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Messages - Melriken

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That's already been woj'd on. Summer plus winter knight in one body equals cabloowie.
The fae courts were split to create a balance between them allowing no Shadows of them to form. Mabs actually the shadow, given purpose in reality. Best metaphor I can come up with is the ying-yang and 64 trigrams. The more layers there are the harder it is to imbalance.
isn't that the quote that says something vague like "I wouldn't want to be the one around when those merge, ouch" or something that the interviewer takes as boom but the quote doesn't actually say? or am I remmebering wrong?

Meanwhile the Ladies are the 4 star generals meant to give the Knights their orders.
No, you wouldn't have a '4 star general' to give a single individual their orders... Each court would need 4+ knights with banners for the Ladies to be 4-star generals to them.

I think that you are right in that the Mantles weren't meant for the last ~1,000 years, they were meant for what is coming next and they have just been holding power intended for others (Harry and Molley for example) to use.

The real question in my mind is were the Fae Courts split in two to prevent the powers of the Knights, Ladies, Queens, and Crones from being used at all? Divide a power in half, give the two halves to different people and set those people at odds with each other to ensure that the power was used to counter itself and not to an end.  If that is the case then Harry will claim the power of the Summer Knight as well to re-unite the mantel and use it for it's true purpose, and Molley will reunite one of the Fae Queen mantels (both halves of the Lady mantel or both halves of the queen mantel).  Unifying that power so it works to one purpose being required to hold off the Outsiders in the conclusion of this generation of the push.

DF Spoilers / Re: If E=K: A different way to look at this idea
« on: May 22, 2023, 05:12:55 PM »
Cowl could easily be Kemmler then, because before he was "Bob," he was the servant of Kemmler, then Justin and evil version of himself that we saw when Harry ordered Bob to recall that version of himself... That version, clearly "Evil Bob" tried to kill Harry.
No, Kemmler wouldn't need the word in the first place.

If E=K then Simon didn't die at Archangel and is Cowl...  This would Devastate both Harry (because Elaine) and Eb (because Simon) and feels like Jim.

DF Spoilers / Re: If E=K: A different way to look at this idea
« on: May 22, 2023, 05:07:32 PM »
I don't doubt Harry's actions made a lot of noise ... but I don't think the Walker was making a serious shot at his life at that point. From the unclouded memory flashback in GS, it was pretty clearly trying to goad him into using magic for violence.  It got more than it was bargaining for with setting a gas pump on fire, but if it had wanted him dead, it could have done it easily.

I'm also not even sure Justin was really the one who sent it, for that matter. I think Harry might have that assumption wrong.
I agree, the walker was trying to goad Harry, either to get him to use black magic to corrupt him or just playing with his food for fun (I lean to corrupting Harry)

I think Justin did send it and sent it to get Harry to use Black Magic not kill Harry. I always thought that Harry knew it was Justin that sent it because Harry had managed to reflect the summons back on the summoner and the Walker had killed Justin as a result, but I didn't see that in a re-read so I don't know where that idea came from.

Regardless, from the outside it looks like an outsider trying to kill a wizard and should have gotten the Gatekeeper's attention, so I wonder why it didn't.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 17, 2023, 08:48:23 PM »
Maeve brought Peabody, there is route to outside Arctis Tor to the Phobophages lair via Pell’s theatre in Chicago. Peabody uses the same way from Edinburgh to Chicago as the Senior Council, got his photo taken, hailed a cab or got a lift from Nameless to Pell’s, opened a way to the lair, met by Maeve who smuggled him into Arctis Tor and opened the way to the Island bringing a load of giant spiders from Winter.

Nameless had been expelled from Arctis Tor following Proven Guilty, it likely added to Mab’s  deduction that Maeve was hopelessly compromised the help she gave Peabody..
I will have to go re-read, but my understanding was that Peabody came to Chicago, poked around, left by the same Way, then came to the island with a human.  I don't think he took a Way at Pell's and I didn't think Maeve was a candidate for his companion... (I had initially assumed the pair was Cowl and Kumori so I could be getting this wrong)

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 17, 2023, 05:33:13 PM »
It depends on whether Nameless knew where the gate came out in Winter, remember Nameless is likely older than Mab, her and the Merlin would have been the gossip of the day, and if Nameless knew about Demonreach being built by Merlin then yes Arctis Tor is the likely destination and to be congruent Mab’s personal prison within it, so Mab is guarding the back door and behind her Mother Winter.

No, I don't believe the island's only never never connection is Arctis Tor... Peabody knew another because I don't think he could have gotten to Arctis Tor without discovery. Gatekeeper could have taken Arctis Tor.

DF Spoilers / Re: If E=K: A different way to look at this idea
« on: May 17, 2023, 05:22:43 PM »
I think you are short selling the Gatekeeper saying Jim wouldn't use the same trick twice...

Of course the Gatekeeper would use the same trick twice, and many more... it's a good trick, the real question is why doesn't the Gatekeeper detect Black Magic and send someone after it more often... but an Outsider trying to kill an apprentice wizard and that apprentice turning it back on the master and then killing that master wizard (a former warden) is exactly the kind of thing the Gatekeeper would get involved in and Jim would use that.

Also if E=K then S=C or J=C (likely S) so E likely knew C before J died and likely C helped hide E...

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 16, 2023, 09:28:09 PM »
Because Nameless ensconced himself in Winter, if the Warden has access to a way through Winter to Demonreach and visited regularly Nameless was in the perfect position to identify the Warden and pass that information to Peabody.
Winter is a BIG place... I believe winter is bigger than the surface of the Earth...

IF the Warden has access to a way through Winter, AND the Warden uses it... Nameless would be less likely to catch him then Peabody who at least was at the same starting point...

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 16, 2023, 03:23:39 PM »
This ties in with the absentee warden theory, Fortier may not have been to the island in decades, and Alfred was working to long established protocols.

If he hadn’t visited for decades this would have made it more difficult for Peabody to identify the Warden, especially if Cowl is Nameless
And you lost me...

A bunch of perfectly good Theorizing and then you go and cram in a pet theory...

How does Cowl being Nameless or not being Nameless affect Peabody's ability to identify the Warden who doesn't visit for decades?

Nameless was introduced too late and in a side story, he can't be Cowl.
The empty hallow Harry lays in for his recovery, was Shagnasty's. An empty reticle in an otherwise full room seems odd til you consider where the other one went.
The are no empty hallows, not because Demonreach is full, but because Demonreach grows new ones as needed, and in the unlikely event of a hallow not being needed... it clears them out.

We see Demonreach withdraw the water from trees to get rid of the creatures in the trees, we see a full prison and Harry asks if Demonreach can hold something as big as Ethniu and Alfred says size isn't an issue, so Harry tells him to prepare a cell.  Hallows are created at need and if needed destroyed at need.  There are NEVER empty hallows.  the Hallow Harry was in was Harry's Hallow.  it was created for Harry and not seen later during his recovery because it no longer existed because it was no longer needed.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 12, 2023, 03:46:12 PM »
After a rereading of SF, I have to conclude that there was no Warden over Demonreach at the time.

Otherwise, six Denarians wouldn't have been able to set up shop there for 2-3 days without the White Council showing up. I can't believe that the island doesn't have some way to alert the warden of an invasion by powerful mystic forces who are setting up a camp for an prolonged stay. (At minimum, the time it takes to break Ivy.)
If Fortier was the warden at that time he likely had issued standing orders to Alfred to keep people away from the island but without violating the laws of magic, so the feeling wasn't strong enough to drive them away, just to make them avoid if reasonable, and otherwise to not interact with people showing up.

We know from Cold Days that the Island doesn't have a way to warn the Warden remotely... so no it couldn't call in a White Council strike team, especially on short notice with the Warden absent from the island.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 10, 2023, 11:26:41 PM »
My theory was that Aleron Fortier was the Warden before Harry, and that his murder by Peabody was a premeditated move to sever the connection with Demonreach so that Peabody could assume the link and control of Demonreach.

Interesting, it would mean it is possible for Christos to NOT be black council… the default assumption being that Fortier was killed to free his spot for the black…

Obviously it could be two birds and they wanted both. But interesting theory… I like it.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 10, 2023, 05:28:59 PM »
I don't think we have WoJ on this, but I agree with you.
"Blackstaff" is an unofficial title, an acknowledgement of how-things-are.  Ditto "Gatekeeper."

I'm not even sure they're aware of "whoever is linked to Demonreach" actually being a "Warden," to be honest.  I think it would Freak Them the F'k Out to learn that there is a Warden (with a cap-W), and that Harry Dresden is it.
No, no WoJ on that, hence all the ‘I think’s, speaking of… I think they know, and I think they are freaked out… why else kick Harry out of the club?

Kemmler was Warden, then another, then Harry… the post hasn’t been empty for that long… I think they know and I think it scares them… I would guess that part of what made Kemmler was demonreach… I think he probably listened to too many of the inmates… and took some advice and knowledge… I think they are afraid that Harry is on the same path.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 10, 2023, 05:09:52 PM »
Can you find the cite for that, please?  I've seen it before, several times, so I believe you.
Thing is, the citation that I know about says something else:--
"Eb took up the Blackstaff in 1884-1885 somewhere in there.” And “The Blackstaff chooses his successor." - Jim 2016 DF Reddit podcast Q&A

It is also the last Eb blurb on the link you provided.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 09, 2023, 10:48:00 PM »
My guess is the true origin of the Blackstaff is passed down from Blackstaff to Blackstaff, the current Merlin may not know what it actually is, and its true origin. Ordering Eb to pass it to his lackey means that Eb is unlikely to tell him squat.
WoJ is that the Blackstaff chooses his own successor...

I don't think the Gatekeeper, Warden, or Blackstaff are offices of the Council, I think they are offices that when held are usually held by members of the Council.  The Merlin and the Sr Council are the only offices of the Council. (well Peabody's and other administrative offices exist... as does the Commander of the wardens (little w))

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Council is kind of a Joke.
« on: May 08, 2023, 09:01:58 PM »
Not really, Winter is in cahoots with elements of the White Council the Gatekeeper is proof of that.

We have been given clues that the Blackstaff is Mother Winters missing walking stick, most recently in Battle Ground Eb’s shadow in wielding it is that of a Crone.

Mother Winter is an Intellectus, she knows exactly where her walking stick is at all times. Therefore Eb holds it with at least her tacit consent, which she can withdraw at any time.

In The Law Mab steps in when there is an attack on the company car, she sees it as an embarrassment, an attack upon her Knight with the Blackstaff would be seen in the same vein by Mother Winter.

Harry as the Winter Knight is specifically  Mab’s agent in the mortal world, but he is also Mother Winters.

Eb in attacking Harry didn’t use the Blackstaff.
A: The Blackstaff isn't a weapon, it protects you from the taint of Black Magic you don't use it against someone.
2nd: it is as likely as anything else that Mother Winter lost the black staff in a bet with say Uriel, and he gave it to the Black Council and MW can't take it back without upsetting him and or going back on her given word... this might be an agreement with the original Merlin or someone else.
Finally my point was that Mother Summer said "LOST", she can't lie, so lost in a bet, misplaced, something like that, but she can't have loaned it to the WC for example.

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