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Messages - The Doctor

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DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes
« on: April 03, 2007, 05:06:05 PM »
So, I'm thinking the website should add a couple t-shirts to its list of cafe press gear, and I'm thinking the best way to do that (as it imposes no art-need) is to zero in on maybe two or three quotes from the books. 


What about a shirt with a small nametag on the upper left-hand side?

"HELLO: MY NAME IS" in block lettering.

"an innocent bystander" in handwriting, appropriately placed.

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: March 23, 2007, 03:10:51 PM »
Cool. Thanks y'all for the tips. I looked up the events calendar for the game con and it looks like they're playing Mage and World of Darkness LARP. I've already started reading up on them at the World of Darkness site and am getting psyched to play. I just hope I don't screw up, embarrass myself or get myself thrown out of the game. Perhaps I should announce I'm a noobie first before I sit down...
If you screw up in character, you screw up in character.  Do what your character would reasonably do.

If you screw up out of character, apologise, and then try to correct your mistake.  Mistakes happen: Do not worry unduly.

It might be a good idea to tell the ST's that you are new to LARPing; any good ST will take a few minutes beforehand to answer any questions that you may have, and probably give you a couple of pointers if you ask them.  Find someone else in a larger LARP to stick with to learn the ropes - often, in-game friendships turn into out-of-game friendships.

You mentioned that you will be playing in a WoD LARP (old-school or new-school?) - keep your rulebook with you.  Use stickynotes or stickytabs to mark the pages that have often-used rules in them, like how to throw challenges and abilities relevant to your character.

Bring a small stack of index cards for items with you to the game.  They are handy, and often required of players.  Usually, someone will be short a couple, so extras are nice.

The Doctor (Camarilla chapter: PA003)
a.k.a., Reserved Operand Fault, Cyberpunk bani Virtual Adepts
a.k.a, Rick Vankin bani Cult of Ecstasy

« on: March 23, 2007, 03:50:08 AM »
I know the game being produced is pen and paper, but could it be done (Or played) as a LARP?

DFRPG / Re: What would u be?
« on: March 23, 2007, 03:42:46 AM »
Darn!  NPCs get all the cool toys *to throw the game completely out of balance* and we get Tylenol and Ace Bandages :'(
And duct tape.  Lots of duct tape.

DFRPG / Re: The Dresden Files RPG Book Quote Scavenger Hunt
« on: March 22, 2007, 07:27:18 PM »
laurelei23 said:

Beneath all that armor of snark and cynicism, Harry has a heart like a pile of sleeping kittens -- soft and sweet with sharp little teeth and claws.

I agree with von Bek, what a fabulous quote! Can that be in the game?
I third that suggestion.

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: March 22, 2007, 06:56:23 PM »
Thanks Doc! Quick question, "powergame"?
Constructing characters with the intent to make them as overpowered as possible, thus unbalancing the game.  It makes the game a nightmare to run, and the other characters tend to grow tired of it in short order.

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: March 22, 2007, 02:53:03 PM »
Okay, I'm looking for a serious answer, please. I've never played table-top, pencil/paper RPG either, but they're having a game day at my college in two weeks, and I was planning to go. I really want to learn how to pencil/paper RPG. Is there anything I should learn beforehand so I don't make an utter fool out of myself? Any terms, unspoken protocols, etc I should get familiar with, etc? Thanks!
In short, treat everyone the way you want to be treated.  Etiquette is the same at the gaming table as it is anywhere else.

Do not drink all of $libation or eat all of $munchies.  Save some for the other players.

Bring something to contribute, like soda or munchies.  It always goes over well.

If ordering out, always bring cash in small bills.  It is considered rude when ordering pizza to be the only one with a credit or debit card because it becomes difficult to pay.

Dropping out of character too much disrupts the flow of the action.  Do so when appropriate, but not all of the time.

Do not powergame.  It annoys the players and Dungeon Master/Storyteller/Game master.

Take it seriously.  Pulling a light sabre in a mediaeval-themed game will probably get you thrown out of the game.

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:32:51 AM »
If possible, bring all the money you plan to spend in two dollar bills, dollar coins and half dollar coins.
I will second the two dollar bills schtick.. but only if you are the last one to arrive and not the one who placed the order.  It makes life amusingly difficult for the money-counter.

DFRPG / Re: Side Topic: Music for RPGs
« on: February 27, 2007, 09:08:43 PM »
Null Device: A Million Different Moments - Wraith, GURPS, Illuminati: New World Order (so it's a CCG; we really get into it.)
The Sisters of Mercy: Vision Thing - Vampire, Cyberpunk/Cyberspace/CP2020, Car Wars
The Shamen: Axis Mutatis - Mage, GURPS, Changeling
Depeche Mode: The Best Of - Mage, Vampire, BESM (I used to use it as background music in a Lain campaign)
iris: Disconnect/Reconnect - Mage, Hacker (bookcase card game), Shadowrun, Cyberpunk/Cyber Hero/Cyberspace
Information Society: Don't Be Afraid - Vampire, Etherscope
Information Society: Peace and Love, Incorporated - Cyberpunk, Shadowrun
Tim Curry: Fearless - Teenagers from Outer Space, BESM
The Cruxshadows: Dreamcypher - BESM Utena, Mage, Cyber Hero
Pet Shop Boys: Introspective - Mage, BESM (it can be fit into 80's style campaigns if used well)
The Dresden Dolls: Yes, Virginia - Etherscope, GURPS, Paranoia (for that great "WTF??" feeling)
Psykosonik: Psykosonik - Cyberspace/CP2020

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: January 28, 2007, 07:17:24 AM »
1) Avoid anyone over the age of 30 who isn't wearing a wedding ring.  They probably aren't married because they spend 30 hours a week gaming and prefer to be addressed as "Thorin Goldenbeard the Third" rather than "Frank".

Some of us have jobs that preclude dating, but taking three hours out to game to relax (so as to not go mad in the NOC) can be done due to the presence of a pager.  That said, it sounds like you have had a few bad experiences with the type.

3) There's going to be two guys there named Jeff.  There's ALWAYS two guys named Jeff.  Everyone will call one big Jeff and the other little Jeff.  One is always cool but not too into the gaming experience, and one is always a freak.

Could that be regional?  Back home, it was 'John'.

7) LARPers.  There's a good kind of LARPer and a BAD BAD BAD kind of LARPer.  Until you have more experience, you'll never be able to tell the difference.  A good clue though is if they have a foam sword.  Those are typically the good LARPers, but you can't be too sure.  Best to avoid them altogether at first.

If I might make a couple of suggestions...

Listen to them talk during OOC time or downtime.  If they talk heatedly about their characters more than they do their day to day lives, news, or other things, then be wary.  The LARPers who have interests other than gaming (like computers, politics, martial arts, and the like) tend to be of a well balanced sort and have lives outside of the game.  It is the ones who lives are the game that you have to watch out for.

Keep an eye open for two or three games, to get an idea of the people you are gaming with.

Always be wary of an ST who wigs out when the players do not do something "according to the script".  That is more than a little creepy...

1) NEVER under any circumstances offer to be the one to call the pizza place.  You will ALWAYS get shortchanged by someone, even though you counted it out five times.  RPGers spend most of their time crunching numbers for their hobby and they will burn you and not even know they're doing it.

You might be on to something there.

Also, always bring cash.  The last thing you want to do is be the one who only has plastic.  That is a major gamer faux pas.

4) Don't drink the coffee.  See's not coffee like you know it unless you're used to your coffee having the consistency of pudding.

If it cannot grab a nearby spoon and try to whack someone with it, then it is not Real Coffee(tm).

DFRPG / Re: White Wolf Forum: The Dresden Files
« on: January 22, 2007, 03:54:32 PM »
I also tend to think the High Council is easily substituted for either just the Order of Hermes or the Traditions as a whole.  I'm inclined to just the OoH.

I tend to think of Harry as OoH ex Miscellanea, or an Orphan that had nontraditional Hermetic training.  Some of the things he uses in his rituals would not fly at an 'orthodox' Hermetic rite, such as using Play-Doh.  Also, his lack of grasp of languages would probably get him censured because he was not as dedicated to the art as the rest of the Council.  An Orphan would not have had the restrictions placed upon his training like a formally trained Hermetic would.

DFRPG / Re: Magic and Technology
« on: December 06, 2006, 06:02:21 PM »
Would gunpowder be considered technology?

The argument could be made that gunpowder is an alchemical compound.

DFRPG / Re: Magic and Technology
« on: June 28, 2006, 06:27:31 PM »
He understands that it works, but nothing about it that we know of. The difference is huge. If he had decent "book-knowledge", he would know about the EM physics involved and such. What he has is a vague knowledge that it exists.
If Harry only read a couple of magazine articles on GPS units and suchlike, chances are the articles would not go into great detail on their inner workings because such articles are written as overviews of technologies and what applications they could have, not the theory and implementation therof.

DFRPG / Re: White Wolf Forum: The Dresden Files
« on: June 28, 2006, 12:37:38 AM »
Come to DC.  I've yet to meet White Wolf players who *haven't* wanted to run a game in the new stuff.  The new Wraith in particular has gotten some serious props.

Chalk one up.  I still run a hybrid of second and third edition Mage (sort-of world of second, ruleset of third).  The cosmology and organisations of M:tR (Mage: The Reboot) do not do much for me.

DFRPG / Re: Want to learn more
« on: June 01, 2006, 08:18:23 AM »
The problem with most RPG magic systems is that they feel the need to assign particular points to everything, and it really forces rules lawyering. FATE avoids a lot of this with its general nature and encourages more creativity on the part of the spellcaster. This is a lot like magic system in Jim's books (and most books, actually) where cleverness is often more important than outright power.

As scary as it might sound, this is where the system used in Exalted really shines.  The more creatively a player describes something, the more 'style points' they get.  In a Mage LARP I was in, this was how certamen was handled (because there were no MET rules for it).  Of course, at the other end of feasibility, you get five minutes of powerup description if the player is on a roll, ala Sailor Moon, which can drive the other players batty...

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