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Messages - Morgan

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DFRPG / Re: loup garou vs Warden Sword
« on: July 20, 2011, 02:13:48 AM »
Probably not unless it was inherited and made of silver.

DFRPG / Re: Pixie Minions and the rules
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:37:29 AM »
Well the invoke on the pixie related aspect could be used on any roll were the pixies could help you out not just on Contacts, though that would probably be the most likely roll most of the time. You don't have to lock an invoke for aspects, if you pay the point and it makes sense fictionally you get the +2 for invoking the aspect.

Also if your GM is having trouble with compels check out this post on player compels on Ryan Macklin's blog.

DFRPG / Re: Pixie Minions and the rules
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:51:19 AM »
Sounds like you and your group has a pretty good handle on the downside of having a band of pixies about, sounds like all you need is the aspect to deal with them. Just let your GM know you'd like compel on the Pixies then let your GM and fellow players play the pixies and make your life hell and sit back and reap in the fate points. I love the Reel to Reel movie night, the consequence of missing movie night sounds like it could be pretty dire compel.  ;D

I know I had enough trouble/fun dealing with just one when I played a rich, reclusive, Wizard in a 1920's Chicago game with a single Pixie Gal Friday, dealing with 13 pixies should be a ball.

DFRPG / Re: How to enchant a weapon? Not a Warden's sword!
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:02:13 PM »
I'd agree with EdgeOfDreams take on this the enchantment wouldn't stack with the normal damage, look at the Warden Sword as an example it doesn't do a 3 or 9 power level counterspell so I'd say that the Weapon 6 damage enchantment only takes the spell into account not the sword's base damage. Now a Weapon 4 enchantment twice a session is still nothing to sneeze at.

As for the justification for a Wizard with a Crafting specialty being able to enchant a sword to be a better sword I don't think you need one, it's what the character does with his magic. The only problem would be if he just picked the sword up he couldn't instantly make it into an enchanted item, he has to get it back to the lab/forge put some time into it and make with the magic. If you want to pick up a sword on the battlefield and enchant it right there, then that's really more of a maneuver to place a magical aspect on the sword that can be tagged later, which is not making it into an enchanted item.

DFRPG / Re: Pixie Minions and the rules
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:40:33 PM »
True there isn't anything on Harry's sheet about being the Za Lord. But then his Aspects can change at any of the milestones he went through and he probably eventually gets around to changing one of them to something like I am the Za Lord or he might not have depending on how relevant it was to the story that he and his group were telling. Basically any trouble from it could always be compelled off of his Perpetually Broke aspect that he keeps having to buy extra pizza for Faeries every week. Really until it gets brought up in the fiction of their game by Contacts or Resources rolls, being the Za Lord isn't really worth or cost any Refresh points.

But getting back to the OP's question I'd say that the character's aspect "A loyal staff bound by blood, love, and bargains" should do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to dealing with the Pixie Army, Fae Major Domo, and any old family friends. Invoke it whenever you need a bonus when dealing with them, and Compel it whenever those bonds of blood, love, and bargains become an issue.

All sorts of juicy Compels leap to mind with that sort of aspect. Just what did your great, great grand ancestor do to bind a Fae to his family for all this time, do you need to do it again? Sometimes Pizza Guys are late, what happens then? Crazy old Uncle Eustace shows up at your door claiming that someone is after him and he needs a place to hide, what if that someone is a Warden?

Now if you want the Pixie army to become even more effective information gatherers then a pick up a stunt called something like "Pixie Spymaster" which could give you a bonus to Contacting rolls possibly either a +2 if it dealt specifically with rolls about the Fae or a more general +1 to rolls as you've trained them to pay attention to mortal comings and goings as well. Really the effect of such a stunt should depend on what you want it to do. But if you combined this with the Pixie's existing stunt you could get some pretty powerful access to lowdown on what's going on in Faerie.

If you want to lead them into battle remember that Pixies really aren't that dangerous in a fight unless you've loaded them up with a bunch of Aspects for them to tag using maneuvers. I'd say that most of your rolls involving such an army would be Contacts, Rapport, or Resources rolls, don't worry to much about giving Pixies rousing Band of Brother's type speeches with Presence rolls. Just get them hopped up on pizza, promise them more, and point them at something.

DFRPG / Re: Stand Back! I'm Going to Do SCIENCE!!! to it!
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:04:40 AM »
It's not quite full on Science! but I have been tinkering with a Faerie Thaumaturgy powers for a Changeling game, I've got a Half-Svartalar changeling who is a Faerie metalworker and tinker. Basically I let him create magical or fantastic items made of metal at the speed of Evocation. However he uses Craftsmanship instead of Discipline for the Control or Creation roll. I've also got a Half-Bean Sidhe singer who makes Evocation effects with her voice and uses Performance instead of Discipline for the Control roll. Both of these replacements work pretty well thematically and don't mess with the system too much.

But I really think it would depend on what you want your Mad Science or Science! character to do. If you want a steam or clockpunk style Wizard who creates mechanically based magic items, which are really just magic with technological color then a Crafting Wizard is the way to go, though I could possibly see him using Craftsmanship instead of Discipline. Or he might just make Craftsmanship maneuvers as part of his Thaumaturgy Aspect Invocations. I have made several Magical (James Bond) Q type characters who have multiple open powerful Enchanted Item slots that can basically pull out just the right potion or magic item for the job and that also works quite well.

If you want an actual scientist who makes real scientifically possible, yet fairly wondrous things at nearly instantaneous speeds I'm not sure such a character belongs in the Dresdenverse. Mechanically if they were both using Thaumaturgy rules there really wouldn't be that much difference in the characters but flavor and color wise one doesn't seem to fit.

DFRPG / Re: Help I have a Fate point hoarder?
« on: July 12, 2011, 05:02:24 PM »
Do the other players have an issue with his hoarding? If one of the ways he is saving his fate points is by tagging aspects that others have created or discovered for free then he is also basically taking fate points away from them. I always like to have player created aspects on the table free for anyone to tag, but there is the rule that whoever created or discovered the aspect has the right of first refusal if someone else wants to tag it for the free first time.

Have the other players stop letting him get all those free tags on their aspects on the table. Though it really seems like a unsuitably punitive measure, but he really is messing with the game economy and the other players resources if he does all that free tagging of their aspects.

If you and everyone else have already tried talking to him about his hoarding, what is his response or reasons for his hoarding behavior?

DFRPG / Re: Sisterhood of the Waves Question (I think)
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:49:05 PM »
Try typing in Waves into the search field.,19931.0.html

DFRPG / Re: Magical shapechanging as Evocation or Thaumaturgy?
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:25:12 PM »
Okay so you are setting the character up to be an apprentice to a PC. Then in that case you should definitely stat the character up as a Shapeshifter who also knows some magic rather than a Wizard who can shapeshift. Channeling and Rituals rather than Evocation and Thaumaturgy, pick up The Sight, discounted Soulgaze, and Wizard's Constitution to show that the character has the potential to be a full Wizard, then Beast Change, Echoes of the Beast, Human Form. That should leave at least 4 refresh at the submerged level, and that's 3 points to buy other powers for the animal form or more levels of Beast Change to mimic changing into some other animal forms.

DFRPG / Re: Character Creation Help.
« on: July 02, 2011, 04:30:49 PM »
How about LARGER THAN LIFE?  It can be used in social and physical ways and would fit the over the top kind of character Dum Dum Dougan is. 

I like that one, how about CIRCUS STRONGMAN? It might be a fun aspect depending on how close you want to get to the original character's background.

As for more on how to build the character, provided you are going for a pure mortal than stunts are the way to go, the right combination of Might, Fists, and Guns stunts will make for a very capable soldier in the Dum Dum Dougan mold.

DFRPG / Re: Magical shapechanging as Evocation or Thaumaturgy?
« on: July 02, 2011, 03:54:10 PM »
What sort of animals do you want your wizard to turn into, and how much power do you want those animals to have? If they've only got one animal form that isn't all that powerful than just buying the Beast Change power is the way to go. If you want to turn into an animal or multiple animals with all sorts of nifty powers and still be able to do Wizardry you will need to look for some discounts. Item of Power is probably your best bet, just say the Wizard spent much of his apprenticeship crafting an enchanted animal skin that allows them to change form, or inherited a powerful talisman from their mentor. If you really insist on doing it quickly and with Thaumaturgy (Evocation is right out for something like actually shapechanging) than Sponsored Magic is the way to go, but be prepared to rack up some pretty serious debt to the sponsor.

Out of curiosity if this is for an NPC why are you that worried about the powers math in the first place? A few milestones and they should have enough refresh to do whatever they want, or you could just give them the refresh to begin with. Is there some intent behind this character beyond a Wizard who does cool shapeshifting magic?

DFRPG / Re: Orccon 2011 in Los Angeles
« on: February 13, 2011, 04:48:52 PM »
Tomorrow the 14th is the last day for pre-reg!

DFRPG / Re: Orccon 2011 in Los Angeles
« on: February 10, 2011, 04:05:14 AM »
Yes there is a Leverage system and it's great. But this game is a mash up of the two properties, it is a crew of supernaturally powered Dresdenverse analogs of the Leverage crew and uses the DFRPG rules not Leverage. The characters are a Focused Practitioner Thief, a Half-Ogre Hitter, a Precognitive Hacker, and a White Court Grifter, the game is a blast. Sorry you can't make it, but I hope that clears up your question.

DFRPG / Orccon 2011 in Los Angeles
« on: February 10, 2011, 02:56:12 AM »
Hey all,

Just wanted to let any Dresden Files RPG fans in the Los Angeles area know that a very Dresdentastic Orccon is coming up on this President's Day Weekend.

Here's a link to the Strategicon website:

Here are the Dresden Files games at Orccon:

I'll be running a straight DFRPG game Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll on Sunday 8pm
I'm also running two games of Avatar the Last Airbender: Romance of the Four Nations on Saturday 8pm and Monday 9am, which uses a version of the DFRPG evocation rules to do some crazy WuXia Element Bending.

WillH is running two DFRPG games:
Monoc Securities: Aftermath on Friday 8pm Warning there are Changes Spoilers in this game.
Leverage Files on Saturday 9am This game is an awesome Dresdenverse take on the Leverage TV Show.

The Crew of the Happy Jack's Podcast is also running quite a few Dresden Files games:
Happy Jack's Dresden Files on Saturday 2pm and Sunday 2pm
And an interesting looking DFRPG conversion of Tribe 8 called Happy Jack's TribeFATE on Saturday 2pm

There are also hundreds of other great games and events at this Orccon, hope to see you there!

DFRPG / Re: Aspects in Combat
« on: November 03, 2010, 03:27:55 PM »
Noclue, babel, etc: my problem is this. Venomous claws add an aspect and does continuous damage. Environmental effects the gm has in the story can do damage.

If Venomous Claws is what's giving you all the confusion then I think that might be your problem, that is an extremely potent and costly power that should be an exception to the rules not the baseline. It has the same cost as picking up Evocation, Thaumaturgy, or a Sword of the Cross! It is a power that should be reserved for some of the true nasties of the Dresdenverse. The effect of Venomous Claws is so nasty that I wouldn't use it to model normal poison in my games, having a snake bite or a envenomed dart hit a character and I would hit them with a consequence of "SNAKE BIT" or "POISONED" and compel the hell out of them rather than use the Venomous Claw special rules.

Whereas anyone with a little accelerant and a box of matches can set something "ON FIRE". Also most things that you maneuver an "ON FIRE" aspect onto are going to spend at least one of their turns trying to put it out, so that takes up their action for the turn allowing you to hit it again for free with a free tag. Being "ON FIRE" in FATE sucks enough without having to add damage on top of it. It is the same thing with being "PINNED" or "KNOCKED PRONE" folks who have those aspects maneuvered onto them are going to have to give up at least a round trying to get rid of them.

I'd play it by the rules they do work. But if it really bothers you so much I have a very simple solution for you, in your game let them take environmental damage if you feel it is necessary. Ta-Dah!

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