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Messages - ralexs1991

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DFRPG / Re: Compelling a Knight of the Cross / The Almighty's Agenda
« on: December 28, 2010, 05:53:41 PM »
Also remember he works in unknowable ways and on many different levels.  Read the short story "The Warrior" for inspiration, Urel's chat with Harry at the end was one of the best scenes that JB has written imo.  You could easly make it where the player is called away to do some "trivial" task, while there is a clear and present danger as vamps eating the rest of the party.

yeah i totally loved the whole butterfly effect thing Uriel had going on in that conversation I hope Jim does that again sometime

DFRPG / Re: Catch Ideas
« on: December 28, 2010, 05:48:21 PM »
Darn, I think you're right.  But I could swear that he used nylon in place of "unnatural rope" somewhere and I'm pretty sure that Butters or another person said something about him using stuff from Wal-Mart.

Now I wish I had the electronic versions of the books to search them...

Of course, it's always possible that I'm confusing Dresden with another urban fantasy that had it.


actually i just finished rereading dead beat for the billionth time he did use barbed wire and harry was the one making the comment about his circle calling it a  quikie mart alcatraz

DFRPG / Re: Knight/Emissary of Santa Claus
« on: December 24, 2010, 06:35:13 PM »
Head to the spoiler forum and you'll find one of the sticky threads there lists all the Word of Jim posts.  And the poster has mined all of Jim's talks at cons that are on Youtube (there are links to them).  And all the podcasts that Jim has been on.  And all the interviews.  And... Well, if Jim said something about Dresden on the net then it's recorded there and there's a link to it.

Once you're at the thread, search for Santa (or anything else you want to know about).

There's a lot of good stuff there.


Thanks :)

DFRPG / Re: Knight/Emissary of Santa Claus
« on: December 24, 2010, 06:04:34 PM »
WoJ is that he's a winter lord, acting as the balance against winter's cold. Just as the Erlking represents the darkness of summer.

really can i get a link for that

DFRPG / Re: Collecting power to use later
« on: December 24, 2010, 05:51:58 PM »
First one is a bit difficult as we don't have the mechanical analogy. What I'd do is have Harry declare how much magical energy he's going to use in advance. I.e. he declares "I am going to use all my mental stress boxes, my mild consequences and my moderate consequence". This has the following effects;
a) In that scene, once he uses up everything he declared he would use, he no longer has any energy. I.e. he can't use his serious consequence by pushing himself - there's no more energy to channel.
b) Once the scene ends, if he has declared mental stress he did not use during the fight, those consequences/stress boxes are still filled up. He had used them to summon up that much magical power - he had just been holding it inside unused during the fight but he can no longer hold it.

Second is very easy. Mechanically, Harry asked Lara to use her Incite Emotion on him to apply aspects - one of the standard uses of that Power. Then he tagged those aspects, increasing his spellcasting rolls. It would be the same thing if Lara had applied those aspects on a soldier fighting for her and then the soldier tagging the aspects to boost his combat effectiveness due to improved morale and/or willingness to fight.

that makes plenty sense to me

DFRPG / Re: Help with seeli/Summer Magic
« on: December 24, 2010, 05:47:05 PM »
it's to bad we haven't seen more examples of fea magic in the books so far hopefully there'll be some in the next book

DFRPG / Re: Compelling a Knight of the Cross / The Almighty's Agenda
« on: December 24, 2010, 05:42:40 PM »
I'd run as compelling them to save even those they realllly want to kill

DFRPG / Re: Catch Ideas
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:13:38 PM »
That is not entirely correct. Normal iron cannot be cold-worked effectively. Meteoric iron on the other hand can; there are artefacts made of meteoric iron from as early as 5.000 BC. That was the original cold-forged iron, also known as thunderbolt iron and starmetal.

The mythological sword Balmung, who slew the dragon Fanfir, was made of meteoric iron.

kudos for the random knowledge drop haha  ;D

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Spare Character Concepts
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:06:44 PM »
I've got a few

High Concept: Winter Knight Kemmlerian Necromancer
Trouble: My wife and child died in my arms

Evocation -3
Thaumaturgy -3
The Sight -1
Soul Gaze -0
Wizard's Constitution -0
Sponsered Magic Kemmlarian Necromancy -2
Lawbreaker(1st) -2
Lawbreaker(2nd) -2
Marked by Power -1
Unseelie Magic -2
IoP: Sword of Winter's Frost +2
 Inhuman Speed -2
 Inhuman Strength -2
 Inhuman Toughness -2
 The catch trappings of Summer +1

cost -19
basically this character was made for really high level games

his story is that he was a wizard with a wife and daughter one day some ramps came and killed them he tried to save them but was unable so he went balistic and killed the vampires and their human servants he then turned to necromancy to try and bring his family back from the dead regular necromancy wasnt strong enough so he turned to the teachings of Kemmler after bringing them back he saw they were imperfect abominations a mockery of their former selves so he was forced to banish the souls of his wife and daughter back to The Beyond eventually the council got ward of his doings and he fled to winter seeking assylum long story short Mab made him her Knight thus making him immune from the council since Winter is their ally and they need what help they can get for the war

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: December 24, 2010, 02:35:08 PM »
omg you need to make an undead man-bear-pig!!!!  :D

DFRPG / Re: Wererhino: The Catch?
« on: December 24, 2010, 02:23:14 PM »
Maybe people against that are just hung up on "Powers" being supernatural.Since the books specifically say that, then perhaps you could state chapter and verse.
YS82 it says that were-forms must take atleast one of the inhuman skills

DFRPG / Re: Invoking Item Aaspects
« on: December 24, 2010, 01:55:02 PM »
By "items" I assume you are referring to Non-Items of Power that are Aspects like, My Father's Old Six-Gun, That Old Bomber Jacket, This is MY Rifle, etc. But Any Item including Items of Power work the same way.

You Invoke it in 3 ways:

1) Invoke for a +2 if the Item aids you in some way. "I use My Father's Old Six-Gun for X"

2) Invoke for effect, you have the item for the scene. Using it in this fashion means that the item is always on your person, it's a  part of you as a character.

3) (Similiar to 2) Invoke to make a Declaration, like "My old man was in SF so I'm going so say this Bomber Jacket has Flak built into it" This kind of thing might push things, but that's what you'd do with it. A better example of this would be Harry using his Aspect, My Mother's Silver Pentacle as a Declaration to say he has Inherited Silver. THough this use is more obvious and you wouldn't need it for a Declaration since "Silver" is in the damn Aspect name.

Compels work the same way.

1) Compel for when it hinders you in some way. Such as:

2) Compel to say, "It's always on your person". Good in a Fight, but bad when you are in an Airport full of Cops. Depending on where you are this could mean you get escorted from the premises or Security will draw their guns on you. In the Case of it being taken away from you, this will be a license to print Fate Points if your character hinges on it's presence.

3) Something plot-related to the Item. The Family Cowboy Hat could be compelled to have an Ancient Treasure Map in it.

ok that does help a lot any other ideas or compels

DFRPG / Invoking Item Aaspects
« on: December 23, 2010, 08:25:48 PM »
How would you invoke/compel aspects that are items

DFRPG / Re: Wererhino: The Catch?
« on: December 21, 2010, 05:14:27 AM »
As long as he later intends to sell it as an aphrodisiac on the black market, then yes. :P

now im waiting to hear a peta refrence

DFRPG / Re: Catch Ideas
« on: December 13, 2010, 03:47:05 AM »
Pardon me, but aren't the fairy tale references to cold iron intended to be cold-forged-iron?  That is, iron that has been beaten into shape with pure strength using a hammer, and without the use of fire at all.  This would be a thing more rare than a common tire iron. 

i doubt that's it at all because its not just iron that can be used in GP (if my memory serves me) Harry used depleted uranium against Lea

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