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Messages - stabbald

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I'm a firm believer that even a near-direct hit from a nuclear blast wouldn't stoop so low as to deal physical stress.
So I ask you: What happens when a plot-device power faces off against a plot-device power? 
(click to show/hide)

Not all plot devices are equal.

White God versus Erlking? That fight would be over so fast that no one would even notice that it had begun.


DFRPG / Re: White Court NPCs and not being super akward
« on: March 23, 2011, 09:25:03 AM »
Despair/Fear is probably the way to go to avoid awkwardness. Wrath is a good choice to if you want to make a custom house.

I'm currently working on a Sloth Vampire from what I'm going to call the House Pax. Death by Laziness: dehydration, starvation, too lazy to breath, heart stop beating, brain stops firing synapses, etc.

Feel free to use the idea if you want.  :)

I love this idea. Mostly because it's a contradiction. Death by accelerated laziness.

DFRPG / Re: White Court NPCs and not being super akward
« on: March 22, 2011, 12:46:03 PM »
You are afraid of seducing people with your NPC because the person behind it is your ex?

Okay, dude it is a game. I have ran WoD for most of my gaming life. Meaning Vampire: TM, Werewolf: TA, and Mage: TA. For my NPCs I use pictures and say X looks like this. Vampire seducing is an art form unless you run Sabbat games.

This is a game and it is not real. You are playing a woman and he is playing a guy. Seducing him is part of the game. Roleplaying out the scenes are a must in a game like the Dresden Files. If you are feeling awkward about this then just use straight die rolls following the Social Combat Rules in the game.

But if you have an issue running a simple scene like this. Is this the right game for you? Is your group mature enough to play a game with these kind of social aspects? Why do your WCV have to be Raiths there are other families that do not use Lust and if you do not like any of them. Make up your own so you do not have to seduce.

One of the female players is the wife of one of the players.

Now this one is tricky and I understand completely. My wife is in our gaming group. l do a lot of the running so I have to make things very clear that I treat her like a player. That if you backstab her. Kill her etc if that is part of the game I have no issues. You do not have to like her character etc.

Now in our current game, I have made it clear to my GM go nuts do what you think is right with my wife's character. She is playing a Raith WCV and the character is a sexual deviant to boot.

I am playing the lowly geeky wizard who wants nothing to do with her character's sex life. I know her character will make the other players nervous. I have no issue if one of their characters sleep with my wife's character it is a GAME!

It does make things awkward but if they are gamers. They like you have to separate in the game playing from real life. If none of you do. Then this is not the game for any of you and your group.

From your issues my impression is you are learning an new skill GMing and why we are here.

Could this have come across as more condescending? Who are you to tell people what they should and should not feel comfortable with?

As for the issue at hand, does it have to be a lust vampire? If it's feeding habits have not already been determined you could always make it a less awkward emotion.

DFRPG / Re: Overpowered characters- Is it ever ok?
« on: March 22, 2011, 12:34:50 PM »
I am saying that everyone should be responsible for having fun, especially their own. The objective is for everyone to have fun, but I feel that we should each do our own part to contribute towards that objective.

I would agree that some degree of responsibility lies with the player to create a character that will be fun to play. That said I subscribe to the "Communist" style of roleplaying, in which every player and the GM also has a responsibility to help make sure the game is fun for everyone.

It can be fun to break systems and create characters with huge numbers, but unless all of the other players are willing to play background roles or have equally powerful characters you should probably rethink it.

DFRPG / Re: Overpowered characters- Is it ever ok?
« on: March 21, 2011, 03:47:36 PM »
What's there to ??? about? Why would it be odd? This game is based on a novel series whose title character is a wizard. Naturally the magic classes are going to be overpowered. If you choose not to read the writing on the wall and find yourself not having fun, then the fault lies with yourself.

I just find your opinion to be an odd one. I play many games that I don't know all the rules for and I only really find it nessesary that the person running it has a grasp for how things are supposed to work.

Why are you trying to assign blame? Isn't the objective of the game for everyone to have fun?

DFRPG / Re: Overpowered characters- Is it ever ok?
« on: March 21, 2011, 02:02:04 PM »
Every player in the game is free to choose the character they wish to play. If they choose to play "overpowered" characters, then it is their choice to do so as long as the rules were not broken. If a player chooses not to play a character that hogs the spotlight, then it is also his choice. If the player chooses not to read the rules before creating a character that is outclassed by other characters, then he has only himself to blame.

Sounds like fun.  ???

I tell my players that there are many stories in Dresden Files and yet I can count on one hand where the wizard isn't the center piece of the story and that DFRPG is based on the novels. I tell them to count the number of pages YS devotes to magic and spellcasting.

That would be because the main character is a wizard. What an odd thing to say.

DFRPG / Re: Sixth Law question/debate
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:51:28 PM »
This brings an interesting question to my mind. Are Council trails detailed in the books? I wonder if there are eldritch lawyers lurking around for questions like these. If there are, then they probably have some kind of precedent. If they do have a precedent, then where are they kept?

It would be interesting if there was some legal tome or council sub organization that wizards could consult for more clarification.

DFRPG / Re: What power level and why?
« on: March 21, 2011, 10:52:04 AM »
I think you should be careful about picking powerlevels based on what various critters can do. Combat is a fun thing at times, but I find that the most entertaining parts of the game come from the setting and various roleplaying opportunities that it brings. Unless your players and yourself want a combat heavy game, power level doesn't matter a great deal.

If you're going the political route I would suggest going no deeper than Chest Deep at the most, it'll give your machiavellian tale a little more bite as the players won't be able to brute force their way through the story. Instead of blowing up the vampire they'll have to bargain, which could lead to interesting moral questions as they are forced to compromise for the greater good.

DFRPG / Re: Good opponents for low-power players?
« on: March 17, 2011, 08:35:35 PM »
Rogue pixie.

Not much of a threat combat wise but still an interesting enemy to build a story around. Tracking down a crazed pixie that's running around messing with people by using various illusions would make for more of a thinking man's game and would also really drive home the whole nasty side of the fey by showing that even the cutest and least threatening of them can be extremely vile.

DFRPG / Re: Sherlock Holmes -- Unstuck in time
« on: March 17, 2011, 08:11:40 PM »
There have been different interpretations of Holmes' knowledge (or lack thereof).

It is generally accepted that Holmes' knowledge in his chosen field was vast; he was conversant with all major crimes, criminals, criminal methods, and the nascent science of detection.

Holmes deferred to Watson in any matter where applied medicine (as opposed to forensics) was concerned.  This might have been politeness; but given Holmes' personality, that seems unlikely. 

I think it would be fair (particularly if it fits your game, or your players' understanding of Holmes) to presume that Holmes' knowledge in any field that did not directly relate to crime was scanty at best.  (Holmes makes reference to Moriarity's mathematical acumen, but more as a way of letting the reader know that Moriarity was no 'common criminal'.  There's nothing to indicate that Holmes could follow the math involved in Moriarity's thesis.)

Holmes was portrayed as a focused genius; someone who was unequalled in his chosen field, but utterly unconcerned with anything outside of that focus.

I'd have to agree.

In regards to Watson, in "A Rare Disease" he intentionally hurts Watson's feelings in an effort to stop him from coming any closer to him while he feigns illness as he knows that Watson would spot the lack of real symptoms almost instantly. Even though Holmes starved himself for days and used his masterful abilities of disguise.

You don't need to understand a persons work to realise that they are a great leader in their field. A great example of this would be Einstien, considered to be one of the smartest people that ever lived and yet very few people understand the science behind his theories.

I like the idea of lowering his scholarship and using an aspect to represent his specialized knowledge.

DFRPG / Re: Sherlock Holmes -- Unstuck in time
« on: March 15, 2011, 10:51:49 PM »
If we're going by the Sherlock Holmes of the books I'd personally drop Scholarship entirely, instead giving him a stunt or an Aspect (Home Made Encyclopedia of Crime) to get largely the same effect.  Holmes didn't have broad knowledge at all and actually actively avoided learning anything that wouldn't directly facilitate crime solving (his hobbies of recreational chemistry and the violin not withstanding).

An extremely good idea. He needs the extra skill points and I think it would be closer to the character as well.

DFRPG / Re: Sherlock Holmes -- Unstuck in time
« on: March 15, 2011, 10:11:18 PM »
I would give him an eidetic memory power.

This is an interesting idea, though I'm not sure how it would work. Do you mean as a stunt or by turning him into a Minor Talent? It could be an Aspect.

DFRPG / Re: Sherlock Holmes -- Unstuck in time
« on: March 15, 2011, 10:04:10 PM »
Probably also something about how he craves stimulation, whether from an interesting case or from drugs.

A very good idea. It'll also be interesting to see him trying to track down cocaine in the modern world, he comes from a place where it was legal.

He definitely needs a higher than mediocre Presence.  I would drop Conviction and exchange it for Presence.  He can defend against mental assualts with Discipline, but I don't think his psyche is as hardy as all that.

You're probably right about this, I think I'll edit Presence instead of Conviction. Mostly due to reputation, even out of his own time if people believe that he is in fact really Sherlock Holmes (Which would probably take some convincing with normals) he would probably be able to rely on his name alone for various beneficial effects.

I also think having both Weapons and Fists is probably unnecessary.  I would give him Fists with a couple of stunts and switch Weapons for... wait for it... Drive.  Obviously this doesn't represent him being a racecar driver, but rather his ability to acquire and utilize intimate knowledge of the city where he lives.  He knows where every street goes, can navigate shortcuts, jknows where every business is located, and so on.  Though I suppose you could instead take a stunt allowing him to use Scholarship in place of Drive for purposes of navigation.

If you did that, then give him Intimidation instead.  Holmes was pretty good at staring people down.

I see where you're coming from with this one, but I think I'll have to disagree. While his knowledge of London is supreme, it's the knowledge of London of well over a hundred years ago. I'm not sure that's going to be very useful outside of old landmarks and the basic layout of the city. I agree that the weapon skill is a waste and only included it because he's supposed to be a very capable swordsman, though on reflection I think I'll replace it with Intimidation as that is a very good idea and gives him more of a Holmes-y feel.

I don't think I'll give him any fists stunts to back up his fighting though as he only has 2 refresh left. He was supposed to be an expert boxer (with a knowledge of at least one obscure martial art) but having read many of the stories I never really saw him as a martial artist.

Thanks for the input, very helpful.

DFRPG / Re: Sherlock Holmes -- Unstuck in time
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:35:18 PM »
This is what I'm thinking so far.

Sherlock Holmes

High Concept: Consulting Detective

Trouble: Living Anachronism


- "Elementary."

- Insufferable Genius. (Stolen from a post by Buscadera)

Can't think of any others at the moment.


Superb - Investigation
Great - Scholarship, Alertness
Good - Fists, Intimidation
Fair - Displine, Presence
Average - Stealth, Deceit, Perform


Corner of my eye
Make up Artist
Disguise is just a matter of details (Use Investigation for disguise trapping)
Cold Read (Use Investigation for reading people)
Read the Surface
Scene of the Crime
Quick Eye
Read You Like A Book (Investigation)

Adjusted Refresh: 2

This is based on waist deep, with one milestone. Though, he doesn't seem holmes-y enough. Should probably have more skills and stunts, maybe this is earlier in his career.

EDIT: Switched weapons with intimidation. Switched conviction with presence.

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