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Messages - contraducktory

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Late email
« on: November 22, 2011, 04:57:13 PM »
it's all Jim's fault!  If he wasn't such a great writer, we wouldn't all be here, and telling our friends about it, thus causing the site to go slow due to the number of fans.....great problem to have though!

The Bar / Re: The Brewmaster is in.
« on: October 03, 2011, 02:47:24 PM »
PG, have you attempted a Mead yet?  If so, any good places you can recommend to get the hardware?

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: September 13, 2011, 09:19:58 PM »
Not necessarily.  The only reason Harry got a tour of his loved ones is because he backed Uriel into a corner (as much as he could) and demanded it.  Before that, Uriel was already pushing him to go ahead and make a decision. 

Uriel could still have said no, to this, but being a 'good guy' decided that it didn't hurt anything.  But, if Lash/Lasciel, did need more balancing, this could have been part of that as well.

There's nothing in the text or in a WOJ that I can personally bring to mind that tells us Uriel has, is, or ever will act with Harry's best interests at heart.  Harry is one human being; a rather important one, true, but still only one guy. 

I expect that Uriel will act with Harry's best interest at heart, when it serves his plan(s).  Soulfire for instance, yes that helps Harry, but when the long game plays out, I bet it helps Uriel more.

Uriel's tasks and responsibilities extend to....Well, basically everywhere, as an archangel.  So Heaven's Spook wouldn't have any particular reason to feel compelled to tell Harry anything just because.

None of the 'major players', read that as Sidhe Queens, Jim, Angels, Fallen, Jim, Odin, Senior Council, did I mention Jim?, give any knowledge away for free.  Knowledge is power, the more Harry has, the more powerful he becomes.


The only Fallen that we know to operate as a shadow is Anduriel, and I could see him and Nicodemus wanting to get Harry out of the picture.

 Yes Lasciel's story isn't done per WoJ.  My bet is that Lash was the 'Inez construct' that was seen in Graceland, and that we haven't seen Lasciels nicklehead yet.

Everyone but the Merlin and Eb could have known.  As for the bloodline curse, it would all depend on the 'foresight' that particular entity possessed.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: PM Outbox
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:51:06 PM »
check your Personal Message settings. there is an option there to keep a copy.

Just one thing. Is the lighthouse a lighthouse. Or is it an ancient tower that Harry just presumes was a lighthouse instead of livingquaters of most powerfull powerfullnes of his time

From how the island is described, and the fact that the fire they followed to get to the correct location to get through the stone reef was near the 'tower', I would go with it was a lighthouse.  What the stones came from before that, is another story.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Introduction to the Forum
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:35:34 PM »
Yup, ME, PG and I are all Warden/Barkeepers - Wardens in the Macanally's Bar subforum (i.e., w/ mod privileges) and Barkeepers everywhere else (essentially "Bobbies" on patrol with a loud whistle :D ). The three of us tend to call each other "baby mods" and the rest of 'em "gr'ups". ;D

Priscellie is, in fact, both a mod and an admin. She sits at the right hand of the Iago. :)

And my name's still Shecky. ;)

Sexxxy Shexxxy
*thank you Paynesgrey*

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Post number level names...
« on: July 13, 2011, 06:59:28 PM »
hrmm, SL I'd go

0-500 -  Mac.  You say so little and no one better serve your beer cold.

500-1000 - Rawlings.  You're not sure if you believe or not

1000-5000 - Butters.  Polka now holds a deep fascination for you

5000-10000 - Paynesgray-shade

10000-20000 - Sexxxy Shexxxy like

20000 + - Priscellie-esk (cause you've been pretty industrious)

DF Reference Collection / Re: Reviving my Major Lash theory post
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:30:05 PM »
In support of this theory.

The only way for Lash to be gone, is for her to be 'absorbed' when the coin is taken up.

So, what if the damage to his brain, didn't get rid of Lash, but just made her inaccessible.  She'd still be there, and possibly be able to act/influence, but not able to directly interact as she did before.  So Lash is still in Harry's head, and when he's 'healed', or maybe was healed by Mab, Lash could return.  That would leave Lasciel still in the coin, and able to claim a victim.  While Lash is able to help Harry.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Post number level names...
« on: July 05, 2011, 05:40:05 PM »
I think level name should be based around the Wardens/Mods/Bartenders

Fill in the blanks




5000-10000 - Paynesgray-shade

10000-20000 - Sexxxy Shexxxy like

20000 + - Priscellie-esk (cause you've been pretty industrious)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: More Suspect Members
« on: July 01, 2011, 04:08:13 PM »
Entrails of spammers feel so good squishing between my toes!


Now while 3E does give the user the ability to see the metaphysical, how does this junkie know the name of an demon/outsider?

if it gave him the sight, maybe he gained an understanding of what he saw as well?

I like to think the Sells version of the curse was inspired by the White Court. Papa Raith just switched over to the Red Court version for the satisfaction of shanking Thomas to death.

the porn-cerouses were using a ritual entropy curse, not the same as VS or the RC.
when PR was going to kill Thomas, they were calling up HWWB to kill Harry(IMO), Thomas would have been the sacrifice and vessel for him.

I think it's possible that a large part of any special value Molly has is defined by her value to Harry, both as a means of catalizing his magical development, and as a resource later in the series/in the BAT.

It could also be her association, (-1) to a dragon.  Charity had talent, Gregor was making deals with a dragon to gain more power.  It could be that there was an unknown, or heck maybe even Gregor she never says he died, that is playing around in the background.

Looks like it's already sticky.  It's not going anywhere. :D

bet some cforum4 could fix that...

Possible, Odin never said, it was their spell.  Just that they were working up some big juju, like in the old days.  Does not mean it was there spell.  But if you had a spell that could take out a bloodline, would you share it?

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