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Messages - Qualapec

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Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: April 01, 2008, 01:26:02 AM »
Dark prisons were a universal constant.

Of all the worlds he'd been to, of all the universes he'd visited, of all the kingdoms that had condemned him for various reasons, they had all been extremely dark prisons. In general they had also been unsanitary, uncomfortable, and the guards had always eaten his designated last meal (usually slop anyway).

This wasn't like the other prisons Andre had been in.

As a matter of fact, it was downright nice.

The Emperor himself sat across from Andre, at the end of a long table, an almost pleased expression on the sovreign's face. He calmly sipped a glass of wine that had been waiting for almost a hundred years for this moment. Andre had his own glass of wine and a meal consisting of the finest food in the empire. Despite the fact that he was desperately hungry, and the Emperor was unlikely to poison him when a public execution was more showy, he still refused to eat. Just being in the presence of the other man was enough to make him ill. He drank the wine though, maybe death wouldn't be so bad if he could somehow manage to be incredibly drunk on the way up the gallows.

Andre had no fantastical ideas about living through this. Because out of all those who had imprisoned him, none but the man across from him truly had the power to end him.

"So," He said after a long while of staring at the man across from him, "You look smug."

"I'm just pondering your complete and total defeat," The Emperor said with glee, "A century, Andre, a century we have been at this game. Surely you tire of it as I do?"

Andre shrugged nonchalantly, "I'll admit I was getting tired of the same old mind games...although honestly I planned on it ending differently. It's the funniest thing, in my version: you die, I live to get the girl, and happily ever after, that kind of thing."

The Emperor did something unexpected: he laughed. A truly jovial laugh from the most sadistic man in seven worlds send shivers down Andre's spine, and left him dumbfounded for a moment. When the laughs settled down the Emperor kept smiling, "Oh yes, dear Yamila...I sometimes made the mistake of considering you a driven genius, when really you are just a love-sick fool, ammusing but non-threatening." He leaned further onto the table, the vicious smile never leaving, "Andre, did you honestly believe that after a century as my consort she would still want a worthless vagabond like you? She was in rags, now she's in silks and lace. As a criminal she never had the freedom she has as a member of my court. soon as she gives me my heir, she will be given a place of honor, and her own land." The smile widened, "What? You didn't know?"

Andre sat there, hazel eyes widened in shock at what he was hearing. Surely it couldn't be coming from Yamila...This was a trick, a way to gain a complete defeat. While it was true she hadn't dressed in the best clothes, they had more freedom than anyone.

And her being pregnant...that had to be a lie. She would have faught any such attempt. "No," He said with finality, he couldn't allow himself to be sucked into the lie, "I want to hear it from her."

"I expected such denial - Reza! Bring her out."

Reza entered the room...and following her was Yamila. The two women looked very much alike. With light chocolate skin and dark hair. Yamila's face was softer, her golden eyes looking less likely to snog or stab you without a moment's notice than Reza's. Also, where Reza was dressed in sharp, skintight leathers, Yamila had the most beautiful Chinese-style silks he had ever seen, all red and orange colors adorned with a pheonix and dragon. She looked regal. "Andre..." she said, the slightest shock on her voice, the recognition on her face made his heart flitter.

It was crushed again moments later when she turned to the Emperor and said, "You said I didn't have to see him."

The Emperor shrugged, "I'll make it up to you later."

"Yamila," Andre lost control and threw himself up from his seat, it should have been a hint when nobody made a move to stop him. He walked up to her and stopped just short of touching her, "Yamila..."

"Don't," She said harshly as she shrank away from his touch. "Just...don't...I have so much with him, more than I ever had. More than I ever dreamed of."

Her words were like a vice on his heart, "Are you happy?" he asked, staring at her under his hat.

With a tight voice, she responded, "...Yes. I am happy."

Andre forced a smile, even though he felt more like crying. Everything he'd lived for, everything he'd sacrificed. He'd relinquished raising their daughter, almost destroyed himself learning spells that should have taken thousands of years, learned dozens of languages, stolen the Wildflower...

...and she was happy with his mortal enemy. "Well then," in barely above a whisper he added, "I'm glad..." He flicked his hat down over his eyes, a nervous attempt to cover his absolute desire to die right then, "If you'll excuse me, I believe I have a date with the angel of death, you know, now that I'm single again and everything..."

Yamila bit her lip before bringing a hand up to his face, "I never stopped loving you. But you know how it is as well as anybody, when you grow up a thief it is with a mentality that you will risk, and sacrifice, everything for a better life," her hand briefly touched her stomach, "A child of my bloodline will one day rule this world. That, Andre, is a better life. I'm so sorry that your chosen path has led you here." Her hand reached behind his head and pulled him close, he didn't have the strength to fight her. She laid a kiss on his hat and he inhaled her scent for the last time.

Nothing else was said before the guards came to escort him to a fate that no longer mattered to him.

(AN: I didn't know what happened with the third person v. first person thing, but I just really wanted to write this. Sorry.)

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: March 23, 2008, 06:19:05 AM »
Debbie looked over at me for support, like I would help her tell them I was an idiot.  I shrugged, "I'm willing to try." I said, and she looked like she wanted to slap me, so I continued looking at our new friends, "but I could use some help."

Humbert laughed and whacked a huge hand on my shoulder, "It takes real man to admit weakness." Aside from the fact that his hand rattled my rib cage I was somewhat reassured. He turned to Debbie, "All right, I cannot say I will save your father. But I will teach you both how to save him."

Debbie released a great deal of tension, so much so that she looked like she was about to start crying from relief, "T-Thank you."

I blinked, "Um. Are we forgetting the fact that we only have a few hours before they-" I was about to say something along the lines of 'dangle him like an ornament from the gallows' but I bit it off almost immediatly. I was willing to bet that it would only make Debbie start crying again. See, I can think before I talk. Instead I said, "send Andre to hell."

What? Did you honestly expect me to be able to control my inner cynic twice?

But on the bright side she didn't start crying, she just glared daggers at me.

Humbert looked at me and sighed, "Young man, insisting eternal damnation of a woman's father is not best way to make her like you."

My cheek twitched in ammusement, but stopped when I realized he was serious. I quickly changed the subject, "So, what kind of training do we need?"

Humbert shook his large head, "I will train you. My highest mage will train Debyone." He waved a massive hand toward a place where nothing stood.

There was a shimmer of light, and a dwarf that was MUCH older than any of the others. He had a long white beard and eyebrows so thick I was amazed he could see through them. "I heard your call, Great Sage." he looked Debbie over, "I feel I can work with her."

Humbert nodded, "Very well then. We should begin."

I wasn't ready for one of his massive hands to come flying towards my face.

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: March 21, 2008, 08:57:39 AM »
“Who is Incredible Hulk?” asked the Incredible Hulk. “My name Humbert!” he laughed.[/QUOTE}

I stood there for a moment in absolute shock at the man with a laugh jollier than that of Santa Claus, "Debbie, who is this guy? Who are the dwarfs?"

She snorted, "That's, actually, exactly what they are."

My day just kept getting better and better and freaking better. "Yeah," I growled back, "Where's Snow White?"

She gulped, looked at Humbert, then looked back at me, then back at him, "Joey! Show some respect!"

"Why?" I whispered back.

"They're the Crane's Guild." As if that explained everything, "They're a secret guild of magic users that have pledged to only use good magic. They sprung up not too long after the Emperor conquered Wildfire and started enlisting all magic users into his corps. They...refused to fight, among other things..."

Humbert's great booming voice entered the conversation. He wasn't angry, I just assumed this was the natural state of his voice, whether he was happy, sad, angry. Right about then I would have gone with sad more than anything else. "Emperor is a terrible leader of men. He forces people to serve him, and then changes their shapes. Turns them to monsters that should not tread anything, not air or water, earth or sky."

My heart skipped a beat as my mind made a connection, "Like, Farts in the Wind? The...that Gascious Cloud of Evil, that's what he turned the magic users into?"

Debbie shook her head, "No...his kind existed long before sentient beings walked this world. He's talking about the spider warriors that attacked us. They are the Emperor's army. All magic users were ordered to report for duty...and forced to change the shape of their body and heart to best fit the needs of the Empire..." She spoke with pain in her voice, like the very thought disgusted her, and I suspected she had some personal connection to the atrocity.

But...the spider-folk had been scary enough when I thought they were just your plain ol' generic monster. But the thought that those things were once people gave me goosebumps. Would this guy stop at nothing?

Before I could ask anything else, Debbie rose to her feet only to abruptly drop back down onto her hands and feet and bow a moment later. "Great Sage Humbert. My name is Debyone Ursula, and you have my greatest thanks to you for healing my arm...If I may beg one more thing of you. I cannot help but feel there is some sort of fate involved in our meeting here. My...father," She seemed to struggle with the word, "has been taken by the King and his men, he awaits execution in the dungeons for the thievery of the Wildflower. I beg of you to help me free him."

More sadness crossed across Humbert's face, it had never occured to me that a man like THAT could be sad about anything, ever. But it seemed as though he was a perfect example of the gentle giant. He placed a large hand on Debbie's shoulder, gently, reassuringly, "Rise. I do not like people to bow before me. I have done nothing deserving." Debbie slowly rose to her feet, and Humbert continued, "Child, I understand your plight. But cannot help. If all who attained power such as mine used it simply at his own will to change fates of men then the world would be filled with tyrants like the Emperor."

Wow...Incredible Hulk, Santa Claus, and Buddha all wrapped into one ginormous package.

"Please," She begged, "You're the only one with the power."

Oh yeah, I was suddenly overcome with an overwhelming feeling of her absolute faith in me.

He took his large eyes off of her and looked straight at me. I could have sworn he was staring right through the layers of pasty skin, thin covering of muscles, guts, cells, atoms, and looked into my very soul. It wasn't unpleasant like all the movies suggested such an intrusion would be. He just calmly looked through me and seemed to instantly have a grasp of everything from my history to the nature of my being. It was an interesting experience, I knew the importance of what just happened, but my emotions just couldn't seem to register it to form any kind of an emotion around it. "It seems," he said in a deep voice, "That I am not."

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: March 10, 2008, 03:10:05 AM »
That's when Cloud who Farts, showed up.

Maybe 'showed up' wasn't quite the appropriate termanology. More like 'phased into existance' right in front of our horses. Either from the shock of the suddenness of the appearence, the smell that must have been terrible to a horse, or the fact that herbavores always freak out when a predator is near by, the animals underneath us freaked. They reared up and sqealed terrified screams.

My grip was bad enough as it was. The sudden rising startled me, before I knew it the cobblestone road was breaking my fall. My head connected with it, hard. Where black didn't dance at the corners of my vision, sunspots dominated. I remained like that for a moment. In a haze of rainbows and darkness that I wanted to just sink into really badly. But I saw Debbie's horse rear back too, moments after mine. She was clearly more acrobatic than I was, but she fell at a bad angle, and ended up hitting the ground with only slightly more grace than I managed. Her hand came down first and was unable to support her weight.

It was the sound of the bone snapping in her arm and the screaming that pulled me from my confused haze. At least partially. She lay, writhing, only a few feet from me. It seemed wrong, shouldn't I have had the strength to craw over to her. Make sure she got out of there okay.

Ring Wraith Wannabe beat me to it. He decended on Debbie like a grim reaper. A single, pale spidery hand emerged from the black smoke that seemed to pass as clothing. Impossibly long, it reached towards Debbie without the monster ever even having to bend over. Just seemed to keep coming from somewhere in the cloud. She saw it coming towards her, and in that moment fear like I'd never seen crossed her face. She stared at the skelatal hand coming towards her, and was clearly too terrified to move.

I wanted to help her. Desperately. But wouldn't you know it? I was too damned terrified to move as well.

I never liked Andre much, from the moment I saw him I didn't know whether to like or dislike him. But right about then I wanted to shower his blond, hat covered head with praises and flowers. He was a blond blur that landed just outside the circle of guards that had now formed. I could barely follow as he launched himself at the enemy. The next thing I knew the offending pale arm was flying through the air, unattatched to the wraith. Andre stood between Debbie and the creature, with a kind of cold anger burning in his eyes that promised so much more than immediate retribution. "You. Can. Not. Have. Her. BASTARD!!!" He then threw himself at the creature, swinging a strange Chinese style sword in and attempt to lop off its head. The blade seemed to go right through. "Debbie! MOVE, girl!" He called at her.

Debbie had recovered and scurried over to me. I noticed for the first time that she no longer had the ruby bracelette on her wrist. I didn't have time to contemplate whether or not I really wanted to go with her, she grabbed my shoulder, "Joey, please. Take us out of here. We NEED to GO!" She yelled.

I was too stunned to do much. But I did know one thing. If I didn't find some way to get out of there, Debbie would die. Questionable loyalties aside...I still cared about her as much as any friend. I didn't think I could bear to watch anything happen to her. It was the sudden pain at the thought of her loss that activated the Wildflower. We began to disapear, and Andre stopped his fight. He glanced our direction. I could have sworn I saw a small smile cross his face as he stepped away from the wraith and turned himself in to the throng of guards watching the brawl.

Debbie and I reappeared, stunned, and shaken, in a quiet marsh setting. Her breath was ragged with shock and tears. Her one working hand was gripping me so tightly I thought the nails would pierce the skin. "Damnit...I could have...He didn't have to. Oh, GODS!" For the first time I saw whatever resolve she had crumble.

"Why did he just walk into the guards like that?" I said, trying not to sound accusing.

"That THING," She said, between sobs, "Wouldn't have led him go. He walked into the guards so he could live for another few hours." She turned to me, "Joey. They're going to execute him. We have to DO something. Please."

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: March 03, 2008, 05:34:47 AM »
It burned its way down my throat as I lay convulsing on the table, and then the world dimmed, went dark, and the sound of the healer’s chanting slowly faded away as I passed out.

I woke up to see the beautiful Reza by my bedside, reading an old book in a text I didn't recognize. "Hey," I said through a dry mouth, "How did you survive the fall?"

She didn't look up from the book right away, she read until the end of the paragraph before putting it down and adressing me, "The pilot caught me as we fell. You're very lucky to be alive, it's good you made it here on time."

"Yep, that's me Lukcy McLuckster." I replied with something short of lightning intelligence.

Reza smiled, for the first time he noticed clusters of small scratches on her face and hands. Clearly from trapsing around the jungle. "You are very fortunate. You've slept for two of your days, the healers feared you might not waken. But they know, encouraged by the King."

"You mean threatened."

"That too. But now that you live them and their families will be showered with riches and praises." She shifted from her seat and moved over to the bed I lay in. She sat on the edge and purposely placed a hand at a place high enough on the thigh to effect subconcious, but low enough to appear friendly, "As soon as you are well you will begin your service of the King. You will hold a most honorable position in his court." She scooched up towards me just a little bit further, so did the hand. "However, if you want to gain his favor immediately I want you to tell us something that will help the King secure his power against the Emperor."

I tried not to focus on her coveiniently placed hand. "Yeah, what would that be?"

She leaned in close, really close. So that I could have tilted my head and kissed her. Her lips came right next to my ear as the grip on my thigh tightened.

"I want you to tell me where Andre and Debyone Ursula are."

Her words sent chills down my spine that quelled the rising heat south of the equator.

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: March 02, 2008, 07:45:11 AM »
"No father, I have not."

Okay, I'll admit it, I've choked on a lot of things. Brocholii when I was little, a TV dinner when I was ten, brocholii again when I was fifteen closely followed by roast beef a couple months later (a very bad choking year for me), and on the night I turned 21 I inhaled some vodka which limited my breathing and hurt like Dante's inferno.

I have never, I repeat, never, choked on my own tongue. Hearing Debbie proclaim the obnoxious man in a hat her father made me inhale so fast that the sudden rush of air pulled my tongue along for the ride, effectively blocking my airway. I lay there a little bit and coughed really hard. The harsh movements sent new flows of hurt through me, which quickly vanished under the painkilling spell of the lightsabre. All of this before I very eloquently said, "You're his! So...the concubine in the palace is your mom. But...he's not that much older than me, and I'm thirty and you're how?" I blathered on uncontrollably for a few moments.

Debbie sighed, "We're magic touched. Mages. It's what makes us not human enough to wield the Wildflower. And our lifespans and appearence of youth are enhanced according to our power. I'm actually closer to 70. Andre's almost 200."

I noticed that she tended to call him Andre instead of proclaiming him her sperm doner. Why had she bothered to tell me now?

The answer came simply, to prevent a repeat of the incident on the helicopter. Oops.

Andre was looking at her as if annoyed. It was odd. They acted more like partners in crime then father and daughter. Yet again he fiddled with his hat, "The Wildflower has power. It can take his pain away but it won't stop the poison."

Debbie glanced at me, then back at Andre, "So it was a wraith spider?" After Andre nodded she swore something in another language that I was certain one would not utter in a friendly setting. "He needs a healer."

"I know, Debyone. But in case you haven't noticed a stroll into the King's palace will be very, very short. For us. He gets to be the King's little lapdog. We get a vertical drop to the spiritual plain!"

Debbie looked away, then back at me. "Andre, if he dies there will be nothing to stop the Emperor. He's just going to continue to advance, and rape and pillage and control. Did you see those people in prison outpost? What the Imperial Guard did to them? It's going to be like that until someone has the power to stand up to him." She motioned to me, "Unfortunately this weak willed, simple minded, pasty skinned jerk is probably the only one who has the power."

I wasn't even going to reward that with a response...mostly because most of it was true. I had not had a tan in a very long time and I was admittedly weak willed. And based off my actions in the helecopter I was a bit of a jerk. But I was most certainly not simple minded.

Andre leaned against the tree as he contemplated what Debbie had said. "Fine. Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to take the simpleton to the King's palace. You're going to flee to Marshwood before we run into Reza again. I have a friend there who can take the shackle off. After that just lay low in some backwater world until the heats off. That way your little hero here survives and there's someone to go on if this all blows up in our faces, think you can handle that?"

He spoke of it so cavalierly. You'd think he was organizing a family camping trip rather than offering up his life. The true weight of what he said showed only in the way Debbie responded to it. Her face twisted into a shape somewhere between sadness, amazement and anguish. They stayed like that, staring at each other for a long time.

"Hey, don't I have a say in this?" I called up.

"No!" They both snapped, breaking their eye contact. When Debbie's face turned to me I saw fresh streaks of wet down to her jawline.


I always hated to see her cry.

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: March 01, 2008, 08:08:55 PM »
Then, well frankly, I fainted and the pain did stop.  At least I hoped I fainted, as I slipped into unconsciousness I had the unpleasant thought that maybe I was dying.  'Great' twice in one day.  That's probably a record.

I drifted in that haze for a while. When I finally came back to reality everything, and I mean everything hurt. I hurt in places that I didn't even know could hurt. My hurts had hurts. I dragged in a few shaky breaths and tried to open my eyes. This time they both opened. It seemed as though someone had been nice enough to release the pressure in my swollen eye.

A fire was cracking at the air not too far from me. Beyond that Andre was leaning against a large tree trunk. He might have been sleeping, but based off what I'd seen the last 24 hours I doubted he ever slept. "Andre...Hey! Andre." The words came out of my sore throat and brought with them their own discomforts. "Andre?"

"Don't move," He commanded lazily from under his hat. "The poison will spread quicker."

My heart rate quickened, "WHAT!!!"

"You've been poisoned. Don't move.  Is that a hard concept for you to grasp?" He sat up and one of his bones popped. "A Wraith Spider attacked you because you have higher levels of spiritual energy than I do. It poisoned you to break down the bonds between body and soul."

At my questioning look he continued.

"It means 'kill you' in dummy talk. Essencially...only worse then death. The spider eats your soul after the deterioration of your body, so you don't have to worry about the afterlife."

Upon hearing this I forced myself perfectly still, "So what do we do?"

He grabbed a stick and poked the fire. A log fell from the top, sending a flurry of sparks into the dark sky. "We, or more acurately, I have two choices. I could either make the one-day trek to the King's palace," he motioned with his hand, "That way. Which would provide you with immediate healer attention, but not so healthy for me. Or I could make a break for the small town of Marshwood in that direction. It's four days away and by then your brain would be equal to swiss cheese or you'd be dead. Their healer isn't worth much either. But my life would extend beyond the next couple of days."

A classic him or me situation, huh? I had no illusions of surviving on my own in this forest in my current state, and from the way he was talking it seemed it was only going to get worse. I couldn't navigate this place for the life of me. My survival depended almost entirely on him and whether or not he wanted to take the plunge. Literally. "Can't you just drop me off?" I asked, "You have some magic. Can't you away?"

He pulled back his sleeve. A ruby bracelette glinted in the firelight. "Because of this. Once I get within 30 feet our dear friend Reza or the King's guards it activates and my magic is useless."

So that's why he hadn't lifted a metaphysical finger to stop me when I tried to kill him. So, that wasn't an option for him either. He sat there, on the other side of our make-shift camp and I couldn't tell which direction the gears in that blond head were turning. It seemed as though he was actually considering both options. Why? How could my survival be more beneficial to him than his own survival? Did it have to do with his wife? The Emporor's New Concubine? Then again, who knew except Andre and the hat?

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: March 01, 2008, 08:02:31 AM »
And I did the obvious next dumb thing... I jumped.

What was I thinking? Right about then I didn't know. Perhaps it was as if some external force was controlling my actions. More likely it was because Andre's semi-insanity had worn off on me. The first step off the aircraft brought with it the thought that I may very well have lost my marbles. Too many birds had landed on my antenna. My Happy Meal was short of fries.

Whatever illusions I might have had of being able to hold on to Debbie or Andre disapeared quickly. I lost control over my body as I spiraled to the multi-colored oblivion beneath me. I don't know what it was, but the wind ripped them from my hands, my white knuckled grip suddenly found nothing to hold on to. Around and around I spun as I seemed to constantly leave behind my internal organs. My brain was being smushed against the back of my skull by cyntrifical force.

I really needed a parachute right then.

My progress was suddenly halted by a harsh harness that seemed to have wrapped iteself around my torso (and a particularly painful wraparound in my groin area, brought to my attention by the sudden harsh stop. I don't know what happened after that, my mind and eyes went dark.

I dreampt about a playground. From way back when I was a little kid. When all I was concerned about was getting that girl with the pretty ponytail to notice me by jumping off the swing when it was at its highest point. So I swung on the swing, back and forth, back and forth. Trying to get to that point by pumping my legs and pushing with the two downward forces in order to survive the upward climb. Above me the swing chains squeaked against the swingset.

These thoughts eased the transition to my very pain filled waking life. Only I wasn't in a playground. The girl I was trying to impress was nowhere in sight. And I was not on the swingset. I was dangling from parachute cords that had gotten tangled up in the branches above me. There was creaking, only it wasn't the squeak of metal on metal. More like the strain of cords or branches that were threatening to break and drop me the rest of the 15 or 20 feet between me and solid ground.

"You're one stupid son of a bitch aren't you?" The mocking tone came from the branches above me. Andre. How had he survived?

My heart lurched. Had Debbie survived? "Where's Debbie?" I slurred up at him.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. But she's probably around. We have serious skills instead of just luck."

I blinked up at him, only one eye responded, the other was so swollen that it wouldn't move, "How the heck did your hat manage to stay on through all of that?" I figured my observational skills were rather good considering what I'd just been through.

"Enchantment," He replied, "I have half a mind to leave you there."

"Then why don't you?" I let my head loll back downward, tired of craning my neck to look up at him.

"Mostly because I'm unarmed, and this forest really isn't that friendly. Unless you consider a close quarters night was a giant vampiric leech friendly."

"Hell," I said back, "Maybe that would take care of the stupid virgin requirement. Cummon, man. Help me out."

He grinned a crocodelian smile, "Fine, oh ye of little thought." He pulled out a small knife, and within moments sliced the ropes that held me up."

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: February 29, 2008, 11:52:01 PM »
“Could you please be a little more cryptic, this is all way too straight forward for me.” Again, my withering stare and rapier wit was lost on present company. Well, maybe not the wit part, since they all laughed hysterically

While their laughter at my perfectly reasonable question died down I was busy pondering the insane series of occurances that led to this. I was trying to consider whether I was incredibly unlucky or incredibly lucky, or some odd combination of the both. It had afterall seemed a completely random occurance that first brought me to Debbie. And I was assuming it was a similar random occurance that had caused her to stand me up, thereby maintaining my flower-ness. So had that all just been incredibly unlucky? Then again...I was alive so far. There had to be some element of good luck too.

On the other hand, if Debbie hadn't stood me up, she wouldn't have come to me to hide the Wildflower. But in a moment a thought came to me. Debbie had moved from her position, and she was leaning against Andre with her eyes closed. I felt a tug of jealousy, but it was quickly thrust aside in favor of my need to know, "Hey. If only a virgin can use it then why did you take it?"

Debbie snapped awake at the question, but didn't answer. Andre remained quiet before using his index finger to tap up the brim of his hat and look at me with evergreen eyes, "While I'll admit the knowledge of the Wildflower is important to your current situation, I fail to see how my personal motives are relevant."

I was annoyed. He knew damn well how his personal motives were relevant, "If you want me to help you then you're going to have to tell me why you dragged me and Debbie-"

"He didn't drag me into this," She said defensively.

"-Okay. Just me. Tell me why you stole it and put my life and the lives of a lot of different people in danger."

"If that's the case then it's only nessessary for my survival, not yours, and according to the lady here," he motioned to Reza, "I'm worm food anyway. So I'm keeping my secrets with me all the way up those damn gallows step-"

Debbie sighed in frustration. I knew that sigh. It usually meant she was fed up with stubborness of the male variety, "His wife is a concubine of the emperor. He could never buy her back so he desided to steal the Wildflower for blackmail."

Andre bristled, and showed the first real signs of anger. He didn't do anything. Didn't yell, didn't scream, didn't make any violent movments, didn't even push her away from him. He just sat there with a scowl crossing his face, and the muscles all over his body tensed. But it was gone in moments, he just flicked the had back down over his eyes and leaned against Debbie. It was a toss up whether it was to annoy me or because she provided a nice pillow.

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: February 29, 2008, 05:08:38 AM »
Things were looking up for the first time in a long while.

"So," I said to my Guardian, "You don't have phones but you have blackhawk freakin' helicopters."

"Oh, I was just screwing with you," She said with that same wolfish smile, "Our world is the closest to your earth. Things like this can exist here where they cannot in the Inner Kingdoms." She prattled on as if I knew what she was talking about.

Debbie sighed in frustration, "Look. The kingdom of Wildfire, where we are, is under the rule of the Empire. Wildfire is if you will. It's on the outskirts of the Empire, and the world right next to Earth. The farther you go to the center of the Empire the more effected by magic they are, the farther technologically set back they are due to the overpowering presence of magic. The Imperial Palace is stuck back in...Andre, where would you place them in human history?"

Andre looked up from his hat, the man liked to keep to himself, "Picture China in the middle ages full of immortal wizards."

Debbie nodded, "Oh, right. About like that. And the Wildflower is a great treasure of the emperor. The King was desperate to get it back because he knew it would be his head if one of his people took it and he did nothing to get it back. But then you bonded with it. By the-"

My Guardian cut her off, I wondered if it was just a play to irritate Debbie, "By the King of Wildfire enlisting your services he has something to hold over the Empire's head and keep them from taking away our self-rule." She turned another one of those million-dollar smiles at Debbie and Andre, "Unfortunately it means he needs to make a showing of your friends here."

"Ohhh man! Hey, Debyone, the way she talks you'd think we were screwed or something!" Andre blurted, earning several nasty looks from the other human(oid?) guards in the chopper.

A small smile quirked at my lips, the guy had balls. That was for sure. I mean, he had to, why else would he mock giant spiders sent to kill him or steal something from the Empire to begin with. Either that or my initial assumption of his being totally off his rocker was correct. I caught a glance at Debbie. She was leaning on the floor, staring out at the odd world zipping by below us with the most gentle look on her face. The gravity of the situation hit me. They would die. All because of some stupid political powerplays. I didn't know why they took the Wildflower...and right then it didn't matter.

I couldn't let that happen.

"Hey," I grabbed the attention of my Guardian. I went for power and commanding presence, this was exceptionally hard to pull off since I was still buzzing on adrenaline, it was worth a shot. "So. Here's the scoop sweetheart," I pointed to Andre and Debbie, "I don't to jack for you or your king until you promise a pardon for them."

There was a moment where I could have sworn she was overpowered by the sense of masculenity and heroisim that I attempted to portray.

Then she laughed. "No," She squeezed out between uncontrollable chuckles.

"No?" I asked, shocked, "What do you mean no?"

It took a couple of moments, but she pulled herself back together, "I mean, you don't have a choice and you don't have the power. More lives are at risk than those of two petty thieves. Think about it." She held up different fingers as she finished sentences, "Our world is the next dimensional stop on the way to Earth. We are on the outskirts of the Empire. If we retain power that will keep the Empire from gaining a military foothold here. And I'd bet you can guess what happens if that unfortunate circomstance falls into place." She paused for effect.

"Earth will fall to the Empire."

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: February 28, 2008, 11:59:00 PM »
No one seemed to notice the shaking blood drenched captive from below as I stumbled up to the ground level and scrambled on all fours toward the first shelter I could see.  People of all shapes, planes, and nightmares were moving toward the battle zone arming themselves in various ways. Wheather it was to help the spiders or Mr Fart-In-The-Wind with an attitude, I didn't know or care.

I found my haven in an overturned vegitable wagon. I crawled under it and hoped none of them would notice me. Something resembling a tomato squished underneath my hand. It was odd, it seemed as though crawling under it had forced me into the fetal position...and based off of the quick, ragged breaths, the fear in my chest, and how the sounds of clattering steel and screaming seemed to just be banging around inside my head it didn't seem as though I would be coming out of that shape any time soon. Oh, and my heart was trying to blast it's way out of my rib cage. So now, I was going to be regressing for a while. There was a point I found myself so out of it that when a large arachnid appendage popped a hole through the top of my shelter, barely missing breaking my neck. I didn't scream, only curled deeper into my position.

Then something even more terrible happened. I don't know how long after the battle started, or how long I stayed there before it happened. The sounds of battle halted. Silence. Just silence. And it was so much worse than the chaos. Somehow, I managed to pry my white knuckled grip from my shoulder and rearrange my spine into a flexible state. After a few moments of phyching myself up I jerkily clawed my way through the loose dirt under my hands. A quick glance around told me that Mr. Ring Wraith had lost, apparently that severed arachnid claw had impaled him in it's way through the cart. The invading monsters had made a circle around the prison entrance.  I couldn't see what they were looking at...but I could guess before I was able to see.

Andre and Debbie. Two of the monsters dragged them along by their hair. I don't know how Andre managed it, but the hat remained on his head. Perhaps it was super-glued. I dared to crawl closer, hiding behind some crushed barrels and another dead bear guard. I was close enough so that I could hear Debbie's, "Hey! There is no need to push. I'm coming!"

A man-spider came out of the circle to meet them, "Andre have taken something from the Emperor. He does not have patience for petty thieves."

"Yeah, well, I can't be that petty of a thief. I did manage to break into the Imperial Palace and steal it right out from under his pointed, arrogant nose." The man was smiling, he had to be mad.

The lead spider didn't do or say anything. There was a jerk of his head. Two more arachnids brought out blocks of wood, placing it before the theives. Those same two started wiping the blood from their large battle axes. The head honcho gave the command, in classic emotionless villain tones, "You have been charged with thievery of the Wildflower. Do you have last words, so that the emporor may spare your immortal souls?"

"The emperor isn't a god," Debbie snarled defiantly. She was ignored.

Andre answered the leader, "Mmm...nah. I'd do it again and that bastard knows it."

The spider, I kid you not, sighed, "So be it." And as he raised his hand my heart lept to my throat.

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: February 28, 2008, 05:19:32 AM »
My "lawyer" smiled, "Well isn't this a happy family now?"

I disregarded her and turned to Debbie. In all truth I was torn. A part of me wanted to hit her. To grab her, shake her shoulders and scream at her for getting me into this mess. I didn't want to die, you see. And I'm not one of those heroes that is used to people trying to kill him, so I was under a great deal of stress. But I didn't. I didn't because that wouldn't accomplish anything, and I knew that if we were getting out of this situation she was the one who was going to have to do it. Either her or the guy in the hat. I figured antagonizing them was far from my best interests.

That and...I didn't want to hit her. Even though she'd dragged me into this, I didn't want to cause her any pain. Dare I say, I still cared about her. And you don't hurt people you care about, especially if you don't know why they threw you to the wolves.

The man in the hat spoke up while we stood there in shock, apparently my previous guess of him being asleep or dying were both wrong. He practically sprung to his feet and waved cheerily over at us. "Hey! Debyone!" Debbie, I assumed, "How're you doing?"

She shrugged, "So-so. Business is slow."

He laughed again, "Yeah, but I didn't think you'd steal the Wildflower. Hell! I wanna know how you pulled it off!"

Debbie smiled back. "Oh Andre, you know me, I may be skilled, but I'm not stupid. I would never steal it from the Imperial Palace."

I disregarded Andre in the severly out-dated hat and asked the question that had been bugging me, "So you didn't take it?"

"Oh, I took it all right," She grinned defiantly at my court appointed attourney, "Just not from the Imperial Palace. It kind of...fell in my lap afterwards." She turned to me, no longer mocking, but sorrowful, "Joey. I'm terribly sorry you were pulled into this. I needed a safe place to hide it, and I didn't think they would look for it on Earth."

"Oh, dear Debyone. How naiive you are." Andre said, "The Wildflower is our life source. The search has become far and wide. The King is doing whatever he can to get it back," he ran his thumb over his throat in a menacing way, "You know, lest the Emperor exact in interest what was taken." He gave a wild, ammused chuckle, and I wondered how long he'd been in these dungeons, "As a matter of fact...out of all the people who have had their heads lopped off these last couple days, we're probably the only ones who have actually come into contact with the device in question."

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: February 27, 2008, 11:49:47 PM »
"Yes, that's what it was" I said patienty as if I was talking to a child, then it dawned on me what she had just implied, "What was it really?"

She was gorgeous, smooth black hair and dark chocolate skin. Her tight, leather outfit made dark of her skin stand out. If it wasn't for the fact that my situation was clearly one of intense physical endangerment I might have been very attracted...which I wasn't. Not in the least. She opened her mouth to speak, then stopped, coming up with an alternative course of action. As if it would be more ammusing to leave me in the dark. "Oh...It doesn't matter much at this point. Your trial's scheduled for tommorow. And your execution is sheduled for the day after." Good god, at least innocent until proven guilty was an interdimensional constant. Like rats or flesh eating bacteria.

"As a matter of fact," She continued, "you'll be going at the same time as this poor bastard." She motioned to the cell across the hall from mine.

A man lay against the wall, either sleeping, dying or both, hard to tell due to his face being obstructed by a hat pulled down around his eyes. He was probably a little bit older than me with feathery blond hair that severely needed a combing. Almost like my own hair with the exception of color. He also needed a shave. It was one of those situations where he hadn't gone long enough for it to look good.

I blinked up at her, more people than just Debbie? I wondered if he was as innocent as I was. She hadn't acted alone, "How many?"

She sighed tiredly and shrugged, "Enough so that the blocks are busy."

"Yeah, and who are you? The secretary?" I was feeling beligerant.

She gave another, sweet smile, "No, I'm your Guardian..." And my questioning glance she continued, "I believe you would refer to me as a lawyer."

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: February 27, 2008, 05:11:37 AM »
"Crap."  That was an understatment...

I didn't have time to gather enough wits about me before a low growl rumbled in the creature I carried. I felt it more than heard it, which was impressive considering the size. Dull shock shot through me as I glanced down at the creature. Slowly, but all too quickly the six eyes opened to wolf-like golden eyes. Myself and the messenger beast stared at each other for a moment. Knowing that if I moved it would kill me. More importantly, it knew that if I moved it would kill me.

Could I pull the Light Sabre from my jeans before it could latch onto my throat? Or would it just be best to stand there, keeping it in a staring contest until its master came to claim his pet and prize? What to do, oh what to do.

It made the first move, its legs stiffened and it launched its massive jaws at my throat from point blank range. I couldn't have grasped the Light Sabre even if I'd had time to consider the option. Long, sharp fangs slipped through my skin and muscles, severing tendons and vessels. Through the searing pain in my neck and head I tried to reach for the weapon in my pants, or at very least tried to kick and wretch myself free of the hound. My efforts were abruptly halted with a sharp twist of jaws that ended in all feeling disapearing from my body, and my neck at a wrong angle. The thought crossed my mind that I had to be dead, otherwise it would be hurting, right? The other thought that crossed my mind was Debbie. We were friends, why would she possibly want this for me? What alternitives could she have had? Were we ever friends? In those moments I lost all desire for retribution, all that remained was the question of why.

And the beast swallowed me, body and soul. With as great an ease as it had swallowed the hand...

Author Craft / Re: Writers round table
« on: February 26, 2008, 11:34:32 PM »
If she'd left the lightsabre as a decoy to get them to come after me, she was on the run with something even more valuable, something that this Knight knew nothing about. SomeONE probably bigger and meaner than these two was watching and waiting.  I swore that this time, I'd hand them Debbie's head on a platter and hightail it out of Dodge

It was a great plan. In theory. First I needed to get away from the neanderthall and his pooch. Which, in and of itself was going to be difficult. I may have had a wicked powerful weapon that could slice through that chain mail, but really my only experience with swords of any kind was a fencing class I took in fifth grade. But it would cut through anything, and that sounded like a winning-

...What the hell? Before my very eyes, the THING stalked over to the severed hand that lay on the soaking concrete. It stared at it for a moment of hesitation, before picking it up viciously in it's mouth and swallowing it whole like a bird, mail and all. I was pondering how painful it must have been as the streetlight above flickered. Something warm and prickly brushed against my cold skin. Like a balmy breeze. The streetlight reluctantly flickered back to life...and the knight's hand was back...Right where it should have been. Not even the armor showed the signs of melting off.

"It is in your possession, you are guilty despite your involvement in the theft." He said in that same monotonous voice, "You shall face your punishment. Now, will you lay down your weapon and ride on the Messenger Hound, or shall you insist on loss and ride in it?"

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