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Messages - SerScot

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DF Spoilers / Re: Would a magic circle protect against mental wammys?
« on: July 15, 2023, 01:37:20 PM »
In Dead Beat, the ghoul was right there... it probably could have taken him out before he had time to form a circle, but even if he got it up, I think they're physical-enough to just walk right through a Circle and mess him up with claws & teeth.

Harry has *never* (that I recall) tried a Circle against ghouls (presumably because it wouldn't work).

But I think that the magic of Capiorcorpus would be blocked by a magic-circle; I just don't think DB ever offered circumstances where Harry could usefully try it.

FWIW, a circle certainly blocked the whammy from the Mind Fog in Summer Knight.

Precisely.  A circle might not offer much protection and in combat might be penetrated quickly by physical means.  However, with mind magic, as we have seen… seconds matter.

DF Spoilers / Re: Would a magic circle protect against mental wammys?
« on: July 14, 2023, 04:30:12 PM »
I don't recall that Harry had a protective circle up, in DB, vs. Corpsetaker's attempt on his mind... he was simply running away when she nailed him.
Was there any Malvora attempt in WK upon Harry's mind, when he had a circle raised?

So having / not-having his blood doesn't indicate blood's efficacy at bypassing a circle.

He didn’t.  I’m asking why he didn’t attempt to put one up and if he did… if it would have blocked the mental Whammies.  If it wouldn’t have… why wouldn’t the circle protect him?

DF Spoilers / Re: Would a magic circle protect against mental wammys?
« on: July 13, 2023, 09:49:10 PM »
[quote author=g33k link=topic=54909.msg2359217#msg2359217 date=1689273637]
Dresden magic-rules are whatever Jim Butcher says they are, obviously.
I'm pretty sure that blood/etc provides a link that a circle doesn't break -- it's part of you; so "part of you" is outside the circle!

Hold on… Corpsetaker didn’t have any of Harry’s blood in Dead Beat.  Malvora didn’t have any of Harry’s blood in White Knight.  How could Harry’s blood matter?

DF Spoilers / Re: Would a magic circle protect against mental wammys?
« on: July 13, 2023, 05:39:04 PM »
Most mental whammy require blood or body fluid. So the circle is useless. Or contact with the skin or eyes so in this case maybe?

Huh?  I thought Circles are fool proof against magical attacks?

DF Spoilers / Would a magic circle protect against mental wammys?
« on: July 13, 2023, 04:57:07 PM »
Several times in the series Harry gets the “mind magic… mental whammy” attempted against him.  It’s magic… so… wouldn’t a quick magic circle be a nice quick block to such efforts?

Is that the White Council pushing back to protect humanity?  If humans are “so dangerous” in large groups why did these supernatural nations allow the population to get so large and powerful?

DF Spoilers / Re: Why is Mab trying to change Harry?
« on: February 04, 2023, 01:39:17 PM »
I am very curious to hear from Rashid after Harry’s expulsion from the White Council.  Would he have been involved in the “emergency Senior Council” meeting?  Or was that only The Merlin, Mai, Christos, and Martha Liberty?  He had offered to get Harry “reinstated” after his recesitation from his coma.  He told Harry at the Outer Gates to “if you want to help me keep doing what you are doing”.  I’m very interested in what Rashid will have to say about all of this.  Including what the “Stars and Stones” actually are.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why is Mab trying to change Harry?
« on: January 31, 2023, 08:41:24 PM »
I don't think she does want him to succumb. She wants him to fight it, and in doing so become a colder, more ruthless version of himself. Keep the will and defiance (because those are useful) and get rid of those silly useless things like Conscience and Compassion that reduce his effectiveness.

As for why? Because she's Mab. She is Callous and Cruel, and Cold, and Ruthless beyond measure- and she firmly believes that is the best way to be for her purposes.

Tldr: Mab is a Hard Sidhe making Hard Decisions while Hard.

The will and defiance are tied to the consciene and compassion.  You don’t get the former without the latter.  Surely Mab is bright enough to realize that basic fact?

DF Spoilers / Why is Mab trying to change Harry?
« on: January 30, 2023, 07:42:19 PM »
Several times Mab has said things like “finally a knight worth the trouble” when Harry defies her.  If his defiance and strength are so useful to her why would she want him to simply succumb to the beastial urges of the Winter Mantle as Harry keeps implying or saying in the books since he has become the Winter Knight?

  Perhaps not directly, but he talks about Eb having dinner with his mother, Lord Raith, and Arrianna being present.. This is while Margaret was at the very least hanging out with Lord Raith.  This is how the connection is figured out.  Changes, the bloodline curse was all about planned revenge against Eb for knocking that satellite out of the sky that took out a lot of Red Court members, not Harry.

That was Eb talking to Harry privately after Thomas had evacuated with Molly.

I'm fairly sure that Thomas knew that Eb was his grandfather as of Changes. Harry explains the Bloodline curse to him in detail and I think it comes up. Would have to check the book to be certain though.

Just re read Changes a couple of weeks ago.  Harry never mentions Eb in the discussion of the Bloodline curse.


But then again in Changes, the bloodline curse, Thomas had to know, he isn't stupid.

The bloodline curse affecting Thomas is explained by its activating via Maggie, to Harry, to Thomas.  It barely occured to
Harry that Eb was among the targets until after everything had blown over.  We simply don’t know if Harry said something to Thomas (Harry was avoiding Thomas please recall) or if Thomas figured it out for himself.

I have to believe Thomas knows who his mother was. And that papa Raith and Lara know too.

We know Thomas knows his Mother.  Unlike Harry he has living memories of Maggie Sr.  Does Thomas know who his Grandfather is?  That’s a different question.

The only opportunity to tell Eb was the breakfast visit in PT. Right after Harry invoked guest rights on EB, he could have stopped Thomas from leaving and had an impromptu family meeting. Perhaps in Next Book, we'll learn what caused the feud between Eb and the Whamps. I don't even think Lara knows the details of how it became so personal.

That would have made sense.  Has Harry told Thomas that Eb is his Grandfather?

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry should have trusted Ramirez
« on: January 19, 2023, 11:42:26 PM »
I'm still WAG'ing that there's some hope Ramirez still trusts Harry, has the POV that Harry is doing a deep-cover penetration of the Bad Guys to root out the White Council corruption & traitor(s).  Carlos is just going through the motions, paying lip-service to the "Harry Dresden is an incipient warlock... or worse!" party line amongst the more narrow-minded & reactionary (or just frightened) of the White Council.

I'm going back to White Night, where (in the Raith Deeps) he says:
But then in the final chapter -- which is a series of "wrap-things-up" vignettes, of which Carlos' is the 4th -- they have their heart-to-heart, which includes:
So, we see here the deep-cover plot hatched between Harry & Carlos.  Carlos expects Harry to cut shady deals, to hang out with monsters, to alienate the White Council and get in tight with the Bad Guys(tm).  And Carlos is doing his part, acting like he's losing faith in Harry; even taking steps to "push Harry away" and further demonstrate his "reactionary bona fides."  In short, Carlos is acting like he's becoming a Morgan-esque hardcase.  On his side, he's hoping that the "Bad Guys" will slip up, and he'll spot some clue(s) as to whose loyalties lay with the Black Council rather than the White.

And we see that Carlos knows Harry can be an idiot about these things.  So, while Carlos can't be 100% certain Harry hasn't actually gone Sith-mode, he has seen Harry go to the mat repeatedly... always in favor of humans, and the underdog... and always against the Bad Guys(tm).

Moreover, I suspect Carlos gives a fair bit of weight to the opinions of the Knights of the Cross, who are all friendly with Harry... and that speaks immensely to which side of a fight Harry's going to be on (also, I suspect, it means the Bad Guys will never really be willing to trust Harry, and he's not going to get deep into any of their councils).

I really hope you’re right.  But being brutalized by Molly… who Harry trained may really have screwed Ramirez up.

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