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Messages - Masurao

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DFRPG / Re: Weapons and the law
« on: August 27, 2011, 08:51:05 AM »
I've gone and removed my own posts on this subject matter and, seeing as I am somewhat the instigator of this whole mess, I apologize for spouting my views here, in this inappropriate place.

To make up for it, I can tell you what I know about Dutch laws :)

If you join a gun club, you can legally purchase weapons after being a member for 1 year, this includes rifles. Of course, there is a background check and such.

A friend of mine works for the Koninklijke Marechausee, sort of the Military Police, and while he is allowed to bring his sidearm home with him, he is never equiped with more than 9 (nine!) bullets at any time, unless the brass sees reason for it.

DFRPG / Re: Red Courts and Black Courts and Villians, oh my.
« on: August 27, 2011, 08:39:47 AM »
I think it wholly depends on the role you want a villain to play. I haven't read your link yet, but if you want villains to last longer and be occasional part-time allies, then they certainly needs admirable qualities. Marcone and Lara, while cold and calculating, are not inconsiderate of others around them and how their businesses affect these people. You shouldn't expect any mercy if you cross them, though.

Nicodemus is such a powerful player and has such a breadth of scheming, planning and manipulating that he has the luxury of civilization. Even if it is a thin veneer. His admirable qualities stem from his arrogance and practicality, I'd say...

Anyhoo, first I'll read that link before going more in-depth :D

DFRPG / Re: Stating Leaders
« on: August 27, 2011, 08:15:46 AM »
I think you should also consider the fact that the President doesn't have millions to spend by himself. In essence the US of A makes his Resources rolls when it comes to official capacity. Having a high Resources yourself might help you in governing all the checks and balances and of course outside of your official role.

I mean, any nobody could theoretically become the leader of a country, but why would that suddenly net him a Superb or better Resources skill? And if the leader is but a figurehead, with little control over the country's spendings? Then there is no reason to assume he has higher Resources in his official capacity.

So, I would advise you not to stat the leaders in this way (when it comes to Resources and Contacts and such), but rather stat their countries or organizations. For example, when it comes to Emperor Palpatine, he does have enormous resources at his beck and call, but so do the Grand Moffs or Darth Vader. ***NEEDLESS SPOILER WARNING*** Yet when the Emperor died, the Death Star was destroyed, these Resources did not die with him, they got to whatever greedy, power-hungry grubber got their hands on them first. ***END NEEDLESS SPOILER WARNING***

DFRPG / Re: Most useful rotes in-play?
« on: August 27, 2011, 07:47:15 AM »
I would also really cast doubt on the benefit of casting blocks, at least personal shield type spells.  Do many people actually use these?  They take up your entire action for the turn and only last one turn, an encahted reflexive item does everything they do but better by not taking up your action. 

I think their value is somewhat lessened by the fact that most wizards in game are part of a group of players. In the novels, Harry is usually up against a load of thugs all by himself. Like Zenten said, if you can use such a spell to provide protection/block for multiple people on your side, then their value returns.

Then again, they are great for narrative purposes. The wizard steps out into the open, calls out the gunwielding thugs, they blast away at him and he is unharmed. He laughs maniacally and madness ensues. (Or something similar...)

Also, I am afraid I must inform you, that I called 1-900-WARDEN

DFRPG / Re: Empathic Healing
« on: August 27, 2011, 07:36:45 AM »
He also wants to avoid just taking a IoP that does the job for him as it doesn't really fit that well into the concept - he can't heal someone without his shield?  If it worked that way then his shield should be taking dmaage not him.

I was just suggesting it in the same theme as Knights of the Cross, who gain most of their supernatural prowess from their Swords. It is not necessary of course and wholly depends on what flavour you want the Knight to have :)

DFRPG / Re: Weapons and the law
« on: August 26, 2011, 03:36:30 PM »
Let's avoid the politics and stick to facts.

Argh, it's the gas they spray from airplanes that made me do it! Sorry, I'll behave now :D

DFRPG / Re: Empathic Healing
« on: August 26, 2011, 11:11:33 AM »
Stress boxes aren't that dramatic, perhaps you should consider something with which he can transfer Consequences to himself? And you should tie most, if not all of the powers to his Shield as an IoP, in taking with the Knights of the Cross flavour, IMO. It is a neat concept, that's for sure!

DFRPG / Re: Entropy Curses? How about...
« on: August 25, 2011, 12:53:21 PM »
Meh, I'm still all for karma! :P

No, seriously, I can see how thinking of it in terms of balancing itself out would be needlessly complicated now.

DFRPG / Re: Outsiders and Lovecraft
« on: August 24, 2011, 11:02:15 PM »
In book one, Harry leaves before a very angry Red Court Vampire attacks him and she summons one of her assistants / working girls / lovers to her.  That woman is killed and the Red Court Vampire blames Harry for her death - "If you hadn't had made me angry I wouldn't have killed her so it's all your fault".  Which is why in book 3 the vampire sets Harry up - she's being used as a pawn but for her it's personal.

The name of the woman who died? It depends on the book.  Jim got it wrong in book three and his editor didn't catch it.  There are several posts from him pointing out this mistake and that because of that he pays more attention to continuality.


I know exactly who you're talking about, but I didn't catch the mistake :) Perhaps because I read the first book in Dutch and then, after finishing it, ordered 2-11 in English ;) Plus, I didn't read them all in order...

DFRPG / Re: Help I have a Fate point hoarder?
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:53:48 PM »
I'll say this- a player who doesn't use his aspects isn't really playing fate... the thing I fell in love with about fate was the fact that your actual character- your persona and not just your stats- make it onto your character sheet in a meaningful way... that story affects mechanics as much, in fact, more than the other way around.

Quite so! I mean, how sucky is it that with a Strength of 20+ you still don't have much say over what you are really good at or not (other than being a mule). With FATE, you can create a cool aspect and use it whenever you get the chance.

I've seen a lot of systems, but I honestly think that FATE gives the most flexibility to players. White Wolf has Willpower to spend, Legend of the Five Rings has Void Points, Star Wars uses Force Points, D20 Modern Action Points, but none allow the players to create aspects on scenes like FATE! Yay, FATE! :D

DFRPG / Re: Fourth Law of Magic Help
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:49:40 PM »
I would think the Sleep spell is rather well-established to be in the 'okay' area, if not by people here, then by the novels. Or did I miss something?

DFRPG / Re: Solutions to nerf Fly
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:47:59 PM »
I think you're making more of a problem out of this than necessary.

One simple thing: if the creature has actual wings, then it still needs room to use them. Alleys are out of the question in most cases. Please note that the power actually says:
"You have wings of some sort—
gossamer as a faerie, leathery and batlike as a
demon—enabling you to fly."

You want flight without wings? Pay extra, no doubt in my mind about that. You use a jet pack? Good luck maneuvering without constant skill checks to keep the thrust at a certain level in cramped spaces. (Imagine Iron Man in the movie, trying to get that right, but without all the fancy computer tech)

Also, if you're a flying target, without super-speed, expect grenades and rockets to become large troubles. If you are a creature with supernatural speeds, then I'd use nets against them. As was said before, your enemies learn, just as much as you do. Any advantage can be cancelled out. They expect you to take fligt? Expect them to snipe a bullet into your wings/equipment/head before you take off.

Don't forget how birds get the ability to fly: they have very ligt bone structures. A human, with our current physique and weight would need a wingspan of some 12 meters/36 feet to get airborne (if I remember correctly). I know this game is about fantasy, but you could ask a human-like player with wings to take an appropriate aspect. "Screw you guys! I'm not skinny, I'm hollow-boned!"

DFRPG / Re: Redcaps and their iron boots
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:34:33 PM »
two thoughts...
1. they might just have iron on the outside of their shoe and wear thick socks

I'd just go with a version of this: boots lined with really thick fur or something. Just think about it: if the Redcaps had an IoP or something that gave them immunity to iron, it would not be an item so rare that it would only work for that individual, so a lot of Fae would hunt them down just for their IoPs.

No, I think it is a lot more likely that they are ballsy enough to wear such things, when other Fae would not. And then only in battle. I mean, you'd hardly, if ever, invite a Redcap to a formal occassion, but when you do (they have lords/Sidhe, no doubt) they definitely won't show up wearing iron boots :)

And even if iron is so anathema to them that it is like a nuke, think about this: even in our 'civilized' world, we've got countries like Iran and North Korea :) Redcaps could be the extremist-fundamentalists of the Fae world!

DFRPG / Re: Entropy Curses? How about...
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:28:53 PM »
I always wondered why Harry didn't come up with a dream catcher that saved up a little sleep, or a health thingy that made him ever so slightly sickly most of the time... then when Harry's back is to the wall and he's banged up and exhausted:  BING!  A week's R&R in an instant.

But it looks like the fallout from books 12 and 13 make that a moot point.

Whoop! Don't forget his potion in Fool Moon and the bear-belt he used in... Proven Guilty, I believe. They are rather nifty and give him lots of juice to throw around, but when it wears off, all the consequences and stuff hit him like a sledgehammer. (I believe the potion is in YS, btw) The items were so dangerous, they aren't ever mentioned in other books again.

What I take this to mean is this: you can siphon of little bits of luck from others so you get good luck, but that means you can only spend as much as you've gathered (like Harry's force rings). You want a boat-load of good luck at once, or for a longer time: then a boat-load gets drawn from somewhere else as you cast the spell. It might take some time to manifest, but it's gone all the same.

Also, if I'm not mistaking, altering the luck of other people is a breaking the law Law... Whether or not it is positive, it doesn't say, so we could (and should) assume that it has caused loads of problems in the past. A year of good luck could mean a year of bad luck for someone else, but imagine that bad luck got someone killed within a week, then the bad luck shifts to another person. Or it could all manifest at once and steep an entire nation in debt. (2008/2009 world economy dip, anyone? ;))

DFRPG / Re: Outsiders and Lovecraft
« on: August 24, 2011, 03:31:37 PM »
You didn't.  In the original printing of the book in question it said White Council.  Since it was the same book that Jim accidentally changed the name of a character from book one, I can see him saying "I meant White Court" and meaning it.


Now I'm just curious: which character? If I've spotted this, then I've forgotten about it altogether :)

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