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Messages - Radijs

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DFRPG / Re: Examples of terramancy?
« on: February 12, 2013, 07:31:19 PM »
Thanks for all the great examples guys and girls. There's some great ideas in this thread.
I like the idea of a gravity assault. Just crush them like a bug.

Slightly unrelated: What kind of spells could best be used for a character's rote evocations?

DFRPG / Refresh bonus for the catch: Fire?
« on: February 12, 2013, 02:59:57 PM »
The title pretty much explains it all, if a character takes inhuman toughness+recovery, how much refresh bonus does he get from having the catch be fire?

It falls under the category.
"If the Catch is bypassed by something
that anyone could reasonably get access
to, but usually doesn’t carry on them
(like cold iron), you get a +2."

Is that it? Or would the secrecy factor be able to get another +1 refresh?

DFRPG / Re: Examples of terramancy?
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:31:50 PM »
I was mostly looking for general inspiration around using earth themed evocations.

This is helping a lot :)

DFRPG / Examples of terramancy?
« on: February 10, 2013, 03:15:42 PM »
I'm wonderinig what kind of things someone can do with terramancy. I've seen very few examples of it in the books.

Harry himself uses it to play with magnetism and gravity and once to bury his goodie bag.
Donald Morgan used some kind of subterranean shockwave when he fought with Harry. But what other ways are there to use (and abuse) terramancy?

Thanks for the myriad of replies everyone. It's pretty much all along the lines that I expected and I can call my friend's fears more or less unfounded.

That just seems like bad sportsmanship. Do your enemies do the same? If so your table sounds really intense.

It's something of a genre-savyness that makes players choose the 'kill' option. In almost every story a bad guy that doesn't get double-tapped comes back to wreak havoc again.
They most often aren't Batman who lock the Joker back in Arkham Asylum knowing very well it's a revolving door prison.

Okay perhaps killing Mab was a bad example. But there are other characters and other things that can happen that would mean that the books would take a very diffrent turn.

You've never encountered players that had trouble with things happening that would make the events in the books impossible?

So far I'm quit happy with the awnsers. While we where debating last night I had a hard time understanding that what he was worried for.

DFRPG / Cognitive dissonance? It's never what you expect the game to be.
« on: February 02, 2013, 12:11:35 PM »
My best friend and I where discussing DFRP yesterday and he voiced a concern to me that I find very hard to place. And I'm wondering if anyone else might have encountered this phenomenon. And if so, what kind of effect has it had on your game and how did you deal with it?

The idea my friend has is that because you're playing a game based on these novels an inherent expectancy will exist with your players that these novels will have a direct impact on whatever you run in your games and vice versa, what the PC's do in a game can have a profound effect on the novels.
Also that you're playing in a world where there are all these heroes like Harry, Karrin, Bob, Michael, Mab, Titania etc. And that creates the expectation that you will interact with these characters at some point because the world is very small. Though it's harder for wizards with the Murphy effect you can get to nearly any place in the world within a day. So even if you set your game somewhere away from Chicago, the players can decide to pack up shop and move in to some of the appartments above Harry's own.

He thinks, this will inevitably lead to dissapointment among the players. Because once you start making your own ripples in the world you're going to change the setting so much that the original timeline of events no longer make sense. IE: During the war with the Red Court Mab bites the bullet so Harry won't become the winter knight but instead has to take up the coin or perform the darkhallow somehow.
Or when you're running the 'iconic' characters of the game as the GM the way you portray them will never be 'right' compared to how they act because of various reasons, mainly that the GM isn't going to be Jim Butcher and (s)he'll portray the characters colored by his or her own perceptions and ideas.

He figured that the only way to avoid these dissapointments would be to set the game in such a way that it would be impossible for us to meet any of these iconic characters by moving the time during which the game takes place forward or backwards in time to a point where Harry and his gang haven't been born yet or are already dead.

Though I can see his standpoint from an academic view point. I can't see it actually happening that these effects or feelings would ruin a game. Unless these iconics are used in such a ham-fisted way that displays them as 'the awesome guys you can never be'.

DFRPG / Bad guys: The Fomor?
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:58:33 PM »
One of the more interesting times ( In my opinion ) to start a DFRP game is either during the red war or right after it.
This is also when the Fomori begin to make their move.
What, in the Dresdenverse are they? I've been told they're some kind of dark gods from great britain. Akin to the greek titans.

But what are they precisely? We've seen their servitors? But what else could a city expect from that angle?

DFRPG / Pre-gens?
« on: September 12, 2012, 03:54:13 PM »
Since one of my players is becoming a daddy for the 2nd time there's a brief break in my normal game and I was thinking of running a short dresden files adventure.

I don't want to spend a whole session generating characters, sorting out chargen rules with my players.

Does anyone have any simple submerged pregen characters or does anyone know a place to DL them?

Preferably with brief explanations of the powers of the characters so there's no need to look them up during play.

DFRPG / Re: How to give a wizard some amenites.
« on: September 24, 2011, 08:29:12 PM »
This is where NatGeo is your friend :)

I saw a show a few years back about some kind of 'green housing' thing for students.
There they put together 3 shipping containers and insulated them all quite thoroughly. From that point on they heated the whole unit with a simple wood burning stove. And the pipes for the boiler also went through the stove heating the water without moving an electron (So to speak).

So yeah, hot water, definately possible even without using spells.

I'd not trust a modern boiler, even a gas one. There's quite a few nifty electronical bits in there that would muck things up pretty badly if they failed. Almost all that where made in the last 2 decades that I know of have a sort of thermal cutoff switch, which turns off the gas flow when the pilot light goes out. Jam that up and the next time you try to take a hot shower your house blows up.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden-esque Wizard Needs "De-Dresdenizing"
« on: September 08, 2011, 07:51:38 PM »
Cool gun:

As far as the coat:

DFRPG / Re: Psionics in Dresden
« on: September 04, 2011, 07:56:39 PM »
Psionics where invented by Sci-fi authors so they could put magic in their stories without calling it magic.

No specific adaptation nessecary. Just diffrent trappings for existing magic.

I'd pick focused practitioners for the diffrent flavor psions.

The only thing I'd ponder is the effects psions pull off on the fly where wizards need more time to prepare a ritual.

DFRPG / Re: Smith and Wesson 500
« on: September 04, 2011, 06:16:08 AM »

Personally I would not increase its rating past that of a heavy handgun. Simply because you're giving it some significant advantages, but still leave it concealable in an inside pocket.

DFRPG / Re: new gm having trouble with phases
« on: August 27, 2011, 07:48:42 PM »
The idea about the 1st adventure and costarring is that the character creation process is a shared experience. Each part of your backstory determines one of your characters aspects.

With the first adventure two other characters in the making co-star, they play a role in that part of the first character's bio. This lets you establish pre-existing relationships and that ties the group together.

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