Duchess Arianna to release a kidnapped child during the peace negotiations.
- - Sensitives note psychic instability.

--- further note the amount of Rage witnessed by Council Members present indicates unknown factor the reason for this must be investigated

DF Reference Collection / Re: The YLC (Why Little Chicago) thread
« on: September 17, 2012, 02:14:17 PM »
Yes, but part of Bob's nature is to obey. Otherwise he'd leave the skull to go check out strip bars all the time, instead of making deals with Harry to do so.

I think the Cowl-Bob can be explained by the concept of a Controller
while Bob was in Cowls hands Cowl was his "Controller" (so we have Necro-Bob)
but when Cowl got stupid and put Bob down Bob reverted to "default" (which would be HARRY).

Im sure this is similar to the way Bob and Butters are working right now.

DF Reference Collection / Re: The YLC (Why Little Chicago) thread
« on: September 14, 2012, 04:52:54 PM »
and of course there is always the Harry Will Rebuild Little Chicago later thing.
Isn't the best reason for a 2.0 that you lost the 1.0 version??

With LC 1.0 Harry proved IT CAN BE DONE so he could get various Winter Minions to help gather the bits and chunks to do a New Version (he could in fact make an even BIGGER ONE) and add new features like a WayMaker and such. (Hmm what would happen if Harry FORZAREd the replica of a building with LC "online"??)

DF Reference Collection / Re: The top selling books in the Dresdenverse
« on: September 13, 2012, 04:33:38 PM »
Plausible Deniability  You and Your Boss by Jake Nowan

DF Reference Collection / Re: Worst Kick in the Gut Moments in the Series
« on: September 12, 2012, 02:40:25 PM »
Justine seems to have taken care of (some of) Thomas' trouble... even Uriel approves.

Well i suppose Uriel at least knows "It Is Needed" im not sure about approves as such
(hmm i wonder if Justine and ??? "playing" provides an appetizer for Thomas)

DF Reference Collection / Re: The top selling books in the Dresdenverse
« on: September 06, 2012, 02:22:18 PM »
Stalking for Dummies by Jack Sebastian and HHWB

it shows how HardCore Marcone was when he told Harry that he had to Discourage some Vamps from recruiting during the Evac. He shot them just enough to make His Point Understood (wanna bet he snagged any thralls that were underage??).

DF Reference Collection / Re: The top selling books in the Dresdenverse
« on: August 30, 2012, 02:15:01 PM »
ive got One

Compass and Cross: A Guide to TRUTH in Carpentry by Micheal Carpenter

Edit to File
Mouse Dresden
Dresden’s Foo Dog. It is unknown how the creature came into Dresden’s possession. It is a formidable and intelligent creature that will show unwavering loyalty to Dresden. Given his lack of proximity to a temple it is likely that much of the creature’s power is diminished however this has not been verified.  Update: current location is Micheal Carpenters Home as this is Holy Ground the creatures power level is not impeded

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: July 27, 2012, 05:04:00 PM »
ah, kk.  Im not sure I buy that for a stack of reasons, but it would be undeniably cool.  If that does turn out to be the case, I'd imagine her being found in some hunting Preserve managed by the Erlking;  He was a big fan of Sue.

Yah he was all I was going to squish you like a very snarky BUG but hey you rezzed a DINOSUAR AND COULD CONTROL IT so im going to let you live FOR NOW.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Ghost Story
« on: July 18, 2012, 05:31:21 PM »
In Ghost Story, there is a reference fto Father Forthill's worn King James Bible.
The KJV isn't normally used in Catholic circles, there are 2 branches of the tree in the translations from early manuscripts.  The KJV is on one branch, and the normally used Catholic Bible - the Douay-Rheims - is on the other branch.

don't forget that an educated preacher will reference the ORIGINAL TEXT for a buncha things (the version on the pulpit will be the "Official text") also don't forget that there is a lot of cross-training with both religions (Micheal hums a decidedly Protestant hymn at one point).

You should add to the end of this file

NOTICE CURRENT LOCATION UNKNOWN all possible sightings should be reported to HeadQuarters by the fastest means possible Use Key Phrase "ICE STORM" to have your report filed properly.

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