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Messages - Basil

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DF Spoilers / Re: Chicago, Sanctuary City?
« on: October 12, 2020, 03:57:44 PM »
The "divided loyalties with Winter" angle isn't going to carry much traction with Rashid, that's for sure.

Of course, you don't really need a powerhouse to cap Harry. You'd just need someone who can veil well enough he wouldn't see it coming to wait outside his door and shoot him in the head. Carlos could get that done if he thought it was genuinely right, although I'm not sure he's that far gone.

Langtry could also contract with a supernatural mercenary like Kincaid or Grey - I'm not sure either of them would take the job, but there are probably a few others similarly dangerous. If Langtry would stoop to dealing with him, Shagnasty could probably still take Harry on the mainland.

Good points.  A couple additional thoughts.

My point about Rashid was not an issue with loyalty to Winter.  I don't think Rashid has loyalty to Winter.  The problem is that Rashid's job may be one of the most important in Creation right now.  If Rashid were killed or incapacitated, then the Gates could fall. 

It seems possible that the White Council wants someone else to do their work for them.  That would be a very Langtry thing to do.  Hiring a mercenary to do it could be possible.  But, how many qualified supernatural mercenaries are available?  That would be willing to risk Mab's displeasure.  That would be willing to face the Winter Knight?  Mercenaries by definition take on risky, not potentially suicidal jobs. 

Grey could easily do it, that is true.  But would he? And, would the White Council ask him?  He's probably known to them as having worked with Harry at least two times now.  They would probably scratch Grey off the list.

True, Harry was in some risk in the immediate aftermath of the White Council's decision -- because he had been beaten to an inch of his life, expended vast amounts of energy and everything was in chaos.  In a couple months, where Harry has rested up, replenished his gear, established Castle Dresden with defenses, the Winter Knight and Consort of the White Court of Vampires is a certifiable nightmare. 


DF Spoilers / Re: Who should Harry marry
« on: October 12, 2020, 12:11:23 AM »
If Harry doesn't die, he certainly can't die alone....

I voted for Elaine. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Lord Wraith [With Spoilers]
« on: October 12, 2020, 12:09:21 AM »
Raith not Wraith.

Dammit, you are right.  (I'm mostly an audio book listener, but still should get that right). 

DF Spoilers / Re: Lord Wraith [With Spoilers]
« on: October 11, 2020, 09:11:48 PM »
Don't think that would work.  Certainly, Lara -- who is bisexual in her tastes -- could devour Lord Wraith.  Mostly, she has done so. 

But, Thomas is not bisexual as far as we know and so given the powers of the Wraiths, I'm not sure that he could feed on a man.  For that matter, neither could Lord Wraith -- this is why his sons met "tragic accidents," because he could not feed on them they were very dangerous to him.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chicago, Sanctuary City?
« on: October 11, 2020, 04:42:45 PM »
The assassin does not have to be as powerful as the target. Proper intelligence and preparation can get you far. Harry killed the summer lady after all before he was even winter knight.

Yet another reason to be terrified of Harry.  And, everyone saw his legion of little folk at the Battle of Chicago. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Chicago, Sanctuary City?
« on: October 11, 2020, 03:37:05 PM »
Harry is out of the White Council and already has control of a significant group of talented people -- the Paranet.  While they are, by and large, not wizard level talents -- they have Elaine. 

Elaine is pretty close to pre-Winter Knight Harry.  She was smoother, he had more muscle. 

If you think about it, the White Council has very few people who could (or would be willing to) take on Harry.  Listens to Wind and McCoy are damaged, or won't. Good luck with the Treason charge Merlin.... Rashid can't be risked given the state of the Gates, and its not clear he would.

The Merlin of course could, but that would be a terrible risk and as good as a declaration of War against Winter.  Christos? Liberty? Mai?  Christos can throw down, but is he man enough to do so?  Liberty and Mai don't seem like fighters. 

Chandler, Yoki, Wild Bill and Ramirez might have working together.  But, Yoki and Bill are done.  Chandler is in the shadow realm and Ramirez is not up to it.  Maybe they've got some of the older wardens too, but those people were frightened of pre-Winter Knight Harry.  They probably wet their beds thinking about post-Winter Knight Harry Dresden with access to the Eye and a legion of chained horrors begging for parole.   

Captain Lucio?  I don't know that she would thrown down with Harry, but would the White Council risk that given her past relationship with Harry? Besides, she's still not as good as she had been pre-corpse taker. 

In the end, after fifteen years of war, most of their most powerful assets from a direct confrontational point of view are depleted, damaged or have questionable loyalties where Harry is involved. 

This was a stupid bluff by the Merlin.

DF Spoilers / Re: Eb's Fate, and blackhats. BG spoilers
« on: October 11, 2020, 03:20:13 PM »
I got the distinct impression from Battleground and Peace Talks that McCoy's health is not very good.  He seemed to be on the verge of stroking out a couple times.  This is even discounting the damage done in the final battle.

I thought he was going to stroke out when Harry and he fought the corner hounds. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Lord Wraith [With Spoilers]
« on: October 11, 2020, 05:13:08 AM »
I believe it was Thomas and Harry, and probably Maggie.  In fact, now that I think on it, if the Red Court had been successful, that may have freed Lord Wraith as well.  Perhaps that was a rescue attempt of a sort as well.

Changes gave us the impression that Duchess Arianne was going for McCoy, but the Red King was losing control perhaps another Nemesis victim. 

DF Spoilers / Lord Wraith [With Spoilers]
« on: October 10, 2020, 09:33:41 PM »
Since we now know that:

(1) "Empty Night" is a catch phrase of the White Court and of the
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(2)  Lord Raith had an Outsider as a sponsor.  That sponsor was the source of his entropy curse and the reason that magic slid off him;
(3)  Lord Raith isn't dead, but simply mad and starving;
(click to show/hide)

(5)  The Outsiders have probably attempted at least one rescue -- that of Popsicle Leansidhe;
(6)  Lord Raith now has reason for vengeance Harry, Thomas AND Lara; and,
(click to show/hide)

Do we think Lord Raith is going to break free at some point, recharge up and will he kick off the Apocalypse? 

DF Spoilers / Re: Money [BG Spoilers]
« on: October 10, 2020, 03:07:58 AM »
Just a few thoughts on Castle Dresden:

(1)  I don't think Harry will lack for the money to build out Castle Dresden and a limited budget can go a long way.  He has the services of the only honest contractor in the State of Illinois.

(2)  The City of Chicago would have to be able to find the castle in order to put a tax lien on it.  I see no reason that it can't be veiled by confusion/avoidance wards to prevent service of process.

(3)  Lara's dowry ought to cover quite a few supplies and renovations.  Mab is old fashioned enough to include this in the price if the wedding actually happens.

(4)  Pizza delivery guys go EVERYWHERE and no one really pays attention to them.  Just saying. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Elaine: Spoilerific Fun
« on: October 10, 2020, 01:00:45 AM »
I'm afraid that Grey is possibly among the Nemfected now.  I wouldn't trust anyone who has been alone with Justine -- Thomas included -- for any length of time. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Theory from new Woj possible BG spoilers
« on: October 09, 2020, 12:11:15 PM »
My guess is that by releasing only "part" of an entity imprisoned on the Island means that Harry -- if he wanted to -- could grant a sort of limited parole to the prisoners.  However, with the other "part" of the entity still within the Island, my guess is that Alfred could revoke parole much more easily than the entity was originally imprisoned.  In other words, Harry would not have to repeat the binding, the entity is already bound. 

This is why Harry thinks about what will happen when the Supernatural World figures out that he's the new Warden.  He'll be getting offers and threats from everywhere because he controls a potential superweapon.

Now that Ethniu was so dramatically imprisoned by Dresden.  Everyone knows that Dresden is in control of Demonreach and Ethniu herself represents the scale of the threat.  Dresden even threatens the White Council with Ethniu in this way. 

Harry, of course, need not use such a blunt instrument.  If the Island indeed works this way, Harry could send out a Shaggy to do some wetwork for him in exchange for some sunlight. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Elaine: Spoilerific Fun
« on: October 09, 2020, 12:47:52 AM »
Cold Days is tricky. I always found it odd that Thomas insisted on taking her along in the first place. She would have been much safer at Castle Raith ...
At the show- down, she neither helped Maeve nor team Harry. She just observed. As usual imo. Was she there to make sure that Maeve was not doing anything stupid? As Maeve then did?

So, Justine's presence on the Island in Cold Days now makes a GREAT deal of sense.  She was Maeve's "insurance policy."  Maeve said something to the effect that you can't kill me because my mantle will go to some ally of mine (i.e. Nemesis).  That ally was standing right there -- Justine.  Little did Nemesis/Maeve/Justine understand that a much better vessel Molly was also right there. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Revelations and Rereads (Battle Ground Spoilers)
« on: October 08, 2020, 04:25:07 PM »
Good point.  He knows, he just wasn't quite spreading it around. 

Another point, about Justine.  If she was infected prior to White Night (her untouchability by WCV making her an ideal servant for Lara), that would mean that Mr. Sunshine took Harry to spirit walk to Thomas and Justine's place while Justine was Nemesis at the end of Ghost Story.  Did Mr. Sunshine know she was infected?  Is Nemesis that good at hiding? 

DF Spoilers / Re: Revelations and Rereads (Battle Ground Spoilers)
« on: October 08, 2020, 04:14:24 PM »
What really are the limits of Nemesis?  How many individuals can it infect at a time?  Surely, there has to be some limit there.  So far, we know that only Starborn like Harry cannot be hijacked.  But, this leaves open the possibility that Harry could give in.   

Our official list of Starborn is pretty small:  (1) Harry; (2) Elaine; (3) Listen_the_Turtleneck; and (4) ... Drakul (b. ~1310).  Rashid might also be a Starborn.  That might make a great deal of sense given his job duties.  It would be ... bad if your Gatekeeper was nem-fectable. 

Marcone taking a coin is interesting and not that surprising.  In Small Favor we knew that Namshiel's coin went AWOL.     Marcone, Sanya, Hendricks, Gard, Ivy and the very wounded Michael were on the helicopter rescue.  Gard flies the copter; Sanya takes care of Michael.  Hendricks manned the mini-gun.  Ivy was possibly in no shape to do anything.  That would have given Marcone the opportunity to search Michael's or Sanya's things looking for a coin.

I had assumed that Odin's organization had taken the coin for their own purposes, but if that were true then Odin would have given Marcone the coin.  That's not exactly the kind of Christmas present one would expect from Santa, but then what do you get the Crime Lord who has everything? 

It makes sense, however, for Marcone to pick up a coin.  First, he's not a good guy, despite our desires to make him an Anti-Villain.  Second, his territory had been violated for the second time by the Denarians and his very expensive security detail was ineffective.  He would have been motivated to even the odds somehow.  Third, Harry has made it no secret that he'd like to take Marcone down one day. 

Namshiel is an ideal coin from Marcone's point of view. Namshiel is not a Nicodemus flunky.  Namshiel offers magic in some form as well.  Provided that Namshiel is not a Ursiel-type, it would be a good partnership.

On magic, we don't really know whether Marcone is doing the magic or whether its Namshiel.  I suspect Namshiel "drives."  I don't think we see Marcone do any workings prior to his "transformation."  Tessa, for example, can throw spells in her human form.   

If it is true that Namshiel was part of the presumed Black Council assault on Artis Tor, I wonder how pleased Mab is with this development? 

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