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Messages - riplikash

Pages: 1 [2]
DFRPG / Re: The wizard challenge!
« on: January 10, 2011, 07:57:51 PM »
Win X number of discrete, surprise fights in a row in a single encounter against minor to average henchman, where X in the number of fights a character focused on combat (guns of fists) could handle before being "Taken Out".

I've always held that in most systems a wizards weakness is stamina, but I would be interested to see if someone can prove this not true in DFRPG.

DFRPG / Re: Using thaumaturgy to cast a "shield" spell
« on: January 06, 2011, 04:08:32 PM »
While the previous two posts are funny, the rules on thaumaturgy wards are very clear: they have to be stationary and built upon a physical/conceptual 'boarder'. A chalk circle, a threshhold, a doorway, etc. A moving shield can be placed upon an item, and the rules for that are well described. It can also be done with thaumaturgy.

While the previous two posts ideas are funny, they are bad form for a GM. Making your players feel/look foolish is rarely a good idea. Their characters should know the limitations of magic in advance and not be forced into looking like dummies. Brings back painful memories of my first high school Gm constantly prat-falling my first paladin. Almost always bad form to make fools of your players.

DFRPG / Re: Help with an Emmisary of Power/sponsored spellcasting source
« on: January 06, 2011, 03:30:18 PM »
Thanks for the input everyone, it is much appreciated. After reading some of the encouragement I think I am going to go with the second idea. The idea of a cop empowered not just by the city, but by The City is really beginning to grow on me.

Thanks again.

DFRPG / Help with an Emmisary of Power/sponsored spellcasting source
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:27:32 PM »
Starting up a new campaign in New Orleans and one of my players has decided to be a cop that is Marked by Power. Basically made a bit of a deal with the devil. The campaign revolves around the wealth of old power in the area (lots of ley lines, wellsprings, places of power, and old artifacts), a long standing treaty that has kept the various power in the area from fighting for the past hundred year, and the recent instability caused by the rise in supernatural phenomenon and new groups moving into the area.

The devil in this case is some shadow creatures (think Princess and the Frog), who granted him the power to take someone down in exchange for becoming their Emissary. He doesn't know what they are, or what their goals are, and tries to avoid deepening his debt, but obviously the story going to make it a difficult choice. Basically he is Marked by Power and has some sponsored spell-casting abilities.

I don't want these things to be strait evil like demons, or wholly benevolent, and I need some ideas for their motives and goals. What kind of things are they going to compel him on?

I've currently got two lines of thought on the subject:

As I research Louisiana folklore the most likely candidates are the Loup Garoux/Rougoroux (not the were-wolves). Shadow creatures and tricksters. They are noted for helping shuck oysters (though they eat quite a few if they help), scaring people, and getting overly attached to a single person for years as a kind of silent stalker, though they leave if they are caused to bleed.

My second idea is that they are a manifestation of the id of the the area given life. Hundreds of years of conflict, pain, hopes and dreams combined with massive amounts of ambient magic, wellsprings, etc. have begin to manifest as a semi-sentient spirit. Being the id (emotions, lusts, and instinctual drives) they would compelling him (calling in debts) in accordance to the emotional drives of the denizens of the area (past and present): murderous vengeance (whether deserved or not), occasionally compassion, hedonism, etc. The city defending what it is, sometimes in 'good' ways (taking vengence on killers, etc.) and in 'bad' ways (moralists and politicians trying to 'clean up' the french quarter').

But the second idea (though I like it) feels like my own invention instead of an organic growth of traditional folk-tales, like the first.

Any thoughts? Ideas i've missed?

DFRPG / Re: Spell Damage
« on: January 03, 2011, 10:38:01 PM »
It is the same problem (or non-problem) D&D has had for years and the solution is the same. Casters are nukers, but with no stamina, and more traditional fighters can't put out the same dmage, but can go the distance.

So either let sprinkle in opponents slowly or don't give your casters a chance to rest. Make a longer encounter that doesn't allow them to rest. Make the casters carefully choose their targets.

This is a strong theme in the books too (especially in the first half of the series). It is often pointed out that in a strait fight Dresden could smear a lot of his opposition, but by the time he is actually facing them he has already casted a lot of magic and is too exhausted to do so.

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