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Messages - cold_breaker

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DFRPG / Re: HTML5 form-fillable character sheets
« on: April 02, 2013, 05:31:45 PM »
Haha, I'm trying to build the same thing, only in form fillable pdf form. Or rather, I've asked my girlfriend to do it, since she's fermiliar with pdf creation. :p

My end goal is a little more direct though. After playing my first few sessions, I've realized I want more GM centric resources - forms for me to fill out to create a campaign, or at least an individual story. My thinking is if I generate a mini-charactor sheet for each NPC, location and major event, I'll have a good skeleton for the game - enough to keep the world solid, three dimensional and the story structured, while giving me the flexibility to have the world adept to PC reactions and my own improvisations. We'll see how it works out I suppose.

DFRPG / Re: GM resources?
« on: March 26, 2013, 05:10:49 PM »
I'm not looking for random encounter style posts or a campaign made for me. I'm looking for an appropriate way to organize my own (personally made) campaign. Ideally, it would provide me with a way of remembering to generate the little details I might not think of when I'm just brainstorming the story (such as additional clues and such)

Basically, my understanding of GMing DFRPG is you need to create the environment and a problem, and let your players sort it out (making sure you have some default ways to do so). An example of this is building a haunted house with clues and angry ghosts in it, and then throwing your players into it and seeing what happens. I want a way to remember the parts that are actually required (the environments, the npcs, and theoretically any larger events I would like to happen)

DFRPG / GM resources?
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:01:48 PM »
Hey guys, I'm a newbie GM and I'm trying to figure out some GM resources for myself. Let me explain.

While writing my first campaign, I have plenty of ideas, but one criticism I have of the books is it doesn't exactly give you the best resources for organizing those ideas. I've tried emulating the formats of the pre-made stuff, but I find in my experience that for most non-canned adventures, that's actually a terrible format. In an open world (e.g. anything you make in the fate system) it's almost better to just generate the facts, and fill in the details during game play.

So, my thoughts are thus: I'll make several forms: one for NPCs (basically a compact character sheet that I can fill out as much of or as little of as I see fit) a location form and possibly an event / scene form.

The NPC form will be a one page sheet where you can fill in name, concept, aspects, powers, stunts, etc. Basically a charactor sheet compressed down to 2/3rds of a page, and leave a space for a paragraph summary so you can make notes about someones attitudes or personality, or for short term npcs just write out their basic actions during a conflict.

The location sheet will need a name and have a fairly big box to sketch the layout of a location (like a floorplan of an apartment, or a map of a park) - bigger areas can always be drawn out seperate and attached instead. It'll have a place for a concept and 2-3 aspects and a large area for points of interest - I imagine using this for things like natural obstacles someone might use in a fight or clues that the scene might have... I'll probably also leave a small box for about a paragraph of notes. I think my tactic for large buildings will be to break them into smaller locations and improvise for the ones that don't have anything of note in them.

Finally, I will have an event / scene form. This will be for the events that I'm fairly sure will happen in some form (the players can theoretically derail anything, but if the NPCs are planning something, this is where I plan out the details.) This sheet I'm having the hardest time with though: I'll probably give it a name or something for my use, and as always a few slots for aspects (probably more than locations get since NPCs might have made some preperations) - I'm thinking I'm going to give an area to list possible locations that could 'host' said event (e.g. this could happen in the park, 8th street warehouse, etc. depending on what's appropriate) and another for involved NPCs (which can always be tweaked depending on how appropriate things are) and obviously a fairly large area to describe what exactly is supposed to go on...

So, any thoughts? I'd love some feedback from experienced GMs and scenario writers - anything I should add to these forms that I haven't listed? Another type of form I should create that I haven't already thought of maybe?

DFRPG / Re: How would you describe the Dresdenverse?
« on: February 01, 2013, 09:36:20 PM »
When Harry finds out Grum is immune to fire magic (or was it all magic?), so proceeds to light him on fire using "plain old vanilla fire".  This shows that on some level that normal fire and magical fire are not exactly the same.  It's fair to assume the same of all elements conjured with magic.

I think you're reading into it too much.

One example I'm thinking of is in Dead Beat, when Harry uses fire magic to pull heat out of water and Freeze it, causing a car slick in a car chase scene. In this case, he uses magic to manipulate existing elements.

Technomancy in my mind would be similiar. Conjured technology would be incredibly crude, (and it might be slightly different then real technology, as you pointed out) - but might take the form of conjured tactical weapons (I imaging conjuring a heat seaking missile of sorts, or saw blades popping out of walls) while more subtle magics (evocation) might allow doing powerful technology based stuff, like hacking into closed circuit cameras and such.

That said, I would try to figure out a way for the hexing disadvantage to appear anyways. I'm sure normal mundane running water wouldn't be completely ineffective against an aquamancer, so... yeah. Perhaps a different disadvantage?

Again, in this case I wouldn't allow it on a PC, more for thematic reasons then actual balancing reasons.

DFRPG / Re: How would you describe the Dresdenverse?
« on: February 01, 2013, 09:09:25 PM »
If you're trying to stay strictly canon, there is a problem with the technomancer/hydromancer compairison.

In-universe there is a subtle difference between say fire conjured via magic and actual fire (this was established in Summer Knight).  While not explicitly stated yet, it's fair to assume the same principle applies to water evocation.  That it's not actual water in a scientific sense, thus won't ground out magic or disrupt the energies that gve demons and ghosts coporial form.

Where is this established in Summer Knight? I think I missed something here. I will mention that the whole idea of using water in magic is a concept that even confuses Harry, but supposedly Bob has some big, confusing explanation. My interpretation is that technomancy would use technology in much the same way. Technology would cease working the way it should, and the mage would be able to do anything with it that he understands as being possible with technology, albiet on a much more powerful level.

That said, a technomancer would admittedly go a long way toward ruining the mood and theme most people would be after running a DF game, and I'd probably disallow a PC from those abilities (although not necessarily an NPC)

DFRPG / Re: How would you describe the Dresdenverse?
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:50:24 PM »
With regards to technomancers: There are auqamancers, why not technomancers? Limitations on magic are not necassarily consistant depending on who the mage using it is.

That said, I've heard people call it a mix of Buffy and Charmed, and I'd personally like to tie it to Lost Girl - A Canadian series that really gets the Fae aspects - different but similiar politics (and some great ideas for supernatural baddies that haven't popped up in Dresden yet!) - The only thing those shows don't touch on yet that I'd like to highlight is the concept of free will vs. power that seems very important to the Fate system and Dresden himself.

My first adventure with the party I'm putting together right now will definitely have to highlight that if I'm going to acclimatize a group who've never read the series to the Dresdenverse.

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