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Messages - derrick

Pages: 1 [2]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: April 21, 2011, 03:56:08 AM »
I'm pretty sure it just breaks it IIRC. Binder was going to throw a rock across Harry's circle so his demons could eat Harry and Murphy.

Yup.  Intent breaks the circle.  Mortal intent, at least.  If by empowered ragnrok means a (greater) circle like those that held the Loup Garou or the Archive, then it gets fuzzy.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:43:49 AM »
The subltest possible wink/nod to Zelazny I've seen in the books so far is a character named "Sandra Marling" in Proven Guilty; there's a character named "Dra Marling" in Zelazny's Isle of the Dead. Could be coincidence, could be Butcher's subconscious, but mildly interesting either way.

Sandra Marling is interesting in another way.  She was the convention chairwoman who would have hired Madrigal Raith (aka Darby Crane) well in advance to be the guest of honor at SplatterCon(!!!), which provided a convenient decoy while Molly was...inadvertently summoning phobophages.   Sandra also gave Molly the idea to use fear to beat addiction, which Molly promptly used to screw with her friend's heads.

Furthermore, Molly met Sandra while doing community service at a homeless the one that Mavra used as a base in Blood Rites.  That one's a little tenuous, though.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:26:56 AM »
I think you're on to something, there. Could Sells have been working for someone in the White Court, and not necesarily just house raith?

Whoever Victor was working for, they knew about the heart-ripping curse used by the Red Court as well.  I doubt that knowledge of powerful blood magic, even as weak as Victor's version was, would be given to a low-level operative to pass along to an even lower-level 'cut-off' sorcerer.  It was likely a more direct passing of information.  Mavra or a(nother) member of the Black Council would be a likely bet.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 15, 2011, 06:28:12 PM »
A small question still bugs me.  Why didn't the other Wardens use their swords on Harry's crystal ward at the end of TC?

Short answer: Boom.

Quote from: Turn Coat
“Might want to take a few steps back before you do,” I said. “If anything but the proper sequence takes it apart, it explodes. It’ll take out the cottage. And the tower. And the top of the hill. The kid and Morgan should be fine, though.”

I'd be willing to bet that using a Warden's Sword to sunder magic isn't like pointing a sonic handheld tool at something and pressing a button.  I reckon you'd need some understanding of the (possibly volatile) magics involved, or it could end up being a "thus kablowie, thus death" situation, or perhaps a "sorry, I just sundered the fundamental magics that keeping you breathing from your body" situation.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 13, 2011, 08:00:29 PM »
Who is Victor Sells?

A former employee of SilverCo.

Here's a train of thought to consider:
Victor worked a well-paying job at SilverCo until he was fired for reasons unknown.
Victor then took a relatively late-life interest in magic.
His next 'business' venture was making Three-Eye potions/drugs by using kinky sex rituals/rites.
Silverlight is the porn studio that was trying to put Arturo Genosio's company out of business in BR.
Silverlight is family owned and operated by the White Court.

Jim heavily uses the word silver to 'tag' or describe the White Court and it's members--from clothing to how their eyes look when they're 'vamping out'.

How much do you believe in coincidence in arcane mystery novels?  8)

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: August 20, 2010, 01:35:41 AM »
Ok, here's something minor enough to perhaps warrant a few answers.  ;D

What exactly was the Brute Squad, from Archangel?  Speculation is that they were some sort of combat specialists, but not Wardens.  Or is Bob just a big Princess Bride fan(atic)?  Furthermore, can we get some details on Archangel?

Thanks! I'll be here all nights

I guess we should try the veal..?

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