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Messages - lankyogre

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DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo adventure Midwinter Art
« on: October 30, 2011, 03:40:44 AM »
Riley McPhearson

High Concept: Red Court Infected Jock
Trouble: Just one drink
Aspect: Real bad boy, but a real good man; All my friends say.

Great – Athletics
Good – Weapons, Discipline
Fair - Alertness, Contacts, Performance

Physical OO
Mental OO
Social OO

Addictive Saliva (-1)
Blood Drinker (-1)
Feeding Dependency (+1)
Inhuman Speed (-2)
Inhuman Strength (-2)

Final Refresh 1

Minor artistic ability, but admitted on a sports scholarship. Went to a party with the wrong people and got bit. Still trying to be a “jock,” but if he ever gets too drunk at a party, or gets too involved with the team or a frat his secret might come out. Or he might turn all the way.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo adventure Midwinter Art
« on: October 30, 2011, 03:40:00 AM »
Jordan Nicholson

High Concept: High Flying Photogropher
Trouble: Be careful what you wish for
Aspect: Bags packed and one wing out the door; I can only trust myself

Great – Performance
Good – Lore, Stealth
Fair - Athletics, Discipline, Fists

Physical OO
Mental OO
Social OO

Photographer: May use performance instead of investigation when able to take pictures.

Human Guise (+0)
Wings (-1)
Inhuman Speed (-2)

Final Refresh 2

Her mom was a hippie with some magic power and early in her life “Wings” wished for wings. He mother tattooed wings across her back and now she can fly.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo adventure Midwinter Art
« on: October 30, 2011, 03:39:24 AM »
Lauren Turbec

High Concept: Guardian of the Trail
Trouble: To serve and protect
Aspect: Look what Uncle Steve sent; Shoulda been a Cowboy

Great – Endurance
Good – Fists, Resources
Fair - Discipline, Performance, Rapport

Physical OOOOOO
Mental OO
Social OO

Sculptor - +2 performance rolls when creating 3-dimensional art.

Item of Power (+2)
Claws (-1)
Inhuman Toughness (-2)
The Catch (Fire) (+1)
Physical Immunity (Cold) (-8)
Stacked Catch (Not Cold) (+5)

Final Refresh 2

From a rich family, he has an eccentric uncle that sends him lots of odd “presents.” One of them was a bear skin cloak with claws and the head. When he put it on, he found out there was a spirit inside that offered to give him powers if he would protect travelers.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo adventure Midwinter Art
« on: October 30, 2011, 03:38:35 AM »
Aaron Carter

High Concept: Campus Security Guard
Trouble: I'm just a kid myself, how am I gonna raise one?
Aspect: Home town hero; Smarter than your average bear

Great – Guns
Good – Empathy, Intimidation
Fair - Presence, Discipline, Driving

Physical OO
Mental OO
Social OOO

Read the Surface
Won't get Fooled again
Calm Blue Ocean
Been Shot - You've been shot, and you make sure it won't happen again. May use guns to dodge Guns attacks.

Pure Mortal +2

Final Refresh 4

In high school he married had a child with his high school sweetheart and married her. While he is easily smart enough and talented enough to go away to college, he has to stay where he grew up to support his family. He loves hunting.

DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Demo adventure Midwinter Art
« on: October 30, 2011, 03:36:21 AM »
Alex Thomas

High Concept: Artistic Pyromancer
Trouble: I fell into a burning ring of fire
Aspect: The truth hurts; My house, My rules

Great – Conviction
Good – Discipline, Lore
Fair - Performance, Endurance, Fists

Physical OOO
Mental OOOO
Social OO

Burning Copper: +2 to Performance rolls when able to include magic

Channeling (Fire)
-Rote: Pyrotechnics- 4 shifts Aspect Distracted vs discipline
-Rote: Torch - Weapon 4 vs athletics
Focus Item: Zippo - +1 Offensive Control, +1 Defensive Control
Lawbreaker (First)
Refinement: Enchanted Item: Burned Copper Ring 5 Shift Block 3/scene

Final Refresh 1

As his powers came up, he thought magic could solve all of his problems, and he'd still like to think that way. Before college, he killed a man with magic in self defense, but now he's afraid he might do it again.

DFRPG / DFRPG Demo adventure Midwinter Art
« on: October 30, 2011, 03:35:21 AM »
I'm running a few DresdenFiles adventures for an RPG demo day and so I thought I'd try to write an additional one up myself. I'm just throwing out the general scope now. I'll format it a little nicer as I have it done.

The setting will be a small art college at least an hour away from any sizable city. I won't map it out specifically, but let the players make declarations and what not for anything reasonable.
I have 6 demo characters created. I'm leaving three aspects blank and the fair and average skills for the players to write in.

The idea is a girl got the inspiration and talent to get into the art college from a Sidhe of the Winter Court, and in repayment has to bring girls to the Sidhe for him to “drain” their inspiration. The Sidhe in question is one of the original nine muses (haven't decided which yet.) that has lost a great deal of his power through a combination of factors. Primarily, being forgotten and trivialized and being remembered as female instead of male. Since he has lost the ability to actually inspire new work, he is trying to feed off of the inspiration and talent of mortal artists and gift that ability to artists who worship/recognize him.

The players are a group that are all involved with the art college and are all a little “weird.” They have decided its interesting to solve problems on their free time, and occasionally those problems have a supernatural bent.

Act I
The group is hanging out together on a Saturday night. A distraught boyfriend arrives asking the party to look for his girlfriend. They were supposed to have dinner Friday night and she never appeared and he hasn't heard from her yet today. Sheriff won't do anything yet because it hasn't been long enough, and its a three day weekend for the school anyway. The sheriff figures they are college kids and the relationship isn't that serious anyway, she probably went to visit family or something. This gives the players time to look into things a little over the weekend. Maybe ask a few questions, do some investigation.

Act II
Tuesday morning the girlfriend shows up in class, that she has with the boyfriend and/or a party member. She can't really remember anything from the weekend and she doesn't really have any “inspiration” for class. The party has the week to look into things. Do investigation. Five other girls have been involved and one has dropped out of school. About half-way through the week the sidhe will send his ogre bodyguard to rough-up a few of the PCs and discourage them from their investigation.  A few of the girls also have an ex-boyfriend in common. A not so talented artist who becomes extremely possessive of the girls he dates. Finally, the school doesn't accept many students at semester, it just isn't that large. One of the few transfers is a girl in all of the missing girls' classes.

In some way the players try to confront the girl and find out about the Sidhe, or go straight for the area the disappearances have been happening and encounter the Sidhe and his “court.” The final brawl will include the sidhe, relatively generic sidhe abilities with inspire emotion, feeding dependency, and drain emotion, and a few low-power fae hangers on. Satyrs and dryads, using goblin and possibly nixie as templates.

DFRPG / Gamers in South Central Missouri
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:36:20 PM »
Hey, I hope this is the right area, if its not can a Mod move it.  :)

I'll be moving down to the Fort Leonard Wood area and I'm looking for some sort of game to get into. I've picked up DFRPG and really enjoyed the couple of session and demos I've run, but since I'm moving, those players won't be an option anymore. Any chance there are any DFRPG interested people near Fort Leonard Wood?

I know Rolla at least has a gaming store, but they implied that when college isn't in session, they get pretty dead.

Thanks for the responses.

DFRPG / Looking For Minis
« on: November 13, 2010, 05:36:36 AM »
I have 4 players in my Dresden files game and need miniatures to represent them and I thought I'd see if anybody had seen anything useful. I don't want to turn the game into a tactical simulation like some games, but visual aids can help a lot.

I have a hydromancer boat mechanic. I need some sort of modern mechanic. I'm not sure about trying to include the magic portion. I was thinking just some sort of guy with a wrench.

I have a guy with wings; kind of like Angel from the X-Men. Doesn't use any weapons.
I was thinking of using this.

I also have a female alchemist shop owner who is fond of her shotgun. I liked this one.

Finally I have a female Buddhist changeling. To me this may be the hardest because I'm not sure how to do more than just a girl. She is slightly based off of Maenads from greek mythology.

DFRPG / Re: True Faith of alternate faiths/philosophies?
« on: November 01, 2010, 01:33:33 AM »
Personally, I think that to have True Faith it would have to be something that the Universe responded to. Especially the True Faith powers that already exist. Guide My Hand, Bless This House, etc, seem like things that would need power to give the practitioner. The Faerie Courts could probably do it, as could Magic, religions, certain other philosophies and Beliefs, but I would be afraid of opening it to wide, because of things like "salad dressing." Because there is no way that believing in a type of salad dressing would lead you where you need to be to fight.

DFRPG / Re: Solilpist character
« on: October 29, 2010, 02:14:26 AM »
I guess my reasoning is that its already something allowed in the game. I'd make it a -0 power for things that still require fate points, which were most of your examples. Evocation and Thaumaturgy can create most of the other effects this character would look for. I guess I see the powers listed as fairly broad, and I would prefer to reword or reflavor something instead of creating completely new powers.

Since powers and refresh are constructs of the players, characters don't know how much refresh they have, moving another player construct to the characters doesn't seem like it should cost refresh.

Essentially, I as a GM would allow a player to do most of those things already, so forcing someone to spend refresh to do it "in character" when it can be done ooc anyway seems like an overcharge.

If fate points are spent (which is what I am getting from the OP), I don't see it as being worth even -1 refresh unless it comes with an additional trapping.

DFRPG / Re: Solilpist character
« on: October 28, 2010, 04:47:06 PM »
Personally I find most of your examples to be thiings already allowed by declarations and fate points.
I can see the idea of a solilpist as justificaion for some powers though. A lot of the inhuman powers or evocation seem to fit just as flavor text.

DFRPG / To tell or not to Tell
« on: October 07, 2010, 02:38:47 AM »
This is my first time running a Fate System game and I have an opinion question. How much do you share with your players?

DFRPG (and Fate in general) is unique amongst RPGs in the amount of collaboration required. Most other games assume the world, NPCs, locations, etc are all constructs of the GM with no input from the players. DFRPG completely turns that on its head with the amount of player involvement. But once you get past deciding on faces and locations, how much do you share with your players about everything.

From other games, I have the desire to keep my players in the dark, so that they are introduced to things as their characters are, but I don't want to miss out on a part of Fate. In regards to Faces and Locations, once the group has decided on a name, motivation, and high concept; do you share the entire write-up with them. Or do you keep their skills and powers secret. It seems odd to me that the players may already know so much, but that may just be me.

I hope I have adequately expressed my question.

DFRPG / Re: Arcane St. Louis: Gateway to the Supernatural
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:40:53 PM »
Oh, yeah. I've been looking for information regarding abandoned subway tunnels or something like Chicago or New York. I've known about the caves and never thought about those. I will keep those in my mind for an additional location at some point, or an extension of St. Ninian's.

DFRPG / Re: Arcane St. Louis: Gateway to the Supernatural
« on: September 19, 2010, 04:35:33 AM »
One of the short stories makes it pretty clear that Dionysus is a god.

Do you know which story? I have read most of them, but there are a few that I couldn't get a hold of so I'm just waiting for Side Jobs to catch up.


Their is no reason why that there can't be Centaurs and Satyrs who are not Fae.With that I suggest having Dionysus as a God.To me that is way more interesting then having him as a Fae.

Since the changeling is pretty firmly attached to the summer court at Sugar Creek and the group really likes that idea I want to keep the fae. I think I'll look at some of the other names for Dionysus and make the Sidhe in charge the embodiment of a single aspect, representing the Bachuus.

Don't forget the large number of tunnels and (mostly) forgotten storage beneath St. Louis.

Patience Worth and her legacy would also be worth looking into.

I've seen a few people reference tunnels in St. Louis, but I am not familiar with them. I have lived in St. Louis for 15 years, and some of my players longer, and I'm not sure any of us are familiar with what you are referring to. I also couldn't find it with a quick google search. Patience Worth seems just odd to me.

Very cool!  :)

We're playing a St. Louis based game as well.  I'll be sure to keep tabs on how yours is progressing.

If you're interested, give ours a listen...

Thistledown Actual Play Podcast

I'll keep checking on yours as well. Its always interesting to see different takes on the same cities. There is another St. Louis Play by Chat on these forums as well, and they have another take on the city.

Thank you for the suggestions. I'll post the aspects for the characters soon, when I have all of them.

DFRPG / Re: Writeable/Safeable Char. Sheet?
« on: September 18, 2010, 09:18:58 PM »
I'm using the sheet from Matt.Ceb on the forums and I'm encountering an odd problem. Every time I type in the relationships on face "4" it shows up in "6" and vice versa.

I'd post on, but it seems that thread has been dead for awhile.

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