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Messages - Starshine

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DF Reference Collection / Re: Black Council "Recruitment" [GS Spoilers]
« on: January 26, 2012, 03:10:45 AM »
Instead of a bunch of independent isolated cells of Black Council, it seems like the BC is more like a small group that contracts out its more visible actions.  I believe we have actually seen very few BC members who are fully in the know, namely Cowl, Kumori, and maybe Peabody (I can't decide if Mavra is actually BC or not). 

It seems like overall, the BC is set up like an octopus.  It has a central core that sets goals, and many arms that don't really know about each other but will push people around according to what the BC leadership want them to do.

I agree with you - this is how I see the BC as well.  A small group of powerful, dedicated individuals who try to manipulate events from behind the scenes and use catspaws to achieve their objectives.  Cowl is a BC member, and Ferrofax is probably another.  Kumori seemed like Cowl's assistant/apprentice [and I thought she died in DB?].  I dont think Peabody or Mavra are core BC members - neither of them seem strong enough.  My guess - Peabody was being "run" by the other wizard who was with him on the island, and who is probably a senior council member and BC.  Mavra is another catspaw who can be used to promote BC objectives.

I dont think any of the RC were BC members, though they were certainly egged on and supported by them. The BC tried to use the Red Court to destroy the WC and kill as many wizards as possible, because WC wizards are one of the groups strong enough to oppose them and their goals. 

I think this is what scared Nic so much - to realize at least one Denarian has a very different agenda from the rest of them.  Whether that Denarian is a BC member or another catspaw [although a powerful one], Im not sure.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 26, 2012, 01:49:23 AM »
You didn't read the Harry Potter books, did you? 

What I'm proposing is that Harry be sent back in time by GK to learn more about the Black Council, nothing else.  Of course, then he ends up playing a role that he didn't know he would. 

For example, Future GK helps send him back specifically to NOT change the past and only observe the BC shenanigans.  And one of the first things he does is accidently bump into PG GK.  PG GK realizes he's from the Future, and threatens to punish him for breaking a law.  Future Harry manages to convince/prove to PG GK that he traveled with Future GK's help and consent.  PG GK lets him go, and as he's departing, Future Harry makes an off-the-cuff comment about giving him a little more detail this time when he warns him about the black magic stuff.  PG GK says, "um, I have no idea what you're talking about".  And Future Harry says "yeah, you tell me there's dark magic being performed in town, and you have me look into it."  To which PG GK says, "First I heard of it."  Which confuses Harry, until he begins to realize that he sets that in motion.  Which then has him worrying about what else he may have already set in motion the first time, but doesn't know what he has to do this time around.  Queue internal dialogue rant about making things difficult for himself.

Thus Harry has to balance not changing anything other than what needs to be changed to match the first time around, while also trying to investigate and learn more about the BC.

Okay, now I see how this is working [and no I didnt read HP - did she do something similiar there?].  I think on superficial reading it works, but once you stop and start to think about it, for me it doesnt.  This is a general problem I have with all time travel [at least all that I've read].

What's to stop Future Cowl from going back into the past and whispering to Past Kumori - And thanks for reminding me to bring some back-up for dealing with Dresden in that alley - did they come in handy!

Then what happens - Kumori tells Cowl about what Future Cowl said.  Cowl brings his army of zombies or ghouls or maybe a Skinwalker [or something] with him to the alley.  They take on Gard and Harry dies in the alley.

No, time travel isn't needed to make it work.  But time travel could be used to explain things in the book that went unexplained which his theory didn't touch on, and could also be the way that Harry finds out about the plot which Knnn spelled out.

Generally using time travel to explain something sounds kind of desperate to me - I dont mind using prescience, precognition - whatever you call it - glimpses of the future, intuition about the future.  That kind of ties in with the magic theme.  But having someone actually travel back in time and interact with it - it just raises all kinds of problems with me.  I guess there's a limit to the amount of belief I'm willing to suspend. 

But if you have time, Im curious.  What problems are you talking about that could be solved with time travel?  Im kind of doubtful there couldnt be a simpler, more believable solution.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 26, 2012, 12:08:59 AM »

 so it strikes me that perhaps there are have been several alterations to the time stream, but that we only see the the altered time and not the original situation that had to be "fixed."

LOL!  And see this is why I really dont like time travel stories - because why would the present ever stay the same.  Why wouldnt Corpsetaker go back and restore the original timeline by bringing in re-inforcements to deal with Gard? 

You could be right and this will happen at some point in the books, but I really hope not because it just doesnt work [for me].

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 25, 2012, 08:35:35 AM »
ok my bad i have not read the original post but but my point is that harry went back in time because he had to not to prevent an explosion in LC although that is a good thing. but if u need a reason for harry to travel back in time say mab needs the knife but knows she cant hold it for long with out going mad so she has harry ,still her knight and therefore not as strictly bound by the laws, travel back in time where harry informs her of the events that r about to happen she then informs the gatekeeper who tells harry about the black magick happening and sets the whole thing off.  this explains y mab took molly as well but the main reason for it is that harry already did it and that removes your trouble with time travel the reason cowl doesn't do any of those things is he didn't therefor for him to do so would create a rather large paradox

This is exactly why I hate time travel stories.  It gets too confusing and nothing makes sense.

You're assuming that because - as we read the story - these things are happening - that Harry already did them and therefore they are already 'done' and the timeline 'set'.  But that if Cowl were to come back and try to do the same thing - say kill Harry in the alley - it would be changing the timeline because the first time around [as we read the book] - he didnt do it, so coming back and doing it now would mean 'changing' things.  If I understand you correct, this is what you are saying?

But just because we dont see a different [earlier] timeline play out doesnt mean it didnt happen.  It MUST have happened, or future Harry would have no reason to come back into the past [his past, our present] to change it.   So there was an earlier version of the story in that book in which no one came back to stop it and Harry got severely injured in LC explosion.  To prevent that from happening - and to change the past - Harry comes back [in OPs post] to prevent LC from ever exploding.  It doesnt matter whether he interferes directly [the OP] or tells Mab [in your version] and she does it.  The result is the same - it wipes out the old timeline [which we never saw] and substitutes the new one [which is the book we read].

Cowl or someone else could do exactly the same thing.  The only difference is we first read the original timeline - Harry gets rescued by Gard.  And we get to read about how Cowl changed it so that Harry dies.  But both of them are changing the timeline and like I said - where does it stop?  It just creates a mess.  And if Harry can do it, then why not someone else?

Like I said, I just never read a story where it seemed realistic or believeable to me.

Besides, using Knnn's theory there's no need to resort to time travel devices to make sense of the book.

And as I read your post again it could be - sorry - that Im still misunderstanding your point??

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:23:23 AM »

but that is the elegance of harry time traveling in that theory he doesn't change any thing just enact the parts that allowed him to do what he did the first time and that would be a somewhat acceptable breaking of the law cause he all ready did it so for him not to would cause a paradox just my opinion

I dont understand what you're trying to say here.  If he changed nothing why did he go back in time in the first place?

I thought the point of the OP was that Harry was severely wounded in the Little Chicago explosion the first time around, which took him out of the game.  Future Harry went back to correct this by ensuring LC never exploded.  How is that not changing anything?  The change is huge and impacts everyone.

So why wouldnt some Black Hat try doing the same thing?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 25, 2012, 02:14:43 AM »
Maybe knnn could work on some fine tuning of the "Time Travellin' Harry in PG" theories for me?

The way you set it out, it does make sense and it could fit, but I kind of hope you're wrong  because Im not a great fan of time travel stories.  Ive never read one that I found believeable.

Even in the context of s-f, I have trouble believing the past is something you can go back into and change.  Once you allow that, there is no real present.  I mean, what would stop Cowl from going back in time and preventing the fall of the Red Court?  Or stealing the Book of Kemmler and completing the Darkhaven?  Or coming prepared to attack Gard and hold her off long enough for him to kill Harry?  Im using Cowl as an example, but Im sure he's not the only powerful entity on the BC.

I dont know - I just think once you allow the possibility of changing the past - why wouldnt everybody do it?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 25, 2012, 01:30:50 AM »
I guess everybody has their own pet theory!

For me, I tend to take the Occam's Razor approach.  I still like Knnns theory best because it fits all the facts we do know, while having the least supposing about things we dont know about.  For instance, all this speculation about a deal Lea might have made with the BC is just that.  The only deal we know she made is trading Amoracchius for the Athame.  And we all saw how that turned out.

Any deal Mab might have made with the BC is again just pure speculation.  And why she would want to make any kind of deal with the BC at that point is beyond me.  And why would that involve sending her troops to the borders of Summer?  If she was fulfilling her part of this supposed bargain, why attack Arctis Tor?  Wouldnt the attack abrogate the deal?  I mean if Harry's attack allowed Winter to move its troops, why didnt the first attack do the same thing?  There are just too many things that dont make sense to me.

Compare to Knnn's theory - which is clean and neat and doesnt need to assume facts not in evidence.  It looks at what actually happened, and then tries to discern motive.  And somewhere there is a WoJ that says something like "Who says Mab lost the battle of Arctis Tor?  Look at what happened as a result and what events got set in motion". 

Well, Molly got a reprieve from life as a warlock and became a WC apprentice.  I think this is Jim's wink to Knnn's theory.

But like I said, everyone will have their own pet theory.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 24, 2012, 01:07:31 PM »
Who said she lost in that bargain? Sure it made life more difficult but she can work around that and at the end she will probably the one getting most out of it.

I still dont get it - what bargain exactly would Mab have made? This theory all seems so nebulous compared to Knnn's which clearly spells out what was going on and why.  And it all fits.  That's why I like it.

My objection was that - given what happened to Lea - I cant see Mab making any kind of bargain with the BC.  She wouldnt trust them and she'd be in no mood to make bargains.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:07:37 PM »
My reply in that topic at #11 includes the WoJ that we have on the likely hood of other outsiderbanes other than Harry, and it doesn't strongly support this idea.

Let me ask a general question about WoJ - does he never change his mind?  Writing is usually a fluid process.  You can suddenly wake up with a great idea - even if it's not the way you were originally planning to go.  Anything he said recently is probably what he intends to do [now], but older quotes might only show where his mind was tending then - 5 years ago, 7 years ago.  Im only asking.  Or is he the kind of writer who maps the whole series out beforehand and never deviates.

The longs standing theory WRT to Mab's motivations for keeping her armies at the boarders is that she is stuck in some kind of bargain with some members of the "Black Council" that she managed to work around by using Harry as a proxy when she dragging Molly to Arctis Tor. 

I like Knnn's theory better.  That she did this to point a spotlight on Molly and prevent the BC from subverting her, and also [I think] to try and entice some of the senior BC out in the open to better identify them.  Both strategies worked - and that's how I see Mab - a real chess player.  And Knnn's explanation fits the facts we know from the book better IMO.

The problem with the LST is why would Mab enter 'some kind of bargain' with the BC after what they tried to do to Lea.  She'd be furious with them [which is why she interfered in their plans for Molly] and also extremely wary - she saw what deals with them did to Lea.  I cant believe Mab would be that stupid.

The DFRPG is not quite cannon, but more like if someone from the boards got to sit in Billy's head and write out all the theories while getting to ask Harry for reluctant opinions on them, but in one of the books for the RPG is a sort of power level structure of something like seven tiers.  The first 3 tiers were what I payed attention to and they go something like this.

  • Rarified power level that doesn't act much nowadays including TWG
  • Archangels, Lucifer, the "Mothers"
  • The "Queens," Ferrovax, the Erlking...

Interesting - so the dragons have as much power as the Queens?  And Michael killed one?  Im surprised more Denarians arent dead.  :)

And PS - thanks for the tips on how to quote - It worked!

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:00:11 AM »

I found the Topic that jman101 was referring to.  It's probably the best original theory posted in the past year or so IMO.

I see - so this idea was originally Knnn's?  Well, whoever first came up with it - kudos to you - I think it's great - it explains so much and it all hangs together.

Other things also click in place to support Knnn's theory - the link with the homeless shelter, Molly originally going to meet Crane.  None of this did I pick up when I read it, but once it's pointed out - it all makes sense and it's really clear.

I also like Knnn's idea of Molly being an Outsider-bane.  Yet another reason the BC would want her.  And why they'd go to any lengths to stop her becoming WC.

A corollary of this theory would be that the Gatekeeper, while he might have his own agenda in all this,  can't be a part of the BC.  If he was, he never would have warned Harry there was black magic in Chicago.  Maybe he's not Grey Council, but in his own way he's opposing the BC too.

One more thought - someone in that thread you quoted asked why Mab would have sent all her troops to Summer's borders if she thought BC were planning to attack Arctis Tor.  IMO Mab wanted to know who her enemies were.  The BC has always been rather anonymous/nebulous - working in the shadows.  I think Mab wanted to put faces to them so she'd know exactly who to destroy.  So she took something they really wanted [Molly] and sent her army away to entice the BC [or at least some of them] to come out in the open for once.  It worked to some extent - we know one of the Denarians showed up - he must be one of the major players.  And know she'll know who he is.

I dont think this gamble was as dangerous as it might at first appear.  Others have pointed out -  [1] Arctis Tor was her home and the seat of her power - very unlikely any enemy would have the power to defeat her there and [2] she could have recalled her army in a flash if it proved necessary [which apparently it didnt].

I just love this theory - it explains so much.  So Knnn - take a bow!

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:28:42 AM »
Thanks for the tip - I'm still learning my way around these boards. :)

DF Reference Collection / Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:01:20 AM »
I hope Im not doing anything wrong here.  I was looking through some old theads and saw this one and was going to respond but I got a warning message saying it's better to start a new thread.  Im not sure how to do that and still quote from the old thread, so I just cut and paste and tried to use colors to differentiate the posters.

This is jman's original post:


Quote from jman

Re: Uriel and Lash
« Reply #122 on: October 23, 2011, 07:53:03 PM »


Personally, I subscribe to the theory that the attack on Arctis Tor by the Black Council was to try to get Molly back. IIRC, it was a fairly recent theory under the title of something like "Proven Guilty Revisited" on the forums (link). It proposed the idea that the Black Council's entire purpose in PG was to get Molly onto their side. In fact, she would have met a BC operative / pawn, Madrigal Raith at SplatterCon, who could have easily controlled her, had the fetches not showed up. It further theorized that Mab sent the fetches to disrupt the BC's plans by getting Dresden's attention (and that of the White Council), making the BC's plan all the more riskier. As well, the fetches could have been sent to kill Molly (think hobs & The Archive in SmF), hence her being used as the beacon OR to get Dresden to rescue her, discover her talent, and take her on as his apprentice, making her a weapon against the BC. Unfortunately, Mab underestimated just how much the BC wanted Molly (or wanted Molly not to be Dresden's apprentice), and the BC attacked Arctis Tor to get her back (possibly with some bad information on Mab's current condition/health). However, Mab just used them to further her own purpose by retreating, with Molly, into the WellSpring Garden/Prison (I made the name up) that the BC would be very stupid to try to get into, while they cleared her personal defenses out of Dresden's way. So they ran away or got beat back; either way, they weren't around when Dresden stormed in, killed the fetch, and saved Molly. Mab got what she wanted, except for the little bit of fire damage to the fountain of power. She should have had Dresden Insurance.

And this is part of Mira's comments on Jman's post:

This all brings me back to jman 101's theory about the Black Council wanting Molly, that they wanted her as a recruit for their side, but why?  The young Korean kid that loses his head at the beginning of Proven Guilty appeared to have just as much talent to use his mind on others as Molly, why not him? Or was it just that the Wardens caught up to him before the Black Council did?  Actually I do not think so, I do think however that yes, the BC wanted Molly, but not so much as a recruit, but as a way to create divisions in the enemy..  I find it very interesting that Summer was eager to lend a hand in the rescue, though Lea thought it would piss off Winter. That Mab was also present in the Garden and winked at Harry.  Harry tossed the light down the wellspring.

And this is my comments now:

I like jman's theory.  I was never clear on what was really going on in that book, but I assumed we'd find out eventually.  His theory really makes a lot of sense - esp about the BC wanting to turn Molly.  Of course they'd want Molly!  She was halfway there already, she wouldnt need more than a little push and she'd make a great recruit for them because of who she was.  Her family, Harry, Forthill , Sanya - they'd all trust her, let her close.  Wouldnt be suspicious.  Unlike the Korean kid, she had access to some of the BC's worst enemies.  If she'd been trained by them to use her mind control powers, she could control them all.  At the very least push them in the direction the BC wanted them to go.  She'd be worth her weight in gold to the BC.

And it really helps make sense out of Mab's actions too.  Of course she winked at Harry.  He was doing exactly what she wanted him to do.  I have to read it again with this in mind.. 

Thanks jman!  It's a great theory!

Currated in a link in the quote -Serack

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: January 06, 2012, 02:42:29 AM »
Hi all  :)

I just joined this board, and I havent read through all 48 pages of this thread, so someone else may have already suggested this, but I'd like to see a line of clothing based on the colors of Winter and Summer - t-shirts, sweatshirts, fleece jackets, hoodies - that kind of thing.

I'd suggest deep blues and purples for Winter [maybe fading into each other ] with the single white [or very light blue, like an ice blue] badge of winter somewhere on the garment - maybe in the center for tees and sweats, on the top left for the jackets, hoodies.

And deep greens and deep gold for summer - with either the sun or a leaf design in gold for the badge.

They're beautiful colors and I think they'd look really nice.

On different shirts [not these] - just for slogans - how about

Magic - It Can Get a Guy Killed


I Died Doing the Right Thing

[although they've probably been suggested already - but whenever I think of the DF those 2 always pop into my mind.]

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