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Messages - WereElephant

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DF Spoilers / Re: Projections: Time Travel Moving Forward
« on: March 20, 2018, 07:27:05 PM »
Known instances of time magic so far include Proven Guilty (the Gatekeeper's warning to Dresden) and Cold Days (the assault on Demonreach). I'm not up on the short stories like I should be, so if I'm missing something from them, please holler it out.

Depending on how Butcher decides to set up alternate universes in Mirror Mirror, Time Travel might be involved, but I think he'd keep them as separate plot mechanisms. Why use two good magical mechanics in a story when you can milk two stories out of them?

I think Harry will wind up time traveling. There's a law of magic against it, and Harry is oh so good at breaking things...

I don't think it will tie into the BAT unless it's used to correct a mistake that caused the apocalypse, and I hope that doesn't happen.

DF Spoilers / Re: Changes - LOTR Characters
« on: March 19, 2018, 06:22:44 PM »
Murphy = Merry (assist on Witch-King's death)
Molly = Pippin (fell under tutelage and protection of Leah/Gandalf)

DF Spoilers / Re: Yggdrasil
« on: March 19, 2018, 11:58:13 AM »
I'm going to take inspiration from Amber Chronicles. 

Didn't see that coming... ;)

So this begs the question.  Does Harry, a starborn, hold some sort of influence over supernatural being's in general?  We still don't know the nature of why he has influence over Outsiders, or how it works, but maybe it's not limited to just them? 

I'm guessing that being Starborn only directly gives him a magical advantage against Outsiders, whatever the machinery behind that may be.

However, given the rarity of Starborn and the interest they draw from other powers, indirectly he has a lot of extra power from it. At one point he had Hellfire. He now has Soulfire. Winter's power is at his fingertips. He has probably the best mortal knowledge of the ways of the Nevernever. His sanctum is the prison of the supernatural's nastiest customers that aren't evidently necessary evils. He guards a Sword of the Cross and four relics of the Crucifixion. Mab, Odin, and Uriel all have vested interests in seeing him succeed (given certain stipulations). And circumstances have given him a will, a mortal will, that can defy Mother Winter and He Who Walks Before. Indirectly, Dresden may be a mortal, but because of the circumstances he was dealth, he has the impact of an entire mythic pantheon.

DF Spoilers / Re: Yggdrasil
« on: March 12, 2018, 07:09:23 PM »
Some folks like the idea of Harry completing a Darkhallow on Demonreach.  In that context, the prison is the cauldron, and the prisoners are the stew waiting to be devoured.

Mmmm. Tasty. Bit heavy on the Naagloshi, though. Next time, maybe add some powdered Titan and a pinch of Kulkulkan dust to smooth that out.

DF Spoilers / Re: Nick and the Cup (New Theory?)
« on: March 12, 2018, 06:56:33 PM »
I'm just wondering how, getting that item (and the others if he could) would play into his "Saving the world".

From whom do we think he believes he is saving the world? The Outsiders and the Old Ones? Or the White God and Heaven? He is obviously opposed to the latter, but his opinion on the former is less clear.

Based on his reaction to Dresden's revelation that Hellfire was used at Arctis Tor, I think it's safe to assume that he is neither Nemfected nor sympathetic to the Outsiders. However, none of his actions seem to be designed to oppose Nemesis. Stealing the Shroud to cause a pandemic? Forcing the Archive to accept a Coin? Stealing artifacts pertinent to the Crucifixion from Hades? The power of the artifacts could be wielded against the Outsiders, but wanton slaughter by plague doesn't hurt them. Giving a coin to the Archive would actually make Ivy's knowledge of the Old Ones less secure, not more.

I want to say that he's planning on using the Outsiders in an attack on Creation, but I'm inferring he has a level of distaste for them, based on the Small Favor reaction mentioned earlier, that would prevent him from associating with them. Perhaps instead of using them directly, he's counting on them doing what they would anyway, and planning his hit around it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Bonnie will become a target WAG
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:40:59 PM »
The entire internet has no brain, or reasoning ability, and yet it's users have access to vast information.  Just because she doesn't know how to apply the knowledge doesn't mean someone else wouldn't know how to get to it.

People who know she exists for sure:
Maggie Jr

That secret could easily get out, or be traded away.  Chances are good that Vadderung, Hades, or anyone else who throws around massive power, and be able to sense it in Harry knows.

Add Murphy to the list, and probably also Anduriel/Nicodemus.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Relations and Kumori
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:29:35 PM »
Cowl seems more controlled by her.  She calms him down....  He has genuine affection for her I think.  I'd guess it's a daughterly kind of connection.

She doesn't seem to think so. When Harry offered her a chance to stand down in Dead Beat, her response wasn't that she didn't want to - she said Cowl would kill her for doing it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresden Files - could it be adapted to a video game?
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:14:58 PM »
Idea being generated...

"The city of Volgograd has seen better days. Formerly known as Stalingrad, the ghosts of more than a million slain Wehrmacht and Red Army are always stirring up trouble. In the colder months, the nights are marked by violent squabbles over dominion between two Winter Nobles: the self-styled Dowager Countess Helena and Thunder Lord Perunovitch. The city stands on a particularly nasty portion of the Nevernever. Frequently will the denizens of the other side - dreaded wolf-mammoths, the Cult of the Beetle, and a particularly obnoxious Djinn - find themselves in Volgograd with nothing better to do than cause mischief. Against this tide of mayhem stand only the Rabbi Igor with his baker's dozen of golems and the wizard Janos Ader with his apprentice.

After investigating a particularly bizarre case of black magic involving a platoon of Red Army ghosts, a genius loci, and lots of cheese, Wizard Ader vanishes, without a trace. The role of magical protector now falls to the apprentice, who must solve the mystery of the Red Army platoon and find his/her master, all while avoiding the toes of the Dowager Countess and the Thunder Lord. And it must be done quickly, for unknown to the apprentice and his/her allies, Volgograd has a target on its back..."

RPG combining the character creation of Baldur's Gate with the interactive feel of Mass Effect. The player's customizable apprentice will meet allies, make enemies, brush against the limits of the Laws of Magic, and explore the Dresdenverse in ways hitherto only mentioned and imagined.

Potential Name: Red Haze, a Story of the Dresdenverse

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: February 27, 2018, 04:34:03 PM »
Except he did all five at once.  What you propose would be five builds at five different times.

Point. Rethinking.

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: February 26, 2018, 04:36:15 PM »
How about this option. Merlin from 5 (or more) parallel realities participated in the same event. They were linked in purpose and synced w/ some merged mind.

Think of what Harry could do with the other Harry's he encounters in Skin Game in his dreamscape with Molly.  If Harry could work with them, together they could each do separate jobs, in different times, all at once.  If Harry and they are able to learn to time travel. They could each go to different times to do a similar thing that Merlin was able to do.

It definitely makes things more understandable if the working is distributed and coordinated with his 'Shadow' selves.

Modification: One Merlin from our timeline, travels to 5 different parallel universes, at a different time in each. Effectively, this makes Demonreach a 5D Pentagram, able to keep in entities that could travel in time as well as parallel dimensions.

DF Spoilers / Future Darkhallow
« on: February 22, 2018, 04:46:04 PM »
As of the end Skin Game (and presumably into the beginning of Peace Talks - I haven't read the released chapter), six known entities have the knowledge to perform the Darkhallow: Harry, Mavra, Cowl, Evil Bob, Ivy, and Lasciel. I'm assuming Grevane is completely dead and not returning. Also assuming that Kemmler is staying dead. Think we'll see someone successfully pull it off?

I doubt it will be Harry. He's already gone down the Winter Knight path for power, and isn't overly thrilled with the consequences.

Mavra might not be interested in it. Her desire for the Word of Kemmler may have been to remove knowledge of her weaknesses from the world instead of a power grab. Her motivations are unknown to me at present.

I still think Cowl wants the power, but the circumstances haven't aligned for him to try again yet. He's a contender.

Evil Bob wouldn't (I think) be able to do it on his own behalf, but after Capiorcorpus went southbound, I imagine he's looking for new allies.

Ivy knows everything that's ever been written down, but I seriously doubt she'd ever use it.

Then there's Lasciel. IIRC, she knows everything that the shadow Lash knew (possibly knows?), so when Harry scanned each page of the Word for her to memorize before Grevane took the Word, a copy of that info went to the Fallen angel proper. As of Skin Game, Lasciel is evidently collaborating with Nicodemus, putting the knowledge of the Darkhallow in the hands of the Denarians. Would any of them use it?

Oh, I guess Anduriel might have already known it, too. Master of Shadows, and all that...not definitely, but possible.

Unknown if others like the big players (Fae queens, Drakul, Dragons, non-Fallen Archangels, Outsiders) have any knowledge of it, but I'm guessing not.

DF Spoilers / Re: Altered Carbon - Could Netflix do Dresden?
« on: February 21, 2018, 06:49:57 PM »
I still think that with minor changes you could group three books into a season and get a decent season every time:

Season 1 (StF, FM, GP) - Insert Bianca into Fool Moon and you got a big bad.

Season 2 (SK, DM, BR) - Insert Thomas into Summer Knight and you have a Thomas season.

Season 3 (DB, PG, WN) Add Cowl into Harry's PTSD in Proven Guilty and call it a day.

Season 4 (SmF, TC, Changes) - Thread Peabody into Small Favor and call it a day. You've earned it. Plus, Changes makes a hell of a finale.

Season 5 (GS, CD, SG) - Pretty solid through line that puts Harry back together by the end of the season. Mostly.

I like almost all of this. The time gap between books could still be a problem, but those groupings look fantastic. Changes as a "cliffhanger" at the end of Season 4 also works out well.

DF Spoilers / Re: TT Harry in Proven Guilty
« on: February 21, 2018, 06:48:26 PM »
Personally I favor the last one (WoK theory) because it gives Harry a reason to go back to that time period.  Interrogating infected-Lea seems like a good second choice, but it could also be a sub-plot of the main one.

Don't think he needs the Word anymore. He mentioned before that he already knows how to perform the Darkhallow. If Lash's memories are either still in his memories or were transferred to Bonnie (for whom I think Minerva or Minnie would be a much better name), he wouldn't need to go back for any smaller details either. I like the usage of Little Chicago or time traveling baddie theories better.

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: February 15, 2018, 03:21:51 PM »
Excellent recap! 

I want to toss out a related topic:  Winter was represented at the GP Ball via Lea, and she in turn was gifted a vector for Nemfection.  Summer was not visibly represented, which seems out of character, politically speaking.  Coincidentally, per SK that same time is when Aurora relocated her court to Chicago, forcing Maeve to follow suit.  And Aurora is the earliest confirmed Nemfection.... 

Also:  You were correct, Cowl and (presumed) Kumori handed Bianca the cask of gold and jewels (confirmed in WOJ) that she gave to Ferro

One of the hooded figures behind her stepped forward, holding a small cask, about as big as a breadbox. The figure opened it, and the lights gleamed on something that sparkled and shone. (GP, ch 29)

Thanks for confirming the Ferrovax gift. And ooooooo, you make an excellent point about Summer. So did the Red Court effectively snub them, or were they represented by parties unseen (possibly Aurora)?

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