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Messages - didymos

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DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: February 20, 2020, 03:07:52 PM »
The Fae can be killed,  Aurora was killed by steel box knives, Maeve, by a bullet, Lily, by a bullet.
Jim is going by the Tolkien rule for elves, they are basically immortal but they can be killed by violence.

Only at certain times/places, according to Cold Days:

“Right, then!” Bob said. “The only way to kill an immortal is at certain specific places.”
 “And you know one? Where?”
 “Hah, already you’re making a human assumption. There are more than three dimensions, Harry. Not all places are in space. Some of them are places in time. They’re called conjunctions.”


“Maeve’s an immortal, Harry. One of the least of the immortals, maybe, but immortal all the same. Chop her up if you want to. Burn her. Scatter her ashes to the winds. But it won’t kill her. She’ll be back. Maybe in months, maybe years, but you can’t just kill her. She’s the Winter Lady.”

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: February 20, 2020, 01:54:21 AM »
It's pretty strongly inferred by Bob in Cold Days discussing specific individuals as immortals and un-killable (except (revealed nervously) in specific circumstances).  It it had applied to all the fae, or even all the sidhe, I think it would have come out during that conversation.

Yeah, re-reading that bit, it is pretty heavily implied that it applies only to big deal Mantle-holders. This of course raises the question as to how much power is required to render someone an unkillable-except-at-conjunctions immortal.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: February 19, 2020, 11:47:27 PM »
Changelings who choose get eternal youth but they are not immortal. They get killed on a regular basis and do not reform like the queens do.

Says who? I'm not aware of any WOJ about that.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: February 19, 2020, 07:17:15 PM »
The gatekeeper is older than some immortals. It seems that using a lot of magic keeps you young.

Harry is older than some immortals.  Lily for instance, when she was still alive. There are likely a ton of young immortals, what with changelings choosing on a regular basis. 

Wizard healing is one step up from normal people. Are they all human?


DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's use of Black Magic
« on: February 19, 2020, 06:19:15 PM »
They can die under specific circumstances. Really immortal here means just more difficult to kill.

Well, that and living forever as long as someone doesn't manage to kill you.

DF Spoilers / Re: Question about the Queens and the Mothers
« on: February 17, 2020, 12:16:40 PM »
According to this post, Mab and Titania are twins. And according to this one, Mab was human once (which we also knew from Cold Days).  So therefore, Titania was human once too.  Following from that is that their parents were a couple of humans. Or they were changelings, making one parent fae and the other human. Other than that, we don't know anything about them.

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