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Messages - zegion

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DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 29, 2011, 09:48:45 PM »
Hmmm... the day i have work is when people want to hear from me, how am i not surprised.

Yes for the most part Z's house was it put...."a no fun zone." My wife and I are really into this paleo diet and trying to get our selves right (well mostly me, she has some how avoided putting on any weight since we started dating).  We do have a few sodas left, but please bring drinks and what not. Bring what ever other food yall want the more the merrier.

My wife is planning on making a stew, (its not paleo it has noodles) its kinda like a meatball sandwich stew and so freaking tasty that we have never had left overs with it AND home made biscottii.  If someone wants to take pitty on my dishwasher and the clean up after words, disposable bowls would be nice.

As for coming in character........really......Jen promises not to laugh at you.....much. I on the other hand make no such promises.

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 28, 2011, 03:25:16 PM »
Never bring a fist to a gun fight. The Kajunk method is the best method of them all.

We never bothered with stripes except for the red belt (the last one before black) it had up to 5 stripes. Which i had all of them, because i never had enough money to pay for the test to black. That kinda why i got away from a lot of the martial arts. Im not a fan of the belt system. Plus most are family oriented, i wanted to go into a place with a few heavy bags hanging up, maybe a speed bag, chalk on the floor, and a ring in the middle....then proceed to learn and then beat the living snot out of each other.

To become an instructor (lvl 3, im lvl 1 its just a week long class) in the Army they send you to Fort Benning for a month, where you learn and fight for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. On the second week, when people are slowing down, the instructors start putting tasers into the ring. You loose, when the other guy tases you. thats a lot of incentive not to loose.

See yall sunday.

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 28, 2011, 01:18:54 PM »
Yeah i know it was "compiled" in the 50's (after the Japanese Occupation of WW2) from other various Korean and Chinese arts. That said, everyone in their army learns how use it. Non-traditional stuff, is the sport that it has become, when people learn it more for sparing then self defense. Master Choi was a teacher for the Korean special forces and he always used to say "rules, there are no rules in war, its either him or you. Which do you want it to be?"

that said we still did a lot of point sparing. Now that ive seen a lot of different techniques out there, my favorite is Krav. There are about 40 different "techniques" they want you to know, thats it. But the trick is mastering them. When i get the chance i want to get back into it.

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 27, 2011, 10:10:51 AM »
Nice to see im not the only one you cant sleep tonight (so tired)...

bear, i dont have a gun safe, but i do have my man closet. We can put what ever you bring up in there until you vamanos. Most of my weapons are in that, to include my collapsible baton. The only exception is for my compact M&P40, which sits quite happily in my night stand. Not really into swords but the others might be.

My real life interests are Guns, and hand to hand (im a lvl 1 instructor yeah i know that just makes me the punching bag), ive also done krav on and off for a few years, and traditional Korean tai kwon do {none of that "American" crap} for 10 years before that. Ive never really had any inclination to learn ancient weapons, they just are not my bag. The closest ive ever come to trying was showing up for a few Escrema practices taught by one of the Gracie brothers when i lived in Hawaii.

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 27, 2011, 03:50:01 AM »
Well seeing as how i own a few knives, military body armor (courtesy of the US Army but its in my supply room), guns and a bunch of 5.11 stuff from my time as a police officer my wife is just going to look at yall and wonder what the hell yall are doing.

Everyone good with the map to my place?

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 27, 2011, 02:51:29 AM »
Looking at our Obsidian page, i was wondering how to upload some of the notes i did when digging though Miami's law enforcement agencies, any one know? Also as far as NPC's the characters came up with, is Ian the only one that can upload NPC's?

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 25, 2011, 03:49:29 AM »

Like Ian said were still early in this. I wouldn't worry about the fists to a gun fight.  At some point, i think we are going to be put in a position to use fists and quite frankly, your the man for that (ive got a 2 in it). Guns are only appropriate when there is no one to come and arrest you for them. At some point we are going to be in Miami, in a crowded place, with innocent bystanders where guns will NOT be appropriate. We as a group though are mostly mortal, we kinda are all like glass cannons. We hit hard, but we take a hit like France fights wars, badly. Heck Steve the Coiffed and Bear didn't even really get to any magic. Bear did get almost eaten by alligators though, which was entertaining.

Also there are alot of specialists in our group, so when its your time to shine you will do well, i think you are the only one with fists that high. Then Steve the bald and i purposely designed our charters as jack of all trades masters of looking good in a suit. So we have a lot of skills but most of mine are 1 ors 2. With stunts to augment the ones i deemed important.

Hell look at things from my characters point of view: 5:30 Am on a sunday he has a dead half shark half socialite on his hands, who has sewed HERSELF into that shark skin. Not to mention shes the daughter of the most powerful man in town. His best friend in Miami and the most knowledgeable man I know on the spooky side (steve the coiffed) has no clue what the hell is going on, and hes the Mage. The man who he would love to drag in on charges but none would stick, and who he acknowledges as an equal (steve the bald) added his own spin on it when he showed up the the prints and gun of the brother of the most powerful crime syndicate in Miami. An "associate" of said most powerful man in Miami has sent his driver "tess" to keep tabs on him (i think).  My crime scene photographer (ashley) happens to know the location of one of the few significant clues we have to date (that photo).  The club hes about to go ask question in, is under the sway of merfolk, and he knows it, and apparently this is tied to them somehow.  He knows The Redneck from previous run ins with steve the coiffed, but has yet to meet the pirate or Pele's simpleton.  And this has all happed BEFORE 1600 on Sunday.  

Special Agent Ian Fabian  (Z  Clued in well dressed FBI agent with a family history)

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 25, 2011, 01:22:59 AM »
Man i had a blast its been awhile (a decade), and i think at times i actually wanted to start interrogating people, instead of role playing and getting things moving. I couldn't believe how self conscience i felt when Ian said, its 5.30 am on a Sunday and your phone rings (i can remember thinking is great, frying pan, fire and why the hell am i first).... Last time i felt self conscience in front of a group was when i took over my first platoon 8 years ago. Also i didn't think i did a good job role playing my character. Hes a nicer guy then i am.

I also think i may need to relook at my social skills, I purposely designed my character to be more skilled (I took the GM fiat) then stunt driven. I have a 3 presence so i figured i would be able to use that assist my rapport, empathy and intimidation (yeah i know its on the sheet and i forgot to use it), which are 1's or 2s. Was i wrong in this assumption? I've read the rule books section covering and it implies you can but when?

Tess, how about Love 'em hate 'em my family all the same.

Thank all i had a great time. But i kinda felt bad for the rest of the group because Steve the Bald and I hogged a lot of the "air time."  

Special Agent Ian Fabian (Z)

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:27:44 PM »
It will be my house. Im in the DFW area again on Saturday and gone all weekend two weekends after. I will email out the map to my place later this week.

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 22, 2011, 02:03:13 AM »

 There really is no standard "case file". All the reports i ever filled out were on my computer in my car. I was never a detective so i don't even know where to start.  I can come up with something if you want, but its going to be on a word document.

Bear, just letting you know what the penal code says and as far as i know, there are NO exceptions. If a police officer were to stop that individual  during a traffic stop see the shotgun and measure it (he has probable cause, because hes already pulled you over for a traffic code violation) he will arrest you for it being an Illegal shotgun. No where in the Texas Penal code does it give exemptions for short barreled weapons. That individual may win in court via a lawyer arguing a finer point in law, but as they say, you can beat the wrap but you cant beat the ride.

edit: yes on rifles and shotguns. you by law are allowed to carry ANY weapon in your vehicle, as long as its out of site. A shot gun or Rifle can be displayed openly. I have no clue on the difference and why legislators made the law the way they did.

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 22, 2011, 01:52:47 AM »
Short Barreled shot guns? really. According to the texas penal code its illegal if its at or under 16 inches in total length, no mater what year it was made in. Ive been to the Gun Store (really thats its name). They didn't really have a lot of stuff the last time i visited, and i really wasn't in the mood to buy, just create a "wish" list. The proprietor wan't really all that friendly either. Even when i explained that i wanted to get my wife her concealed hand gun permit (which she has yet to do).

As for weapon and safites, no law that im aware of (might be a federal one, but im only repeating what ive been told), but for instace if you go to GT distributars if you buy a certain weapon, they are supposed  :P to ask if you are in the military or law enforcement before they sell it to you. Also certain stores such as academy and walmart can sell certain types of weapon either.

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 22, 2011, 01:48:19 AM »
Heck i would be a crazy pirate guy too, if I could only see one ghost and all he wanted me to do is go dig up his treasure. I still think its funny that problem "manifested" its self in the middle of a minor league hokey game he the character was playing in. now that is a concept.

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 22, 2011, 01:37:38 AM »
My Fav line of the moment: Crazy Pirate guy...probably has a cutlass and a brace of black-powder pistols

BTW an SMG is illegal, any fully automatic weapon is. The only appropriate way to own one is to have a class 3 licences, which is mostly for companies and people working for Tactical Teams, and even then they only have the ability to carry them though the agency they work for. Also keep in mind, the general public (take away gun shows for a minute) are not allowed to own or have access to weapons, those in the police or military can buy. For instance my M&P 40, has no safety. I could only buy it because 1) at the time i worked for APD and 2) I was in the National Guard (only have to meet one of the criteria)

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 22, 2011, 01:28:07 AM »
Ahh, the Hi-Power a simple great gun that has simply stood the passing of time. I admit, im becoming more of a fan the new glocks , for any that know me, i used to HATE glocks. But the gen 4's are sweet. One thing ive always liked about my M&P 40 is the way it just feels good in the hand, accurate with a pretty good trigger pull. Well the last glock I shot felt just as good.

And for anyone one lurking reading the forum, fan is absolutely correct. A good hunting rifle (no scope or bipod) can be found at academy for about 325. Grant it were talking about a single action weapon (one round at a time) but Winchester makes lss aoad of .308s/ 30-06 in that price range. You can even get a decent .30-.30 for less.

Heck my .38 special, feather weight, a conceable, 6 shot pistol only cost around 400 when it first came out.

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 22, 2011, 01:15:25 AM »
Bear, I think the rule makes sense, but I see resources as a defining factor in all of it. Take this for example, the best shot in the last company i commanded was a PVT, i dont think hes going to go out and be able to buy a Car 15 without saving up a few months.  

The only reason i say this is a bit more of a game mechanics type thing. A character with a resources of 4 or 5 obviously meant that to be the focal point of his character. Being able to step in with something way out of your league monetary wise seems a little out of touch with the game, unless you have a stunt to go along with it (hey im a gun nut, thats WHY i have a resource of 1 and live in a van down by the river, but i have enough weapons for the FBI AND ATF to have me on their watch lists).  

Also Ren is the deciding factor on it, but we gotta keep him free to design our adventures.

A Tarus, Really? Coundn't you have gone with a Glock 22 gen 2 or 3?  Something else to keep in mind, if she has it for personal protection, there a world of good pocket pistols out there, which would have the concealable aspect.

Shiner Bock is nectar of the gods, but ive sworn off beer for 3 more weeks. Then im going to celebrate with one or 2 and go right back to this paleo diet.

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