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Messages - Lanir

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DFRPG / Re: Mixed Vampire idea.. workable?
« on: September 01, 2011, 08:23:58 PM »
I think this is more of a game style thing.

A game where you can end up as a supernatural mutt will emphasize the supernatural elements more, especially those that are communicable like vampirism. It might be a bit hard to play a pure mortal in this kind of setting and you'd be stretched pretty thin at lower refresh levels.

A game where you can't mix and match like that emphasizes the supernatural less in general but the distictions between the different supernatural templates will actually mean more. I tend to think this is the way the game is intended to go and what it's balanced for but as long as everyone is having fun it's all good.

DFRPG / Re: New to DFRPG, understanding game mechanics
« on: August 29, 2011, 07:21:16 PM »
The original post seemed to be looking at character Aspects and there are some good responses to that. Did you have any problems with any of the other types of Aspects?

DFRPG / Re: Mass Combat: An Idea
« on: August 29, 2011, 12:28:56 PM »
Not sure how to model that.


Well he's not pure spirit. That was the whole point of making the guys choose a form for him. Also, he's really Gozer, who we can pretty much go with being an Outsider in the Dresden Files universe. So... Out of the four ways a threshold can operate if you let him treat it as a block or a target... Well, umpteen tons of animate marshmallow are hard to argue with. Smush.

DFRPG / Re: Mass Combat: An Idea
« on: August 27, 2011, 10:55:55 AM »
One idea I remember from the Legend of the Five Rings mass battle system (the version where it had it's own system, not the d20 thing) was having a general roll to see what happened in really big battles. These wouldn't be like 10 ninjas or something, these really were army on army battles that your characters were stuck in the middle of.

It's been years since I used this but as I recall you randomly rolled the die to see what happened around the characters and compared it to a chart. Front line or otherwise more dangerous areas had modifiers to make worse things happen to you and vice versa for being in a more protected rearward area. The consequences were things like varying amounts of damage which weren't huge but could add up quickly, facing off against a noteworthy foe (couple rounds of normal combat, not a death match), and I think on the more pleasant end there were opportunities to push the enemy and gain an advantage in the battle. Think that hurts their morale and really good results for you do more damage to their morale, eventually routing them.

I think there were rules for being a general as well but as my group never had a reason to use those I'm not certain what they were. I think it'd work if you ran it as a modifier on the same chart you're rolling results on for the PCs.

If this sounds interesting to anyone I could probably whip up an example of this kind of system for DFRPG but it would take a bit of typing and probably a week or two to get something worth looking at. Not certan how much it would get used. The novels have two battles that would be large enough to use something like this for but they're part of epic, world altering events. I'm not sure things like that would pop up very often in normal gameplay.

DFRPG / Re: Empathic Healing
« on: August 27, 2011, 09:40:49 AM »
Huh. This is interesting. Sounds a bit like the standard fantasy paladin but with an overt Christian feel to it. And the water angle helps keep it from being thematically a bit too simple.

DFRPG / Re: I am bad at GMing - No compels.
« on: August 26, 2011, 09:38:25 PM »
"My left hand is not mine realy". He make a bargain with one of Unseelie Sidhe to gain knowledge about his father (he is an orphan and his mom die in jail). Cost was control of his left hand when he actually see his father. It is a great story hook and awesome dedication from player. But i think it is not so good formulated aspect.

I think I'd recommend altering that a bit. Something to reflect the deal more. It doesn't change the story but if you focus on the deal it will encourage both you and the player to think about other ways it can come up. Maybe when dealing with Winter fae he can reasonably claim he has some idea what to expect. You might be able to compel him to consider gambling on a new deal as well. After all, he's managing this one alright isn't he? So what could it hurt?  :)

Didn't look at the others, sorry... Seemed to have enough responses on those.

DFRPG / Re: I am bad at GMing - No compels.
« on: August 23, 2011, 02:34:10 PM »
My first thought was basically to get help from the players. Others have mentioned ways to do that already.

Second thing I thought of was possibly concentrating on one aspect per character. Whether you pull it out of a hat, pick it yourself or ask the players to nominate one of their own aspects, do whatever works. Just get one per PC and make sure you work a compel on it into the session. You can pair this with the idea of having the players help suggest compels against other aspects as well. The benefit here is you get to narrow down what you're doing and not drown yourself in options. The disadvantage is you may still skip some compels you could be making (no way to avoid this, you're learning), depending on how you pick the aspect the players may have advance notice of it which may or may not give part of your story away, and if you choose an aspect that's hard to use you may end up chasing your tail trying to use it or just outright fail to bring it into play at all.

DFRPG / Re: Starting Power level
« on: August 23, 2011, 10:52:54 AM »
Haven't run DFRPG yet... So take any opinions with a grain (or more) of salt.

That said, I tend to think it's easier to start lower powered. Your story isn't irrevocably harmed if you decide the power level is too low and you'd like to "fast forward" a bit to a point where the characters have more experience.

What Guldor said about the experience of the group with DFRPG will matter a lot. How they manage their Aspects and fate points seems like it could make a rather large difference, not to mention using maneuvers and cooperative tactics to deal with more intractable foes. I know the Dresden Files novels don't do this real often but you could always borrow a page from the superhero genre and throw a group of enemies at the PCs rather than one big one (superhero team meet... supervillain team! *cue evil laughter*). Part of the reason this doesn't happen a lot in the novels is because Harry is often going it solo. Which as every good gamer knows is tantamount to asking the GM to do evil things to you. :)

DFRPG / Re: Fourth Law of Magic Help
« on: August 22, 2011, 07:37:39 AM »
Don't recall what the deal is with truth spells. I vaguely remember them being specifically mentioned or used somewhere, just don't remember where.

For Incite Emotion I would tend to go with the "Non-Spellcasting Enthrallment" section on page 241 for a guideline.

For emotions and stuff you have to remember that the magic rules you're seeing on page 255 are the general "this is how it works in the game" rules. They're there to tell you how things are done in the system, not whether it's a good idea to do them. That's covered in other sections.

About getting your head chopped off by a warden... It might also help to reread the whole "Breaking the Laws of Magic" section on page 232. The wardens are actually just a side effect and frankly nothing says they have to be right all the time. If they think you've broken a law, they're coming for your head. If they don't think you have or don't have any knowledge of what you've done, they won't. The real danger is once you do these risky things, you risk becoming "someone who does things like that". And the repercussions of that can affect you for a very, very long time.

DFRPG / Re: Monsters and Free Will
« on: August 22, 2011, 07:12:49 AM »
You shouldn't have too much problem implementing new ideas into the Dresden Files universe. It's actually pretty open when you think about it. Just within the novels we have fae, Lovecraftian horrors, and the Norse pantheon all showing up alongside ideas from the Christian faith. Given the rather complex treatment angels have been given in the series so far I think you're totally safe having them just not answer any questions about who they serve. It's not like they give straight answers on any other topic, why should this one be unique?

Ultimately the only thing you have to do is be respectful when you handle other people's beliefs. Some easy ways to do this are to avoid questions like whether Yahweh and Allah are the same person, how powerful deities are in relation to each other, etc. When big, existential stuff comes up in the novels, most of the time answers are not forthcoming. If they come up in your game, try giving a generic answer like "That you've asked the question is more interesting than any answer I could give." or "That isn't the right question. What you should be asking is <insert question more directly appropriate to the situation here>".

DFRPG / Re: How long is a threshold invitation good for?
« on: August 21, 2011, 07:01:55 AM »
In a recent novel a character who had been invited in left a threshold and could not re-enter. I think they'd been inside for a day at that point but not sure. Don't have it with me. If someone else wants to add details, spoiler tags are probably in order.

From a practical game point of view, Buzzard's idea is probably the best way to go.

DFRPG / Re: Fate convertsion for BSG: Advice needed
« on: August 20, 2011, 12:32:40 PM »
You may get something out of this write-up, not to mention the other entries on this site:

Basically it's a "hack your own" for Fate-based RPG's. Of course they don't cover every area of the system and it's not an organized how-to by any means. But the stuff they cover they do a rather good job at. Good enough to jump start ideas in other areas I think.

DFRPG / Re: For the Wizard Who Wants Everything.
« on: August 20, 2011, 11:41:11 AM »
Wouldn't hiding your technology in a circle not actually work? I mean, the circle itself is still magic.

electronics + wizardry = puffs of smoke and au du fried circuit board

As one of my techie friends used to tell me, electronics generally stops working when you let the magic smoke out.

DFRPG / Re: Solo Campaign // Neutral Grounds
« on: August 19, 2011, 11:54:11 PM »
This is general advice as I haven't run DFRPG yet. But I have run solo games.

One thing that I think helps is giving them a companion that they can interact with easily. A solo game is going to focus pretty heavily on the lone PC for obvious reasons. Giving them an ally to talk to lets your player still play the game while they're trying to solve a puzzle. The challenge with an ally character is making them seem more like a friend who has their own strengths, weaknesses and areas of knowledge rather than a GM plant to periodically wave around a "Plot this way -->" sign. The player can also help you design this NPC by including them in their story if you do the usual character creation route before play starts.

DFRPG / Re: Monsters and Free Will
« on: August 19, 2011, 02:59:37 AM »
"Even Hand", published in Dark and Stormy Knights (July 20, 2010, ISBN 0312598343)

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