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Messages - IIIMarconeIII

Pages: 1 [2] 3
DFRPG / Re: RPG Illustration: The Gruffs
« on: February 15, 2010, 03:52:30 AM »
IMO the Tiny at Mac's lost a confrontation (sp?) and was out of the fight... He backed down= loss,

Edit forgot to put the rest of my thought.

Since that confrontation was a loss, then it was the next older brother's turn.

DFRPG / Re: RPG Illustration: The Gruffs
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:41:49 PM »

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« on: December 11, 2009, 02:39:21 PM »
ok lets be serious
(click to show/hide)
, are we really worried about, gravity & glaciation & plate techtonics.

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« on: November 12, 2009, 02:59:08 PM »
Woohoo, Jim gave me the go-ahead!  The map will be posted midnight MST on Tuesday the 17th, like the sample chapters have been.

 I dont know who to thank more Priscellie, for making the map  & Then wanting to post it early, or Jim for just being a mad cool guy to agree to it(and yea know writing the whole thing)

But thank you's all around

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: NYCC Dinner
« on: February 08, 2009, 12:25:06 AM »
just wanted to thanks to Priscellie for setting dinner up... sucks i had to miss the con...but it was still great to meet everyone. If anything else is going on in the area i would love to join up.I thought I heard something about a watchmen screening... wink wink...

and the reading of chapter one was great even with the crazy zamboni guy tring to killl us.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: NYCC Dinner
« on: February 06, 2009, 12:56:59 AM »
I was so pissed that i missed this last year, i have been looking forward to it for a while

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: NYCC Dinner
« on: February 05, 2009, 05:05:09 AM »
Carmine's at 8:30. sound good to me

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: NYCC Dinner
« on: February 03, 2009, 05:39:50 AM »
are there any details on this yet... i would love to go but i work Friday till 7 i can be be in the city by 8:30ish any ideas on where yet?

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: problems with avatars
« on: August 18, 2008, 03:30:49 AM »
Hey guys I want  to use the "the movie of my life must be really low budget" on a Fantasy football sight... and i dont know how to change it to the proper format Jpeg or png.. can anyone tell me what to do?

they dont really let me cross the street anymore... not after the incident

No, when a thread splits off at fifty pages, it just looks like tha

I know that it wa sjust like on we're on part 9 on problem then bam part 11. i was like dude what the f...

omg that sounds so difficult, i do not think i will be able to do that... will you please hold my hand, while i try...

I love snark. thanks for the help

i have a pic i want to use as a avatar how do i do it?

what do i have to do? it is a still pic, no animation   

did traffic spike last week because i missed like 200 pages in the word association game.. in like ablink of a eye then over the weekend no one posted at all...

Since this is the offical area of the site, I'm merely going to suggest you bite me, with a date and location to be determined later.  OK?

This is an official area of the site really...really, an official area that we are allowed to play with... really

(don't know why this popped into my head)

I'm merely going to suggest you bite me, with a date and location to be determined later.  OK?

who get to determine... do I really... because i can pick a date, really 

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