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Messages - The_Sibelis

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DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 24, 2024, 11:56:23 PM »
I'd think that:
  • if Harry&co could prove that Nemesis was actually the bad actor
  • if the Svartalves know of Nemesis
then Thomas could escape the most-severe Svartalven penalties.

But I'm not at all confident that (in Jim's Dresdenverse) this is the case.
through might or right, Thomas can't come back without doing so on some level tho.
Skipping out of the grave sword in hand just to be throttled by a svartalf would definitely subvert expectations...

DF Spoilers / Re: Does Thomas get a free pass?
« on: March 23, 2024, 07:12:34 PM »
I don't see the svartalves being an issue really, they're old school in the same view as Mab? They more than likely know of Nemesis?
Put two and two together, point out Thomas was nothing but a weapon not the perp, and they might actually owe due to what they did to him... I mean, they already DO, but if they actually accepted the fact it would be paramount to owing a life.

DF Books / Re: Honestly Will the Dresden series ever be finished.
« on: March 15, 2024, 07:23:42 PM »
He just decided NOT to ever finish the DF citing that he's sick of people questioning wether he'll finish it at all he's decided this is the only way to give a definitive answer 😞
😄 On the bright side head canon just became the only Canon 🤣

DF Spoilers / Those funny parallels(naming convention)
« on: March 07, 2024, 02:10:59 PM »
Ah so in my own unique perspective of the DF I realized one of those funny little parallels JB likes to throw in. Maeve is the original naming of Mab, likely after the likes of Queen Maeve.
JB has largely transmuted this into Margaret/Molly.. but perhaps Harry's new nickname comes into play too, Molls.
I could see Maeve equating more to Molly, especially adding in the meta mirroring. but the new identity of Molls? What if that's the original of her "Mab"? Maybe it wasn't Mab, but Mabs.(Insert inverse meta joke about why everyone thinks Mab wants everything, she used to go around calling herself Mabs and people got confused about it being possessive lol)
Idk, just a thought. I foresee Molls being an important identity at some point.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Beat Question
« on: February 24, 2024, 07:01:50 AM »
Molly?  In White Night, with one of the early victims of the Whampires.  Harry took her to the morgue, and Waldo let her do her Sensitive thing.  It let Harry confirm there was a serial-killer.
oh 🤦‍♂️ my mind went to the wild wild West movie and it's literal version.. I couldn't place that scene anywhere in the DF tho lol

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 24, 2024, 07:00:30 AM »
Mere physical escape was never the challenge.  She was a powerful WC mage, and one of the most-informed mortal waywalkers ever; she could have left any time she wanted to... if she had just wanted to.
The question is -- since Papa Raith apparently had years to work on her -- why wasn't she utterly enslaved to his will?  Murphy admitted that (a much weaker) Papa-Raith almost broke her, and that was in just the space of a few minutes.
can you just imagine the force of nature that gave birth to Dresden? O.o
Seriously though, she might have had added advantages besides being of a wizardly willpower OR Malcolm was just that mouthwateringly wholesome at first sight?
🤔 We've never seen what love does directly when applied to an enthralled. An the only no frills healing of a mind glitch we've seen was done with heavenly assistance iirc?
I favorite Margaret was a Fallen for some time... And Lasciels was hers. Might explain why it'd been out of circulation for so long, Nic had to seek it out after she hid it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 21, 2024, 02:07:38 AM »
The other thing is, Faeries are tricksy AF.  They glamour stuff more-readily than Harry uses fire and force.

Molly could have opened a Way, and hidden that behind a glamour.
that's just straight up limiting what a way is and how it works quite frankly.
Harry literally monologues on him making this mistake on his own understanding of how complex making waypaths is to drive home the point. A way is not simply a tear in the air.
Remember they're making the way to get through the veil, the sheer lining between reality. A veil is something that you can usually step right through..
Case in point Mab, Maeve, ect appearing with very little disturbance besides extra cold. Either from Maeve being lazy or Mab simply existing.
What we're seeing is just the flavor of the way maker.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Beat Question
« on: February 20, 2024, 05:45:34 PM »
I bet they could pull a much-more refined & informative version of Molly's "look into the eyes of the dead" trick, too.
what? When did she do that?

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Beat Question
« on: February 18, 2024, 05:55:30 PM »
They wanted the Word of Kemmler; I don't know why they thought there were any clues there.
summon up Mr Bartleby and ask him questions maybe? Or the ghoul just needed fed..

DF Spoilers / Re: Did Molly teleport
« on: February 17, 2024, 11:43:20 PM »
Always thought, especially because of earlier usages by Mab, Leah, ect that fae tend to use a hybrid method when dealing with going between reality and the NN. They can pop through the veil almost wherever because of how much of it aligns with reality, and when within the NN, especially fairy whom they are the masters, they can go anywhere instantly.
I'd surmise it takes less of them than a mortal because of their connection to the NN.
Alot of teleportation in other media can be done by means of interdimensional shifting, like nightcrawler in X-Men. This is probably the fae method, more efficient than manipulating matter like a transporter.

DF Spoilers / Re: Great another starborn theory, this time with vampires
« on: January 27, 2024, 09:05:19 AM »
So, the meta experience on this is vampire courts equivalent of seven sins. I fathom each court was brought in by their originator as a causality of choice in one of the 7(it's been theorized which would be which in the past here, can't remember all of them) mainly born from Jim picking an arbitrary number like 7 specifically for the courts but then only fleshing out the 3-4 major ones he had actual plans for.
So, sorta like demons they technically have a place in reality, though they have real bodies they are not actually welcome here. Bad housemates, Dresden evicted some for us lol.

DF Spoilers / Re: WOJ search for Uriel/Odin deal for Murphy.
« on: January 26, 2024, 06:11:09 PM »
Hey guys,

I think my last work on the WoJ website was in the period after Skin Game.  I'm not really interested in working on it anymore and sort of gave the keys to Jim's payed assistant, although I think she is part time and I don't think she has the time to work on it to the level I used to either. 

If I ever put any effort into it again it will probably be limited to just collecting links to sources and transcripts out there.
oof, zee King is dead 😞🫡

DF Spoilers / Re: The Mother's Cottage
« on: January 07, 2024, 03:42:44 AM »
It's winters cottage, summer hangs around cause of balance.
*Per woj btw, it's MW's cottage..

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: January 04, 2024, 08:35:57 PM »
🤔 Leah took what actions against him she could actually, this we already know. Constantly hounding him anytime he went to the NN, chasing him in the mortal world whenever possible. Iirc Harry had been avoiding her for years when she's introduced.
An she really couldn't have taken greater action against him, when she's already made a deal to secure his physical and spiritual well-being. Margaret knew Leah's limitations, she made sure to put him just beyond her potential wrath in the future.
Leah tried to play him per a deal, but couldn't forcibly collect without renegading on another. Mab had no such issues.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why did Dumorne put the mental whamy on when he did?
« on: January 03, 2024, 05:14:01 PM »
  Except if you look at Harry's style, he still uses rings, bracelets, firing rods etc..  It was even truer when he was younger, Justin would know that.
what does that have to do with Justin, who can call fire to his arm and not burn himself 🤔
And had Elaine to help, who I don't recall needing any focus for the exact same spell in SK.

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