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Messages - Gritti

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Author Craft / Re: Writing from a different gender perspective
« on: October 15, 2009, 03:52:16 PM »
It seemed to be before you entered it.  I just mean about the Robert Jordan women thing.  You know fan vs. antifan....nevermind.

Author Craft / Re: Writing from a different gender perspective
« on: October 15, 2009, 02:07:06 AM »
I hope someday loads of people argue so adamantly about my work.  The fact that this discussion is so heated is a testament to his success...I envy RJ...and Mr. Butcher of course... ;D

Author Craft / Re: Writing from a different gender perspective
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:19:34 AM »
Writing men, women, dogs, aliens, or whatevers successfully all depends on motivation to me.  Men and women have fundamental differences at this level. 

Now to be clear, I personally have no idea what motivates most women.  I've been with the same one for nine years now and I still have trouble figuring out why she does things the way she does.

But when constructing my characters I tend to try to think of them from birth to whatever age they are when the reader will meet them.  Did they have a good, honorable, loving father?  This fact alone would affect a boy differently than a girl.  For a boy his father would be one of his first role models (possibly, of course a good writer could make the kid a psycho killer, but that's beside the point).  For a girl a good dad is her first idea of what a man is suppose to be like, and it will most likely affect who she chooses to date or befriend.  The same is true in the opposite for good mothers.  Now how about abusive parents, or neglectful, or depressed? 

I'm not a psychiatrist or anything.  This is just how I think parentage affects kids. 

I don't write a lot of this first stuff down.  I'd be writing for hours without getting any real writing done.  Instead I day dream as if I'm sculpting someone.  Did she have siblings?  Did he get to go to his prom?  Is he overweight? and so on
all of these things will affect personality and more importantly MOTIVATION.
Lastly keep in mind I'm an unpublished beginner too, so I'm certainly no expert.

Author Craft / Re: What's Your Ritual?
« on: October 13, 2009, 08:03:26 AM »
All this talk of playlists to help with the moods of scenes and characters is starting to make me wonder if there might be something to it.  I just might give it a try for the 4,000 word short story contest from WD.  I'm thinking something for Halloween.  Anyone got any musical suggestions besides the "Monster Mash" I'm interested.

Author Craft / Re: Burn out?
« on: October 12, 2009, 07:29:22 PM »
So far when I'm feeling blocked or burnt out I tell myself to first and foremost stay positive.  Don't go getting all bummed out and thinking you're not talented or anything.  We aren't writing machines...well I'm not...and I'm will to be there are very few writers out there that aren't affected by irritating coworkers, etc.

For inspiration I ask myself if I still like the story I'm writing and the answer is almost always yes, but when it's no then I go back and find the spot that changed it for me.

But honestly I think feeling burnt out is your imagination's way of telling you it's still brewing but nothing is ready at the moment.  You've used all of the ideas its come up with so far, but there will be more.  Just relax and wait for something to float to the surface.

Author Craft / Re: What's Your Ritual?
« on: October 10, 2009, 05:24:25 PM »

Everything I do is extremely routine, almost to the point of OCD, except for writing.  I write with music, silence, outside noises, office noises, or the tv.  Or whatever happens to be the noises around me.  I write in my little office-y type space, sitting on the bed, sitting at my work desk at lunch, Borders, or wherever.  The biggest problem I generally run into is that my mind starts working on new ideas and scenes pretty much as soon as I turn out the lights and lay down to sleep.  And as much as I want to get out of bed to work on it, I can't do that because it'll disturb my b/f, who wakes up at 5am, and it would take me even longer to get to sleep and that's enough of a problem already. 

Currently, I'm listening to soundtracks and sitting in my blue room writing at my desk.

Interesting, OCD for everything but writing...I think I need to get my self a laptop because it would be
great to be able to write elsewhere too.

When you say blue room are you talking about the walls or is it your room for being sad in?

Author Craft / Re: What's Your Ritual?
« on: October 09, 2009, 11:06:48 AM »
Thank you Kali and Kid Longshot for representing all those writers out there that do like noise while they work.  I knew there had to be plenty 'o writers who at least needed some random background noise while they write.  I remember that I needed the TV on when I was in college doing my class work.  I'm not sure what's changed from then to now, but now I need quiet.  Probably has something to do with my kids being hyper and loud all day long.  When it's finally just me at night the quiet is refreshing.

But as I always say to each his or her own.

Author Craft / Re: What's Your Ritual?
« on: October 06, 2009, 12:23:16 PM »

I get up at 4:00 AM whether I want to be awake or not - my Muse keeps stealing my internal clock. I write raw text - new stuff, not editing or re-writes - for a couple hours or until the noises in the house and city begin and I actually do wake up. Then I eat, exercise, get cleaned up and have a fairly normal day. After dinner I edit or plan things out, and most nights I go to bed early so I can do it again the next day.

Getting up at 4:00 AM was never MY idea of living the writer's life. Bleah!

Most of the stuff like special music, incense or anal retentive desk organization is left for the editing stage where it has greater amusement value.

Bravo on being the ultimate morning person.  I've been doing the graveyard shift myself and I'm finding it hard to burn the candle at both ends too many nights a week.

I thing every writer's desk must be a lovely whirlwind of notes , papers, and other junk.  A photographer could do a lovely series on writer's desks.

Author Craft / Re: What's Your Ritual?
« on: October 06, 2009, 03:14:29 AM »
I hate to admit it, but I do my best stuff when I'm at work.  :D
So you add suspense to your life while writing...interesting.  I'd like to try that but I work outside all day without access to a computer.  I carry a pad around with me in case I get any ideas, but since I don't have any supervisors I can't get caught.

Author Craft / Re: What's Your Ritual?
« on: October 04, 2009, 07:09:11 PM »
I'm gonna have to try that crisco thing...I'll skip the enema though.

Author Craft / What's Your Ritual?
« on: October 04, 2009, 07:36:11 AM »
What do you do when you write?  Do you have music on?  Do you only write in the morning?  Are you successful and have a carefully decorated and designed writing office (I dream of such a place....and someday I will have oh yes I will have it..) Anyway.  Personally I write graveyard shift because that's when my kids and my lady are asleep, and I like a nice quiet space.  I light a candle for some gentle light and I do not play music. 

What's your ritual?

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: September 30, 2009, 09:16:05 AM »
I just read the three (if there was more I must have missed it) pieces you've posted and I have to say they are all very cool.  Can't say I have anything to add to the critiques you got, but each one has parts that grab at me.  I'd say you definately have the heart of a writer...keep it up.

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: September 30, 2009, 08:53:23 AM »
I hadn't thought of the whole 2012 thing, but that definately opens up all kinds of new possibilities.  And I'm afraid humans haven't achieved level 1 quite yet (In my imaginary world anyway).  The prisoner is not human, but is in our galaxy.  I started this story last year and lost steam on it I'm not really sure why.  I planned a sort of alien goes to earth in a desperate attempt to escape from a hitman (also alien but different race).  Oh yeah and the space station is orbiting Jupiter.  It had lots of good pieces but I decided to put it on the back burner while I worked on an idea with a little more magic than tech, but I'll be sure to pull it off the shelf again and finish it.  Thanks so much for the feedback.

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: September 29, 2009, 11:43:16 PM »
Thanks so much for the comment, and the prisoner isn't in a country...he's not on Earth, but in a space station.

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: September 29, 2009, 09:04:33 PM »
Hey did anyone get a chance to read my Sci Fi story?  I posted it a on September 19th but haven't heard anything from anyone about it.  I refuse to believe it is so awsome that nobody had any comments, but I think maybe it got missed in some of the conversations.  So anyway, this is me asking for everyone to go back and check it out.  Please.

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