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Messages - Katarn

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DFRPG / Re: Transmutation Alchemy
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:59:17 PM »
So the general consensus seems to be for the transmutation to have a "fool's gold" effect, and not be permanent.  I have no problem with this, and would explain why wizards don't generally do it (reputation of conning and such).

DFRPG / Transmutation Alchemy
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:07:30 PM »
So I've had a player asking if he could change lead into gold, as per alchemy in olden times.  Torn if I should allow it:

*Looking at the Thaumaturgy page in the book, "create lasting changes in people and things" is one of the things you can do.
*None of the Seven Laws apply.

I find nothing prohibiting it, but it seems odd that we've had no mention of that kind of ability in the books.

So my questions are:
a)  Do the books shed any light on the subject?
b)  As a GM, what would you do- allow it or not, and if so how?

DFRPG / Re: 4th Annual Borden DFRPG Awards (2013)
« on: June 17, 2014, 02:52:47 PM »
Does anyone know what happened to Undertown, Mij's game?

It's been a regular entry in these awards for the past few years, but I haven't seen any sign of it lately. Did it end?

I haven't heard anything either.

Seeing as it seems like the nominations are more or less made by this point, we'll start voting a bit earlier, on June 21st.

DFRPG / Re: Law Talk
« on: June 02, 2014, 05:53:22 AM »
I have a lawbreaker question regarding Binder, in Turn Coat.  Would he be guilty of:

*First Law?  A Grey Suit (acting in his will) kills a Warden.
*Fourth Law?  Binding "Grey Suit" Fae to his will.  Morgan's reaction to Harry summoning Toot-Toot in Storm Front supports this- Binder definitely bound the fae to his whims.

DFRPG / 4th Annual Borden DFRPG Awards (2013)
« on: May 30, 2014, 12:00:26 PM »
(Sorry this is a little belated).

Another year has passed- it's time to acknowledge those game/people that have been phenomenal in the DFRPG.

General Guidelines:
*The nominee must have premiered in the calendar year 2013, before 2014- the game must have begun official play before January 1st, 2014.  The PC/NPC/quote must have also been presented before January 1st, 2014.
*If the game/character/individual is nominated and has been around for more than a year, their efforts in 2013 are what should be considered.  (i.e. if a game takes place in 2012 and 2013, consider only what occurred in 2013 before voting).
*An off-site nominee must be able to verified (aka a well-known game off-site, such as Undertown, can be nominated).
*Nominations begin today (May 30th)- June 29th 2014.
*Voting will be June 30th-May 9th, with the winners announced the day after.
*If applicable, please include links to character sheets, game threads, etc.

Favorite PC:  The crowd favorite- the most memorable or inspiring Player Character.
Favorite NPC: A classic villain, murderous Fae, iconic hero, or conflicted anti-hero? As long as it wasn't a Player Character.
Best Quote: The quip from battle you still laugh about.  Pop culture references encouraged.
Best Plot: The all-important plot hook~ it doesn't have to be unique, just great.
Best Location or City:  Setting-based award.
Player of the Year: This person (who has played 1 or more games) is the ideal player- he knows the rules, is a clever strategist, and helps make the games he/she is in fun.
Best Sounding BoardBest DFRPG Board Contributor:   
GM of the Year: This Game Master (of 1 or more games) allows for fluid gameplay and a fun, memorable, epic time.
Game of the Year: The best game overall- plot, dialogue, NPCs, combat, through-and-through-the-best.

DFRPG / Re: Does DFRPG spoil the books?
« on: May 19, 2014, 05:42:53 AM »
Books 1-10 spoiled, ESPECIALLY if you read "Our World" (character backstories cover all these books).  Your Story definitely has assorted stuff throughout.  About half the short stories are referenced as well.

The upcoming Paranet Papers will update to AT LEAST books 11-12, if not further.

DFRPG / Re: Looking for a List of the Accord Signers
« on: May 17, 2014, 05:45:47 AM »
Also, I forgot, from the Baltimore chapter in Your Story, Gilgamesh, self-proclaimed God-King of ghouls, is a Freeholding Lord.

DFRPG / Re: Precognition but not tragic
« on: May 16, 2014, 04:20:36 PM »
I probably wouldn't allow that. Most of the combat benefits of Inhuman Speed for half the price.

Fair point.  Maybe modify the remaining abilities to be more precognition-based and keep it at [-2]?  Some sort of renamed "Precognition Reflexes"?

DFRPG / Re: Magically Burned-Out Character
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:34:19 PM »
What about tying your power to a mechanism similar to a sponsor debt? Ok, it's possible to go "full wizard" for a while but that won't last long and it will cost you later, preventing you from using it too often.

I think this idea a lot.  As others have said, the biggest concern is that you remain underpowered for too long, while the other players are able to do strong specific things.

One could argue the Sponsor debt is to the oaths themselves.  Part of your character arc could be working to restore your magic, if you so chose.  It would allow your character more gradual (and story reasons) access to powers when necessary.  Or, more simply, you could stat out nearly a full wizard, put some kind of [+1 or 2] damper on abilities (they work only in dire cases or once per scene), and have the GM dole out Fate Points to not use your powers generously (though that could have some backfire if there are too many FPs floating around).

DFRPG / Re: Werewolf secret society
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:29:38 PM »
If you're talking about practicality, I agree it's unlikely to get a STRUCTURED national society; too many werewolves, which aren't always the most agreeable of folks, over such a widespread scope, likely wouldn't work.

Some sort of confederacy might work.  Say a group like the Alphas were friends in the 70s, and went their separate ways and moved to different parts of the country.  Each could have their own cell, with slightly different beliefs and values.  When some event or threat arises, these packs bond together loosely as allies against this threat or event.

DFRPG / Re: Looking for a List of the Accord Signers
« on: May 16, 2014, 02:45:37 PM »
To gather the signatories in from over several posts:

  • The White Council
  • The Vampire Courts
  • Both Faerie Courts
  • The Fomor
  • the Archive
  • The Order of the Blackened Denarius
  • Donar Vadderung
  • John Marcone
  • Drakul
  • (Ukrainian shape-shifter)
  • Ferrovax
  • (other dragon)
  • Gilgamesh of the Ereshkigal ghoul clan (source:  Your Story)
  • Approximately 11 other Freeholding Lords

(I can't find any reference to Rakshasa as a Freeholding Lord, does anyone have a source?)

DFRPG / Re: Order of the blackened Denarius Question.
« on: May 16, 2014, 02:32:49 PM »
Everything has more or less been said.  The three important things:
*Books are a good canon to use for questions about abilities.
*Fate system is about choices and compels.
*GMs are there to provide a fun and enriching experience.

In the first respect, I would focus on Harry's "choice" to save little Harry from the coin.  It was a choice made of free will so it provided the Denarian an opening.  It was a conscious choice.  I don't think lobbing a coin at someone involves a conscious choice to interact with the coin- if that was the case, why would Nicodemus not lob the coin at a world leader?

Furthermore, the scene probably could've been handled with some compel (for a FP, your character knowingly catches the coin).  Having a Denarian spirit should've been an option, not a mandate.  Finally, if your GM is that stubborn and railroading AFTER a discussion (he/she may not have fully realized the implications or flaws to their design), just drop the game.  There are always other GMs that a more inclined to a more wholesome existence. 

DFRPG / Re: Precognition but not tragic
« on: May 16, 2014, 02:25:49 PM »
Checked the Cassandra's Tears listing, there's nothing about dislike in the entry.  You party could easily play it off by joshing or mocking your predictions, instead of actual dislike.

Cassandra's Tears are primarily predictions- i.e. things not happening immediately- that the GM would provide to your character.  As for being able to dodge attacks (aka some sort of Spider sense), it's too good of an ability of a -0 cost ability (C's Tears).  I would recommend using Inhuman speed (-2), or you could talk to your GM about some (-1) variant where you only get some sort of limited dodge and increased initiative, and not the other abilities of general athletics check, "casual movement", and "almost too fast to see."

TL;DR.  My recommendations:
[-0]  Cassandra's Tears (with the understanding your players will mock your character, not dislike)
[-1]  Inhuman Speed Variant (only initiative and dodging ability, not general athletics, movement, or stealth movement)

DFRPG / Annual DFRPG Awards
« on: February 10, 2013, 06:27:45 AM »
For those who don't check the PbP board regularly, I thought I'd post a note on this board as well.  The annual Borden DFRPG Awards for 2012 are currently in the process of nominating people and games, followed by voting next month.  Users can nominate and vote for best game, player, setting, etc. from 2012 DFRPG gameplay.  It's important to acknowledge those players and GMs that go above and beyond.

Please check out the thread HERE.

DFRPG / Re: Campaign Idea, what do you think?
« on: November 29, 2012, 11:48:19 PM »
Personally, I am always a sucker for follow-up campaigns (hence my numbered series on the site).  It makes it easier for the GM (you) to make things up as you go along, since you have a pre-established world and characters.  Your premise is a good one- it's not unlike Dresden's adventures, given the connection to the mundane world, and disdain from the supernatural.  :)

When throwing in references to the old campaign, don't overdo it (especially if you have new players who won't get the references.)  Be sure to let new players contribute to your world- let them come up with some of the threats and new problems in the setting, then weave in some old characters (good, bad, or neutral).  Probably let the first adventure be something of the collective creation.  After that it's probably safer to draw more heavily from your old campaign (once they're familiar with your setting).  Definitely include those backlashes your old PC got (either affecting him, or the entire company.)

It's a fun process, and if done right can add great subtle depth to your campaign- just don't overemphasize unnecessary details from the last one.

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