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Messages - Icecream

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That's from a WoJ.

It's in a book too though, WN  pg 265 HC

I think it is confirmed that Harry and Morgan soulgazed in TC. Ebenezar says something to Harry along the lines of "I reckon you would know , you 'gazed him Hoss"

Edit: Found it on page 100 of TC - hardcover version when Harry goes to the council HQ and talks with Eb. I can't be bothered typing out the actual thing.


1. We have been told that Nicodemus has a very specific target in mind, ostensibly kept in the Labyrinth of Daedalus.  What is Nic trying to get his hands on and why?

Umm not sure, I was thinking a client of Hades will be the target then I thought, hey lets see what google has to say about Hades and something involved with skin and it came up with the Cap of Invisisbility which makes the wearer invisible to other supernatural entities apparently, but that's a pretty nifty item maybe Harry needs to get that before he actually robs the real vault.

2. Nicodemus apparently called in a marker from Mab to get Harry on the team.  Does he have a specific plan for using Harry or did Mab twist his request?  Which of Harry's capabilities will he admit to needing, and (given that this is Nicodemus after all), which abilities is he scheming for Harry to use?

Well we know that Nic knows of Harry's potential outsider baneness and wants him on his team for that so I'm guessing his main goal of working with Harry is that. I'm also thinking perhaps Nic knows Harry did return from being dead and this has attracted the attention of Hades (Vaderung said he had done so with certain powerful entities) and wants to use him as a distraction or trade to get want he wants. Hades has to be pissed off about Harry cheating death.

3. Jim has mentioned that the book will be "Ocean's Eleven".  Who else did Nicodemus recruit?  How will they interact with Harry?

Ummmm.... Mostly things that hate Harry and one surprise who doesn't.

4. Harry's general method of operation is to call on his friends for help.  In this book, Harry is (initially) allowed one extra backup member on the crew.  Who will it be?  Which of Harry's other allies will "interfere" before the plot is over?

Kincaid. Harry calls him up pointing out that he did not in fact fulfill his promise so he still owes him one.

5. This is a Denarian book, so (unlike the last "end of the world" showdown), the Swords will almost certainly be present.  In fact, there have been various hints...  Which Sword wielders will appear in the next book and how will their interference/help affect the plot?

Murphy with Fiddelacchius (sp?). But in doing so she dies then gets a job offer from Monoc.

6. Mab is apparently against Nicodemus succeeding in this heist.  In the Cold Days, we found that Mab had complex reasons for wanting Harry to kill Maeve.  What are Mab's reasons in this book?  Is it simple thwarting or is there something deeper?
 Like I said, if he's getting the cap then he will be able to sneek past her defenses, which she probably doesn't like the idea of.

7. At the end of Cold Days, Harry needs to stay on the island to keep his growing headaches at bay.  The start of Skin Games implies that those headaches will need to be resolved by the end of the book.  Who or what is causing those headaches, and how will the whole thing get resolved by the end of the book?

Honestly, have no idea, going to take a guess that it's something on the island trying to escape introduced to Harry's head in SmF.

8.  One of the key components of the "Ocean's Eleven" movie is that there is a final twist/reveal.  Given that we've got Nicodemus, Harry, Mab, and potentially Hades (and who knows who else) all trying to get the better of each other, if there's one thing you can count on it's some sort of last minute quintuple-cross.  What will be the nature of the twist and how will it all fall out?

Oh golly gosh. I have no idea I'll just take a random guess. Ebeneezar will be on the team, we will have a fomor on there, because Nic's been shown to work with them in the past (those cat things) and they'll bring on some creatures made to work for Nic but really only obey them. Helen Beckitt  will be shown to be aiding Nic and co to somehow screw over Marcone and the whole Demeter thing has to tie in there somewhere.

9.  (Extra Credit) There are many WAG ("Wild A$$ Guess") theories on the boards, some crazier than others.  Write up to three WAG theories (or make up your own) you believe are correct that will be confirmed (or at least have evidence in favor of) in Skin Games.

It's a WAG for a reason. Anduriel is Kincaid's father, don't ask me how that's possible. Might explain some of that Animosity we saw between him and Nic at the aquarium. And then at the beginning of SG Mab points out that Nic/Andy brought their "spawn" along with them last time and requested symmetry, so what if it was Kincaid that he took and then Kincaid can come along this time and he has a good reason to screw over Nic and work with Harry to get back at abducting the archive.
Oh and of course we also know Kincaid is not completely human.

Um Karrin will take up the sword of the cross against Harry and company, die then be offered a job at Monoc .

10. (Extra Credit) This is that "free form" question where you can come up with anything else you think will be in this book.  Specific quotes Harry might say (will he actually quote Ocean's Eleven?  The movie will have come out already in Harry's timeline)? Tidbits about the White Council? The fate of Molly? Write down anything you want.  Note that whatever you write must be specifically mentioned or hinted at in Skin Games in order to be worth credit.

Umm don't know I feel like some SC members will make an appearance, merely because we haven't seen much of the council in the last few books.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2014 Schedule
« on: April 16, 2013, 07:35:46 AM »
I may actually be able to make the Gold Coast one if it happens. It's only 1000km away.

and Auckland is only 2623.47 Km from Melbourne, or a 3 hour flight.

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: April 09, 2013, 06:46:13 AM »
ICECREAM - ((((((IC))))))
We've missed you.
I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that you
find a great job.
Sorry to hear about the pup.
Is it possible that he has a food allergy or an allergy to
something in his environment?

Yeah, it's an allergy to something, thing is we just don't know what. Usually the most common thing is fleas, then food, grasses, plants, pollens or something else we don't know. Best thing we can do is stay on top of the flea treatment, give him the low doses of pregnizone and limit the range of food he eats. Eventually we will get around to taking down the vines in the back yard (pollen) but they re all over the trees, which are like 3-4 stories high.

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:05:58 PM »
Congrats graduates!!

Icecream-what is next for you? will you ever be able to move from home? How be the doggy??
I'm working "casually" ATM , which has been more than full-time because the previous full time lab assistant left, so I got all her hours, but the new person starts today so  they are going to be reduced very soon. In the mean time I'm looking for a job in food science, something like a lab tech role, but it's been a bit difficult.I've been applying for jobs all over the country, about 90% don't even reply.

Mousey is good although he is itchy, so that's been vet bills, very strict flea treatments,pregnizone, baths every week with oatmel shampoos and I've clipped most of his fur off too, but finally after a week of avoiding me he slept in my bed with me last night. He's finally forgiven me for the haircut, but it's better than having him scrating all the tim and getting matted fur.

How's bubs and your work going?

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:40:24 AM »
I dunno.... Lolz!

I also have my AA. so two for one deal in two years  8)

ok I have to ask what an AA is. Not the AA I'm thinking of right?

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:22:23 AM »
I found it!

Associate of Science in Entrepreneurship.

why did I think it was something to do with animal sciences or something?

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:19:24 AM »
I GRADUATED. That is all.

Congratulations!!!! remind me what you graduated in though, I know it's on here somewhere, but I can't be bothered looking for it. Something to do with animals is'nt it?

I'm graduating with my post-grad diploma next month. Not actually going to the ceremony, but I get a pretty piece of paper with my name and degree on it.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: University Bookstore Livestream at noon PST
« on: November 28, 2012, 11:52:32 AM »
Oh by the way, I watched it and as far as I can tell, no CD spoilers...really.  but some of the stuff I could'nt really hear so....

Edit: he said some stuff about what will be explained in CDs, not specifics though.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:37:56 AM »
What are your questions? I'll ask them for you.
Nothing much, just the ones i could think of last minute

1.   In Turn Coat there was a pentangle marking on a tree on the way to Edinburgh, and in Changes Harry’s mother had marked a stone with a pentangle. Did she make both? Any significance?
2.   Is Ivy’s father going to be significant/pop up?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:34:29 AM »
They did the one for ghost story actually.

Ok I'm giving up, I really have to go now. I I'm helping to reduce the traffic and sacraficing my questions so you may all get on. No ,it's alright go on without me!

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:29:11 AM »
I'm giving it 5 more min, then I've really got to go and do my dissertationy stuff.

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