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Messages - EldritchFire

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DFRPG / Re: "Bulldogs!"
« on: August 12, 2011, 11:28:02 AM »
Can someone provide a link? Just curious enough to look into it and the game info on the publisher's site doesn't really tell much of anything. So far what has been said here about the resource system actually makes it sound really bad... Items are powerful? But getting them can be really random? Yeah... that sounds amusing for short games, nightmare-ish for longer running ones. But I may have just misunderstood.

The official page can be found here.


As for the resources and items, I think there may be a misunderstanding.

Resources is a stand-alone trait. Unlike DFRPG where it's all rolled into your resources skill, or Diaspora where it's a stress track, Bulldogs! has it stand alone. Roll resources to buy something. If you succeed, congrats, you buy it! If you fail, you can reduce your resources to represent spending more than you have, it may have a negative aspect that's free taggable once per session (buying a knock-off), settling for a lower-cost item ("I have X amount what can I buy?"), or you just don't have enough cash on hand to buy it. Also, for really expensive things like starships, you can take out a loan.

Items are "powerful," yes...but not that much more than the weapons you'd find in DFRPG. A "regular" pistol is still damage 2, you just have the option of buying an auto-pistol that has the autofire upgrade, and maybe additional range (yes, range is a stat for weapons).

I'm not sure where you got that "getting items can be random." You go to the store, you buy stuff. Simple.


DFRPG / Re: "Bulldogs!"
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:32:37 AM »
I will definately have to take a look. I am a Star Wars Fan and a die hard Browncoat as well and so they had me ad the mention of Firefly and Han Solo - how awesome is the game going to be!

Than Bulldogs! is for you!

I am also a Star Wars nut, and love the Firefly 'verse. As it so happens, I'm BumblingBear's GM in said Bulldogs! game  ^_^

It's shaping up to be awesomesauce!


DFRPG / Re: Potential Power
« on: August 01, 2011, 12:50:27 AM »
Like I said if someone wanted to kill the horse they'd roll against my survival to but a maneuver on me, if successful I will have a "Horse shot out from under me" aspect and loose the benefits. The zone attack could be a problem, the easiest answer to me is that it would hit me and not affect the horse. I know this doesn't make much sense but you are able to dodge zone attacks in the wide open with no cover with athletics (outrunning an explosion doesn't make much sense either), my argument for this is that if I'm able to doge the zone attack than I'd just have to explain it so that the horse was fine too. Like I said it's not perfect, but I just don't want a one point power whose explanation takes up half of the power sheet. However I appreciate the criticism, I hadn't thought about a zone attack before.

And just out of curiosity why would the dodge (option #2) be more over powered than the other two? It's only a one point shift to a trapping and (unlike most other powers) I can loose the bonus at any time in the middle of combat.

Wouldn't their "attack roll" just be a manoeuvre to remove your mounted on a steed aspect (YS207-208)?

I actually just got done with my weekly game and we played aspect jockey during the conflict, and it was a blast! Trying to out manoeuvre the other is fun times!


DFRPG / Re: Example Potions?
« on: July 30, 2011, 03:54:31 PM »
Is there a thread anywhere for sample potions that people have come up with in their games? If not I'd like to start one as I have an upcoming game that involves several allied NPC's making potions for the Player characters prior to going into an Upcoming Battle but I'd like to get some ideas for Potions that could be made for them.
So far this is all I've managed to come up with;
- Restoration; clears all Mental Stress Boxes; one-shot and may not take another for at least 24 hours 
- Speed; +4 Initiatives, +2 Athletics; lasts for 3 Rounds

Other ideas/suggestions are welcome.

For the restoration spell, I'd look at the vampiric powers with The Taste of Death. It gives you a limited "free" recovery.

The speed potion is all sorts of broken. Potions are bottled spells, as has been stated. Spells don't add to skill rolls, they replace them. So you don't make a potion that gives you +2 bonus to athletics, you make one that gives you an athletics result of 8, for example. Also, since it's a bottled spell, you have to determine what that athletics result is for. An athletics defense is one potion, while an athletics movement is another.

See pages YS279-280 for more info on potions.


DFRPG / Re: Whom do I give a Fate Point when I do an AOE?
« on: July 30, 2011, 03:44:55 PM »
@devonapple:  The jargon isn't your fault!  I simply think labeling it "free invoke" and "free compel" would keep things simpler.  And avoid some confusion.  Calling those "tags" and "invokes for effect" just muddied the waters.  For the record, I still think Dresden Files RPG is the best translation of fiction to RPG I've seen.  Bar none.  I simply dislike jargon.   :-[


The jargon is a bit confusing, but a necessary evil. It's there so we're all on the same page when discussing the rules. I hope I didn't come off as an ass when correcting your jargon, the internet is difficult to covey feeling and intent.


DFRPG / Re: Whom do I give a Fate Point when I do an AOE?
« on: July 30, 2011, 02:59:07 AM »
So, if you are invoking an aspect to cause some detrimental effect to three characters, you'd pay each of them a FP per Lenny? I'm cool with that. But what if it's a Tag? Do you pay nothing, or is one of the characters free? If so, which one?

You pay the Fate Point to the character who's aspect you're invoking...unless it's your own, than the FP just goes away.


DFRPG / Re: Whom do I give a Fate Point when I do an AOE?
« on: July 29, 2011, 10:58:07 PM »
First tag for +2 to a roll (on a newly discovered/created Aspect):
(+2 to attack something, +2 to dodge an attack)

First tag for reroll (on a newly discovered/created Aspect):

I agree so far.

First invoke (on a newly discovered/created Aspect) to create a beneficial personal plot effect:

Invokes cost a Fate Point. Tags are free. I'm assuming you mean tag here.

First invoke (on a newly discovered/created Aspect) to create a detrimental plot effect on a target that is basically a Compel:
free (for the tagger);
then the GM converts it to a Compel, bankrolls it with a Fate Point, and runs the Compel against the target on his own
(the player gets no FP if the target opts to spend a FP to buy off the Invoke-cum-Compel)

I'm confused. Is it a tag (free), an invoke, or a compel? From my reading of the aspects chapter, compel FPs disappear, while invoke FPs go to the character it is used against.

First invoke (on a newly discovered/created Aspect) to create a serious plot advantage:
may cost the player a few Fate Points

In the case of AoE's, most of the Fate Points you spend are going to be for numerical bonuses, and will be going to the GM, not to any of the individual targets. In situations when you are trying to mass-Compel a group of creatures with the same Aspect, the GM should charge a few Fate Points, but not one per target (this is based on conversations with Fred and Lenny, lead DFRPG game developers)

Again, per my understanding, if someones aspect is invoked, that character (PC or NPC) gets the FP. If it's a compel, the FP disappears, and tags don't cost anything, so no FP changes hands.


DFRPG / Re: Speed Powers split Supplemental
« on: July 29, 2011, 10:49:17 PM »
I'd allow it. The speed powers says " Whenever moving as part of another physical activity, you may move [X] zones without taking the –1 penalty for a supplemental action," YS178.

Nothing in the rules seem to say that you have to take one action, than another. If you an move that fast, there's nothing that I can think of that says you can't do a "run-by pummeling."

Have fun, but look out for blocks to movement that might get you stuck in an awkward zone!


DFRPG / Re: Body armor
« on: July 29, 2011, 10:42:16 PM »
A maneuver just gives you an aspect. It doesn't bypass armor benefits. Of course, the invoke gives you a +2' which could be considered the effect from avoiding the armor. So it works fine.

If you tag that manoeuvre for a +2, that represents aiming at an arm, leg, etc not covered by the Kevlar. Kevlar is Armour:2, so a +2 negates that. If they had heavier armour, the +2 could represent aiming at a weak point, for example. The heavier the armour, the longer it takes to aim for an unarmoured location (stacking aspects for one massive tag).

Just my [-2].


DFRPG / Re: Adding Players after initial character/city creation?
« on: July 29, 2011, 10:33:13 PM »
The way we've been doing it in my group is that each new character needs to have an aspect that includes one or more other characters. Go through chargen as normal, just only include one or two other characters.

Remember, you an change an aspect during any milestone, so just because you have an aspect pointing to another character doesn't mean it has to stay that way.


DFRPG / Re: Banking Character Gen Skill Points?
« on: July 29, 2011, 10:30:21 PM »
My advice Mr. Ways is that if your group thinks that it is fair, go ahead and just bank the skill points. There aren't going to be any Dresden police that smash through your windows because you tweaked the rules.

You're right, of course. They would hire Kincaid to snipe your books from a mile away! Bwahaha!


I now return you to your regularly scheduled post.


DFRPG / Re: Whom do I give a Fate Point when I do an AOE?
« on: July 29, 2011, 02:38:15 AM »
Ok, I thought I had a handle on this, but now I'm not so sure. I thought that the target never received a FP from a normal tag/invoke, and that the FP only changed hands during an invoke-for-effect. Reading back through the rules, it looks like the target does receive a FP from a regular invoke. Interesting.

You never receive a FP for a tag because tags are free. No Fate Point necessary! Invokes, however, cost a FP, and per YS106, any invoke on someone else's aspect gives them the FP.


DFRPG / Re: Whom do I give a Fate Point when I do an AOE?
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:17:28 PM »
Huh? Don't you tag aspects to increase or decrease a roll?

IE: My character's got a 'broken leg' aspect. Someone attacks the character he tags that aspect to lower my roll by 2. Does that mean the fate point goes to me?

A tag is nothing more than a free invoke, usable once. Once it's been tagged, you may invoke it as normal.

In you example, someone tags your broken leg aspect, and either gets a +2 or a reroll against you. Since it's a tag, no Fate Point was spent, so no FP changes hands. If someone did it to you a second time, that would cost them a FP, which would be given to you!


DFRPG / Re: Whom do I give a Fate Point when I do an AOE?
« on: July 28, 2011, 05:55:19 AM »
You don't really compel an aspect to lower a roll either. Compels are about story direction. So you might compel someone into a bad situation, but you wouldn't really want to compel them into a -2 on their defense roll.

if you invoke an NPC or PC's aspect to gain an advantage over them, that character does receive the FP (YS106).

Huh, I never noticed that! I always thought that compels got you Fate Points, but invokes didn't. You learn something new everyday!


DFRPG / Re: Banking Character Gen Skill Points?
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:37:17 PM »
So you can have a narrower more specialized tree for example a submerged player could have a tree 3 wide and have 3 skills at good at the first significant milestone or because a character dosen't want skills that don't make sense and has more skill points than skills he wants.   

If it works for the character, do it! Personally, I'd rather have a random +1 skill that I can later buy up or swap out. But I'm more of a generalist kind of player.


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