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Messages - JosephKell

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DFRPG / Re: "Law Breaker" the mortal version
« on: August 26, 2010, 11:37:12 PM »
And Morgan has aspects to show for it
1.  Mercy has no place in the Law
2.  Zealotry in the cause of Justice is no vice
3.  Merlin's Ally
4.  Combat Veteran

Okay, maybe not the third one.

Start twisting aspects.

"To Protect and Serve" could become "To Prevent and Survey"  (Survey as in Surveillance)

There is a marginalia on page 230.

My house rule is going to be, they grant a "threshold" (but mortal actions can and do bring it down).  But it requires a complete "circle" (doesn't have to be perfectly round, it can be a square or a bunch of connecting sticks).

The strength of the threshold is equal to the creator's Adusted Refresh, or a practitioner attempt a channeling (even if they don't have channeling/evocation) to create one with stress as if doing deliberate hexing (i.e. upto conviction is no stress).

In a conflict the difficulty depends on what they are drawing the circle with.  If someone carries a piece of rope that is already connected into a circle, they just have to throw it down and get to it (in or out) (so maybe Fair difficulty).  But if you have to draw it (or drag a stick in the dirt/gravel), that is harder (Good).  If a severed hand is choking you (grappling), then their Grapple Might is probably higher than your circle drawing difficulty, so you just have to beat the grappling/block.

DFRPG / Re: Mood Ring of Supernatural Detection
« on: August 26, 2010, 10:14:13 PM »
The real question i'm wondering is how many enchanted item slots you'd think for somethin like that? Mechanically would it be a "lore roll to detect and identify supernatural presence?" (similar to how the Gatekeeper's Ointment grants a bonus to alertness to pierce illusions.)
I totally missed this part.

For this you could make it like +2 on Alertness/Lore for seeing through veils and glamours.  But thought would require another refresh point of cost.

(the demon's not appearing with a gun, after all.)

Chauncy carries spectacles.

Just another reason to not summon demons.

I meant, "line in the sand" and/or "chalk on concrete" circle.  Not block.

DFRPG / Re: The Laws of Magic and Loss of Refresh
« on: August 25, 2010, 10:20:24 PM »
Committing cold murder could trigger a mental attack similar to what Demonic Co-Pilot does.

If you get a consequence, you need to justify recovery before you can start the countdown to removing it.  That probably means therapy.  I think therapists are required by law to report people that confess to murder.  I think the confessional (Catholic tradition of shedding sin) is protected, priests can encourage the penitent to surrender to the authorities, but they can't testify at a trial.

If you don't seek help, you won't recover, so the next time you might have to fill your extreme consequence and permanently alter an aspect.

Yeah, I think the fact that most non-mortals don't use mortal weapons is probably enough.

Most things that would use guns tend to be on the practically mortal end of the spectrum (White Court, Red Court Infected, professional Ghouls).

If I am standing in a big circle (it is zone spanning) and a red court decides to fire bomb the entire zone, there is no reason I should be granted extra protected.

(Question 2) Would you then reduce the (non-mortal) attacker's skill roll by the circle's strength?

Example 2: So if I am behind a 5 strength circle and a vampire with Good guns tries to shoot me, instead of starting at +3 it starts at -2.  (Not a question, an example.)

(Question 3) Assuming the circle reduces attacks, I would only apply it to Physical and Mental actions (attacks, blocks, maneuvers) that cross the perimeter but not Social actions (of the non-supernatural variety).  Is this fair?

I guess non-supernatural mental attacks could also not be penalized (doing mental stress without touching is really hard without supernatural powers).

Example 3: Lara Raith can be all sexy pornstar across a barrier (although I guess she is mortal enough to break it), but until she breaks it she suffers difficulties using Incite Emotion across the barrier.  So her regular Rapport rolls across the barrier is still at Superb (actually Epic if she is seducing thanks to her stunt), but attempts to Incite Lust across a Superb Circle would start at 2 (5 Deceit + 2 Incite Emotion - 5 circle strength).

DFRPG / Re: Arcane Sanctum Rule Suggestion
« on: August 25, 2010, 09:39:44 PM »
No, you got the right of it Babel.

The sanctum helps make declarations.  The better your sanctum, the easier it is to make varying declarations.

For example, if you want to make a ritual research based declaration from Lore (to "double dip" from Lore for complexity) you must have an Arcane Sanctum of value equal to or greater than the difficulty for the declaration.  So if you have a Great sanctum and it is a Good difficulty, you can roll your Lore (which may be Superb) to try for the declaration.

Specific passage:
As described in Scholarship (see page 142), the quality of a workplace determines the highest possible difficulty of a “question” or project that you can pursue there.
In this case the "question" is your declaration.

You can assume to have a workspace equal to Resources - 2.  So perhaps a Thaumaturgist (in Submerged) would benefit from having a Superb Resources in order to have a "free" Good quality Arcane Library and a "free" Good quality Arcane Sanctum (two declarations where you roll Lore).  Even if it meant lowering Lore by 1 (at submerged you can have 2 superb, 2 great, and 2 good skills, so you could go Superb Lore, Resources; Great Conviction, Discipline).

A straight up Resources declaration could be purchasing some component.  You could also use Contacts to take that component and have it blessed or imbued by "this guy you know."

Okay, so I accept that non-mortals can't break a circle, even if they throw something across (Bob threw Dresden a squeeze bottle of "GTFO" potion in Storm Front, and it didn't end the circle).  So shouldn't a non-mortal with a gun be able to shoot across the perimeter?

DFRPG / Re: Mood Ring of Supernatural Detection
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:46:24 PM »
FYI: I am ripping this idea off for an Oathbreaker's Ring [-2] item that alerts to the presence of nasty supernaturals and allows a person to use the Worldwalker power.  Basically you aren't just warned when nasties are around, you can also perceive (and traverse) weaknesses in the veil (where nasties may leap out of).

The catch is that the ring doesn't just warn of nasties that are after you.  So it can easily lead to paranoid characters.

I'll post it when I am finished.

Oathbreaker's Ring [-2]
Description: Folktales claim some mortal practitioner made a deal with a fae broke a deal and to evade punishment made this ring to always have a warning when debt collectors may be on the way. For years--some say until he died of old age--the creator was believed to have evaded all attempts to settle up accounts. Despite the name, the ring functions for any wearer, not just Oathbreakers. Over the generations various wearers have used the ring for very different purposes and the ring has developed into quite the tool for traveling the Nevernever.

Musts: An aspect directly referring to the Oathbreaker's Ring (doesn't have to relate to Oathbreaking).

Skills Effected: Alertness, Investigation, Lore, Survival
It Is What It Is. The Oathbreaker's Ring is a ring has a large polished black opal set in it.
Supernatural Sense. You may roll Alertness to notice the ring has shifted colors (only the wearer can perceive this change, to everyone else it remains solid black) when in the presence of supernatural beings much the same as how Lore can be used for mystic perception. You are allowed this Alertness roll even in situations where you would normally be denied one.
Rift Sense. *cut for space*
Rift Maker. *cut for space*
Strange Worlds. *cut for space*
Discount Is Already Applied. The +1 refresh discount for being an item of power has already been applied.

It is sort of like Death's Cloak of Invisibility.  But instead of hiding, it warns and allows for potential escape.  The Lore skill isn't even necessary for the Oathbreaker's ring.

DFRPG / Re: Aparturum
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:43:55 PM »
YS 282 (Transportion and Worldwalking).  The about Worldwalking starts on page 283 (see the red bolded "worldwalking")

Basically you are doing a block on the veil acting as a veil...

Usually the veil is of Superb strength.  But in some places it is as "weak" as Good (I think Las Vegas has Good everywhere).

So you need to consider strength of the block and how long you want it to last.  Each duration shift of power moves it up the time chart one step.

Without any duration shifts, the veil instead attacks your block (using its initial strength).  So if you do 5 shifts of power in a good location (with all 5 shifts to rift and none to duration), until the Veil gets a Superb result with its Good skill, the rift remains open.

You can do this either as evocation (fast) or thaumaturgy (painfully slow).

DFRPG / Re: Mood Ring of Supernatural Detection
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:34:48 PM »
Enchanted item that performs a maneuver (opposed by stealth or discipline, whichever is higher) to place an aspect "Something Red Court This Way Comes" that you can tag for effect of "I know a Red Court is nearby"?

Basically it helps avoid being ambushed.

The problem is it would probably be used up in the first ambush you evade (if you have 3 charges and four ghouls try to jump you?).

It could just be an Supernatural Sense, similar to the tremor in the Highlander series.  Maybe make it an item of power [+1] that grants supernatural sense [-2] for three senses (1) White Court Vampires, (2) Red Court Vampires, and (3) Black Court Vampires.  The Item of Power version would allow you to make an Alertness check to notice your mood ring when you would otherwise denied the check.

But if it just says "monsters are nearby" it might never turn off.  "Yes, I know there are monsters in a monster bar."

DFRPG / Re: Making Holy Water.
« on: August 25, 2010, 05:20:29 AM »
I am going to second (third?) the "it allows a call for a compel on a thing's high concept."

I really liked in the movie Constantine, where holy water shattered the fake skin/armor of half demons.

In Supernatural: Beginning's End, the New York "hunter army" maintained a daily blessing ceremony to keep the water surrounding New York as holy water in order to discourage most monsters from coming to the big city.

FYI: Father Forthill made Dresden a barrel of the stuff, and he only has Bless this House and Guide My Hand.

DFRPG / Re: Wizard careers?
« on: August 25, 2010, 04:43:38 AM »
Bear Grylls: Man versus Nevernever   :-X

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