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Messages - MouseWynne

Pages: 1 [2]
Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: September 17, 2009, 10:55:14 AM »
Close VERY close - it certainly watches you! :D

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: September 15, 2009, 02:34:50 PM »
YAY! Great pics TC - I miss the open Markets!  There's one here but it's not the same, very Sovietski.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: September 11, 2009, 08:25:07 AM »
TC - Those are ALL gorgeous!

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: September 09, 2009, 09:07:24 AM »
Seph - I speak very little Russian.  When I first went overseas I only spoke English and  high school
Spanish, my first overseas country was Italy....I learned then that if you learn a very few words,
(please, thank you, etc.) and are polite and smile a lot, especially if you can laugh at yourself then
you'll be treated well by the majority of the people you meet. 

Also, you might be surprised at the number of people who speak a little English now Western
Europe English has taken the place of French as the most common language spoken by people from
different countries.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: September 09, 2009, 08:46:43 AM »
What both amazes, and causes me to question my amazement, is how somewhere so incredibly far away from me, can still look so similar and familar to places I see near home.

One of the lessons I've learned in living overseas is that sometimes the places and people
you expect to be the most alien are actually the most similar and those you'd expect to
be similar can at times be the most alien. 

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: September 09, 2009, 08:39:31 AM »
Seph - That's a great picture - love the play light against the dark.

One of the shots I took last week when we had the Consulate offsite.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: July 14, 2009, 07:02:33 AM »
Blaize - First thanks again.

Second - that's a lovely piece of work.  I've seen and handled crocheted
bead ropes - in fact I have 2 that are about 60 years old.  But, I don't
crochet so I've never made one.  I keep thinking that I ought to learn.  :D

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: July 13, 2009, 06:20:00 AM »
Blaze - That is beautiful work!  Do you happen to remember what size beads
you used?

Also - I got photos of the rest of the dolls up Saturday if you want to see them.

Persephone - Thanks - I'm pretty happy with those beach photos myself, trying to catch
the waves at exactly the right moment is a lot of fun.

Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: July 10, 2009, 12:47:17 PM »
Blaze,Chiana- Thank you both very much.

Blaze - the dolls take 50-60 hours each depending on how many interruptions I get.  I have pictures of some
others that I need to post.

I've been meaning to tell you the I love your calligraphy and illuminations they are purely gorgeous.

Chiana - Hurry and put your work up! I wanna see it!

As I avoid the TT thread like the plague I heartily agree with the thought that we shoudl spend more time admiring each
others creativity.


Display Case / Re: The Virtual Gallery
« on: July 10, 2009, 09:42:18 AM »
Resurrecting this thread - Cause a few people have expressed an interest in
my jewelry and photos.

Critques are welcome

Pages: 1 [2]