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Messages - Sebastian

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Author Craft / On the nature of writing and profit.
« on: January 24, 2010, 09:51:25 AM »
I came across the following gem yesterday:

Whenever I'm asked what kind of writing is the most lucrative, I have to say ransom notes
/Literary Agent H.N. Swanson

Author Craft / Re: A quick question regarding Genre
« on: January 22, 2010, 10:27:35 AM »
The story has an action / adventure feel with heavy fantasy / mythological overtones. there might be some humor and there will be a romance line but that is definitely secondary in the story. I foresee it being kind of dark. (actually, now that I think about it there will be at least 2 scenes that will have fairly nasty deaths)
To the reader it is an obvious fakery but not to the characters who are being lied to.

Then probably horror, since that's the main bit.

Author Craft / Re: A quick question regarding Genre
« on: January 20, 2010, 10:10:50 AM »
Is the story funny? Scary? Dramatic? Is it an obvious fakery? Are they doing it to conceal a crime?
Is there romance?

Author Craft / Re: A writer's question about lingual shift
« on: December 16, 2009, 02:21:22 PM »

I think you're better off having the characters -not- be able to understand each others' words, and emphasizing non-verbal communication on a basis of whatever human condition the characters share.    

An example of such a thing might be what Phillip K. Dick does in 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep'.  In that novel, we know the humanity of the person through the empathic reaction.    Interaction through words is for the unfeeling androids.

I think it would probably help if you mapped out exactly which part of being post-modern-human* was gained or lost during this Armageddon you've got in your backstory.  

*And I'm not talking about technology.

Beware ignoring difficulties with non-verbal communications. Like how in Robinson Crusoe they manage advanced theological debate by hand gestures...

Author Craft / Re: A writer's question about lingual shift
« on: December 16, 2009, 02:07:08 PM »
And also take into account cultural idioms.
If someone, say fell asleep in 1809, and woke up today. 

Would they have any idea what "OMG, I like, totally googlestalked him."  would mean?

Also.  What is the rate of technical/magical advancement in your world.
Has the lives of the average person changed, and how drastically in the last 200 years.
Do they still use horse drawn plows? Or Do they have little magical sprites that prepare the fields.
Were there any big battles, any big wars?  Cultural events.

For example.
If you went to sleep in 1350 and work up in 1550. 
The english spoken would likely not have changed too much, although you might be weirded out by the level of french/english merging.  But an amusing thing.  A now common physical expression (giving someone the middle finger) would be completely incomprehensible to you.  That's because you've never heard of the Battle of Agincourt.  From which that particular expression came from.  There's just alot of things to consider, and that's during a relatively slow period like the dark ages. 

Temporal shift stories are hard to pull off well.

You’ve also missed Luther, a significant shift from aristocratic feudalism to monarchy, most of the Black Death and subsequent liberation of english serfs, the discovery of America & the sea route to India, throwing the muslims and jews out of Iberia, the abandonment of Greenland, I also think the prevalence of windmills and waterwheels, reasonably certain Turkey conquered lots of the Balkans…

Author Craft / Re: A writer's question about lingual shift
« on: December 16, 2009, 10:34:22 AM »
If you're writing the story in non-English, look up how people spoke ~200 years ago and use that.
If you're writing the story in English, you're practically translating their fantasy gibberish anyways and may as well use ~200 years old English. That would be approximately Byron, no?

Beware, though: :)

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: Codex Alera Timeline
« on: December 01, 2009, 08:12:51 AM »
I tend to refer to stuff by season, last spring, last winter etc. and let the years sort themselves.

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« on: November 23, 2009, 01:03:06 PM »
Here's the real final paragraph:

(click to show/hide)


(click to show/hide)

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« on: November 20, 2009, 07:46:53 AM »
Does peppermint help against seasickness? And if Tavi knows about this, what possible reason could he have for not packing some himself during Princep's Fury?

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« on: November 19, 2009, 01:20:56 PM »
My question is, why did the Vord, in setting up on Garados, ignore the 2 or 3 steadholts they had to go right past to GET to Aricholt in AF...

Target of opportunity?

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« on: November 19, 2009, 08:47:35 AM »
On a loosely related note.

What strikes me as odd is the fact that Kordholt (later Aricholt) is so far from Garados. They used it as base to hunt the Vord on Garados... makes no sense for it to be so far away.
But like I said before, the whole of Calderon deviates from how I pictured it myself.
I bet Jim did this on purpose... he wants to confuse us. :-)

They went to Aricholt because Aric came and said "I haz problems, helps plzthnks" and then they found it abandoned and vord-infested. After which they decided to press on, not because that was the best base but because it would take too long to go elsewhere. Necessity, rather than convenience.

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: A Map (cont'd) Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers
« on: November 18, 2009, 03:14:44 PM »
First off, Awsom map Pris, However, I do have a question, I thought just from reading the book that the feaverthorn Jungle was nearer Caldron, like somewhere near Bernard holt. Or was that a different set of woods that only Bernard could travel through?  Also Isn't Appia where the first aleran were fighting in captians fury, or was that a different set of ruins?

No, there was a local Calderonian forest only Bernard was familiar enough with to traverse safely and easily... of the valley holders that is.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: First Lord's Fury released Nov 24, 2009
« on: November 04, 2009, 07:52:15 AM »
I'm not so sure, that's the British edition, and with the last release, European readers got their copies at least a couple of weeks before it hit the shelves here in the USA.

Stockholm got copies 3 weeks in advance this year... Mine was purchased yesterday so now I haz a happy   ;D :)

Author Craft / Re: Worst Opening Line Ever...
« on: October 29, 2009, 10:29:41 AM »
It's called the Bulwer-Lytton (sp) contest. Google should have details.

Author Craft / Re: Redefining Established Paranomal Beings
« on: October 29, 2009, 08:19:57 AM »
In writing, 'tis the knowledge of the teacher, not where they teach that makes a great class to take.

I'm taking a class with some incredible writers, who aren't sci fi readers.  Initially, their comments were "how does that work?" type variety. And i would, "huh?" Assume nothing and describe all.  See other posting here to do it in an entertaining way.

I'm using a time travel device.  I created it and I described it, but from the wonderful sci fi writer was the Star Trek concern---"aren't you afraid they will change the time line?"  UHm, yeah,great question.  I've been using without thought the Crichton Time Line and more realistic in my opinion to assume.  About ten inventers invent the same device at the same time usually--but only one gets the Kudos.  Killing one off isn't going to change a thing.  Another is already there and ready to go.   

So, I need to go back and explain that--dang it!  :-)  Thank goodness for readers who will actually ask you questions and call you on something you missed doing!

Actually, the ”Timeline” version makes precious little sense. If you can only bring yourself, that’s one thing (though I still suspect if you manage to kill both Newton & Liebnitz that’s going to screw over history), but they can bring stuff.
As in, a small library of all the mathematical and scientific advances of the last 300 years. Print a bunch of copies and start publishing them during the enlightenment and see if things progress as they did for real…

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