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Messages - CMEast

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DFRPG / Re: Any sample adventures available?
« on: August 02, 2010, 11:12:55 PM »
Try this list if you're looking for inspiration :)

DFRPG / Re: Aspect Ideas
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:06:38 PM »
I want to ride my bicycle
Invoke - bonuses to bike riding
Compel - you feel compelled to ride your bike at all times and feel naked without it.

Another one bites the dust.
Invoke - You're good at killing people...
Compel - ... but you're an awful cook!

I see a little sillowetto of a man.
Invoke - You're good at spotting sneaky dwarves.
Compel - You're not very good at spelling

DFRPG / Re: Magic, Song, and Lawbreaking
« on: August 02, 2010, 05:43:43 PM »
Well a few times people have discussed a bardic magic, using performance instead of discipline to control. Perhaps that might fit what you're looking for?

Indeed, unfortunately you can only do what type of action at a time with evocation, that's the power of ritual magic. The only exception is a grapple, being both an offensive block and a grapple.

Hmm... perhaps if you created a 'defensive grapple' using the same rules. An orbius style spell but rather than blocking an enemy for the duration, dealing one damage each exchange, you put the block on yourself and you deal one damage to anyone that tries to beat the block. It's not much but it's something. In fact, if this is workable (and I'm just throwing ideas around here, this certainly isn't in the book) then rather than deal 1 shift of damage to attackers, perhaps you could push them one zone away e.g. some kind of telekinetic barrier or air barrier; just like the grapple rules state (YS211).

Other than that, yeah the rules only allow one type of action at a time.

DFRPG / Re: Magic, Song, and Lawbreaking
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:27:34 PM »
I would apply it as an aspect to the scene that effects that atmosphere. That way it's not a directly manipulating the emotions of the NPCs but you're still getting the effect you're looking for. As you're targeting the scene itself rather than everyone in the zone, you don't have to pay the additional 2 shifts (See YS253) so it's just a 3 shift spell, plus one to make it sticky. It might be more if you are performing in a theatre or a stadium, but 4 is fine for an Open Mic Night.

DFRPG / Re: Witchblade
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:17:54 PM »
One thing about the comic book and Anime version the Witchblade takes over the host because it is a symbiote and burns out the wearer usually killing them as well as trying to take them over.

Add in Demonic Co-pilot? As you use it, it deals you mental stress which will eventually cause consequences, potentially leading to extreme consequences which changes aspects in line with the Witchblade's agenda until eventually you're a tool for the Witchblade, instead of the other way around.

DFRPG / Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« on: August 02, 2010, 01:15:12 PM »
I'm not sure if you can create additional free tags with evocation, I think it might just be thaumaturgy only, though I don't think it's totally unfair for evocation to be able to do it as well.

DFRPG / Re: Witchblade
« on: August 02, 2010, 11:48:27 AM »
Yeah totally, I hadn't thought about human form. Though psychometry could be used in human form I imagine, that would be at the GM's discretion though.

DFRPG / Re: Potions, Brewing, And strength caps
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:22:43 AM »
Invisibility potions are definitely possible. Other useful potions are defensive blocks (stone skin/lizard hide or whatever), offensive blocks (paralysing potions, glue bags, flash bangs and so forth), tracking potions (just add blood or hair and then drink it, or treat it like a compass, or a scrying pool).

DFRPG / Re: Using evocation to enhance a weapon.
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:05:40 AM »
Do you think it'd be possible to tag the aspect to make the declaration 'the weapon has increased it's weapon value by 1 while the aspect is in effect'. Do you think a GM would agree to that?

Thinking about the numbers it's pretty fair. Instead of tagging for a +2 to hit, you're getting 1 additional damage each turn you use the sword. Of course the next turn you could pay a fate point for +2 to hit as well as the extra damage, but then it's not that different to paying a fate point to invoke a different aspect and getting +2 total, or +2 to in consecutive exchanges.

If this is possible, do you think it's possible to cast a 6 or 7 shift manoeuvre to declare that the weapons value increases to +2?

DFRPG / Re: Witchblade
« on: August 02, 2010, 08:06:45 AM »
 * Indestructible
  * It is what it is, both shield and weapon (can be used for defense, or attack at weapon:3)
[+1] One-time Discount (if it can shrink down to something unnoticeable, +2 if it's always gauntlet size)
[-1] Marked by Power
[-9] Modular abilities including:
- Strength
- Toughness
- Recovery
- True Strike
- Wings
- Spider Climb
- Psychometry (including memories of it's own use)

DFRPG / Re: Gear with aspects
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:49:54 AM »
Yeah a resources declaration might well work as well.

DFRPG / Re: Gear with aspects
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:29:10 AM »
I've been thinking about something like this myself though I hadn't thought of resources, that's very cool. The only issue is that it adds a layer of complexity to the game, specifically to conflicts. If there are four players and six thugs, each with an aspected weapon (an extreme example but possible) then the GM will need to keep track of each weapon. Not a huge issue really, but worth noting when you consider the possibility of aspects on other items - armour, focus items, vehicles etc.

On the plus side, it also strengthens the Pure Mortal template as there are more taggable aspects.

My thinking on it before had been regarding manoeuvres on weapons to add or subtract aspects, specifically magic but mundane manoeuvres too. Setting weapons on fire, making them extra sharp, adding a demonic pilot with a never-ending rage and a thirst for blood... hmm, that last one could make for a fun character.

DFRPG / Re: The Lightsaber Spell.. :o ::)
« on: August 01, 2010, 01:04:09 PM »
Ah well, since I'm not conjuring a literal sword so much as a physical shape to contain fire wouldn't that change things a bit? This is, again, kinda the crux of the thing. The whole "sword" meme is really throwing off the perception of the result. It's a fuego spell in a tube you can hit people with. So the damage would be dependant on the power you put into it on creation I would think.
Indeed, my suggestion below assumes an ectoplasmic handle with a blade of fire. Ritual is capable of producing fire and ectoplasm so I see no reason why this couldn't work.


Whether the OP is using an enchanted item for this, or whether it's a ritual he casts to create the weapon, both requires a high Lore and so we'll assume a Lore of 5.

1) A ritual. 2 shifts for complexity and 3 for power to create a Weapon:3 sword. It can be an elemental blade, like fire or spirit, or ectoplasm if you like, so it can satisfy a fire catch but it couldn't satisfy a silver or cold iron catch. It's default duration is one scene or 15 minutes, whichever is shorter. You can add additional shifts for more damage (increasing the heat of the blade or whatever) or duration, or to add an aspect like 'burning blade', but then the ritual will take additional preparation, right now it is only 5 shifts of complexity so you could do it in 5 minutes. This would be more useful if you had sponsored magic.
Benefits - it is easy to replace, doesn't take up item slots, it's form can change to satisfy catches. Can be used for defence against weapon and fist attacks.
Drawbacks - takes time to create, it's a relatively low weapon value without lots of shifts

2) An Enchanted item.
An innocuous looking silver rod, about the size of a mobile phone and wrought with cunning runes, when activated a beam of fire leaps out of one/both end/s
Let's assume two enchanted item slots as you can't do much with half a focus item.
A Weapon:5 attack, three times a session.
A Weapon:4 attack, five times per session
A Weapon:6 attack, once a session.
You choose what kind of damage it will do at creation i.e. it's a fire blade. The actual item might just be the hilt and so it's a small object, easily hidden. Once you're out of free uses you can still activate it, but it requires one mental stress each time.
Benefits - can be used without preparation, it's easier to contruct. With a lore of 5 you can get it up to weapon:10 with additional slots, does more damage, might look like a sword but isn't one and so can be used at a distance (think force throw with it flying back to you, or just launching the blade only), can use discipline to hit
Drawbacks - takes up slots, form can't change, can't be used for defense*

*stick another slot in for a block and you can, like so:
2 enchanted slots -
  Weapon:4 attack, three times per session
  Defensive Block:5, once per session.
Again, you can take inspiration from the jedi as the blade leaps to defend you from bullets, spells and in close combat.

DFRPG / Re: So What Kind of Items in Focus Items?
« on: August 01, 2010, 12:50:17 PM »
Secondly:  If tattoos are allowed as 'items', then some determination as to size their effective size would need to be made.  In YS page# 281, there is a chart in the upper right corner of the page which shows how many focus or enchanted item slots an item can have, depending on the size of the item.  Given the examples used a ring, fist or rod, basketball or staff, it would suggest that just having a large surface area is not quite enough.
Tattoos can be different sizes, part of the size is also how obvious/noticable it is. So a small, discreet tattoo can be a minor focus and, as the tattoos become larger and more prominent they can handle more power.

Thirdly:  It was suggested that the needles used to ink the tattoo could be considered part of the item that is being enchanted or attuned.  Here I disagree, the tattoo needles could be focus items for Thaumaturgy (Crafting) specializations.  However, the tattoo needles are used to make the tattoo, they are not part of the tattoo.
Focus items can't be used to make other focus items, but that isn't the point. The ink and the needles are just part of the ritual process, the end result is the crafted item and I think that a tattoo is an excellent ritual, even without magic involved.

Lastly:  In one of the later books (Small Favor?  I don't remember exactly which one at present) Harry was cleaning his duster, and there was some mention of the magical symbols he'd inked and etched into it using tattoo needles.  In short, the symbols and designs, along with the intent were used to make the duster itself enchanted.  The symbols by themselves were not enchanted, they were part of the enchantment.  A tattoo to my way of thinking would be the same as one of the symbols Harry used.  So the choice would be to allow a person to enchant their skin, or have them enchant items separate from themselves.  Since tattoos or a person's skin, is not really a separate 'item' from the person, that is why I would not allow a person to use tattoos as focus or enchanted items.  In a mechanical sense, allowing a person to tattoo a focus onto themselves would effectively bypass the limitation on specialization bonuses in the description on Refinements on YS page# 182, with Refinements, additional specializations can be added onto elements, but it follows a tree similar to the skill tree, i.e. before a caster can take a +2 Power bonus to Water, they also need to have a +1 bonus to Control (Water), or any other specialization, before Power (Water ) can be expanded.  By allowing a caster to essentially have their body be their focus, they can ignore that restriction.
So you're arguing that this house rule can't work because of a house rule you've just come up with? As it's a house rule and not mentioned in any books, you're free to ignore it in your own games; it hasn't come up in any of mine but I'd certainly allow it.

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