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Messages - Second Aristh

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DF Spoilers / Re: Demonreach, Ley lines, and Harry's connection
« on: August 31, 2021, 01:46:33 AM »
The impression I got from Cold Days was that Merlin built the island long before Chicago was even thought of..  Would have to go back and reread that bit, but I seem to remember that when Merlin built it, it was done in multidimensional times including before the ice ages..
Five different times, but I don't believe we have any information on particular time periods.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Dresden have been wrong about Thorned?
« on: August 31, 2021, 01:44:39 AM »
Maybe, but I don't see a reason to do much around PG other than LC.  As of Cold Days most of the characters are dead.
It also gives Harry a chance to use LC one last time before it blows up.  It got a lot of page time for something that only got used once or twice.

Regardless, it would be nice to know if the Denarian throwing hellfire in Arctis Tor was working alone as well as the purpose of the assault.  If it was to rescue Nem!Lea, why did they kill all the trolls but not finish the job in the garden (where Mab would have been able to skewer them thoroughly)?  If Mab did step in to stop them, where are all their bodies?  If it was a stealth mission, throwing hellfire isn't that stealthy.  Overall, it's confusing even when you make the assumption that Maeve was bumping Mab's elbow with ordering fetches around (thereby revealing her own infection).

DF Spoilers / Re: Demonreach, Ley lines, and Harry's connection
« on: August 30, 2021, 05:40:35 PM »
I like the ley line connection. I said in a thread a while ago that there must be some way for Wardens to jail monsters because bringing them all to the Island is not reasonable. But bringing them to a nexis point is reasonable.
On the Island, they get summoned there, right?  Seems like a better idea that way.  Ethniu was probably too big to properly summon (order of magnitude bigger than Titania, and she shattered Harry's circle in CD).  Once they're there, Alfred can take them downstairs.

I don't think the Warden went out to collect monsters typically.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Dresden have been wrong about Thorned?
« on: August 30, 2021, 05:37:46 PM »
I actually agree.  Assuming that he will go back then he has already done it for any event that has already made it into the text. You've identified one and I believe there are others. But having Harry fix an event in which he might die is paradoxical.  If he dies how does he exist to go back and change the event and how does he know it has to be him?
Yeah, I think Harry to go back through time to make sure what has already happened happens (Prisoner of Azkaban style).  Chasing someone through time to prevent them from screwing with the timeline is one convenient way to do that, but regardless I expect the time travel book to be the one where the important behind the scenes information of the big bads' actions can be conveyed to the reader.  Jim can get Harry's eyes on events that he had no way of knowing or understanding during the regular case files.  For example, we get to see how Little Chicago got fixed, we get to see what was going on with Arctis Tor, how did Aurora get infected, who hired Shagnasty, etc.
It's also a good chance for fan service by giving dead characters good cameos.  Susan, Morgan, or Aurora perhaps.

Say Harry does it nearly perfectly, one small error in judgement could mean the kickoff to the BAT.

DF Spoilers / Re: About the naagloshii
« on: August 29, 2021, 08:54:47 PM »
The Naagloshii are sort of like a Native American version of fallen angels, yeah.  Different companies, but similar job titles.

Only for the wizards enough in the know to know how much to worry.  ;D

DF Spoilers / Re: Who do you think the Vampires took from Eb?
« on: August 29, 2021, 03:35:58 AM »
"Do you have it planned out who Harry’s grandmother is? @6:05
Yes… Well she’s not alive any more.
Was she significant?
Well, she was a mortal.  That was about it."

1.  Confirmed he has something planned for Harry's grandmother
2.  She's either dead, or undead
3.  She "was" mortal could be a play on words.  I mean that means she either died or she is no longer mortal (turned for example).

Reading that makes me think even more strongly that something happened to his wife.  Either she was killed, or she was turned.  If there was no big deal, I think Jim would have just said something like "she past away from old age".  Him having a plan for the character to me sounds like it's meaningful and she didn't just get old, and pass from natural causes.
Kinda ignores the "That was about it" part, doesn't it?

DF Spoilers / Re: Who do you think the Vampires took from Eb?
« on: August 29, 2021, 03:09:26 AM »
He would have killed Harry by accident (fake Harry in their duel) because he was so angry over it.  I don't think anything explains his rage besides someone he loved deeply being taken from him.  Someone more than a friend.
Eb is angry about vampires in general.  I don't think you can pin Eb losing control at the end of PT directly to the mystery person he's referring to after they banish the cornerhounds.

In that conversation, Harry himself fits relatively well if you are generous with your definition of "took".
Quote from: PT Ch.12
The old man sighed. When I looked back at him, his eyes were closed. His
cheeks seemed sunken. And there was a sense of desperate weariness to him
that I had never seen before. When he spoke, he didn’t open his eyes. “See?
You know why. I hate them because I know them. Because they took
someone from me.”
“Mom?” I asked.
His jaw muscles tightened. “Her, too. What you did to the Reds was a hell
of a thing, Hoss. But the part of me that knows them thinks it was only a
good beginning. God help me, some days I’m not sure I don’t agree.”
“The Red Court got the way they were by killing a human being. Every
one of them. The White Court is different. They’re born that way. And
they’re not all the same,” I said.
“Game they’ve played for a very long time, Hoss,” he said. “You’ll see it
for yourself. If you live long enough.”

Overall, I'm reluctant to go too far into the weeds about Eb's unknown relationships based on the WoJ that Eb's wife was just a person.
Do you have it planned out who Harry’s grandmother is? @6:05
Yes… Well she’s not alive any more.
Was she significant?
Well, she was a mortal.  That was about it.
Editor’s note:  There’s a 2011 WoJ Where Jim says if he remembers right, she died around 1810

DF Spoilers / Re: Who do you think the Vampires took from Eb?
« on: August 29, 2021, 02:33:12 AM »
Simon Pietrovich is also a candidate for another person that Eb lost.  It meant enough to him that "Remember Archangel" was his battle cry in Changes.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who do you think the Vampires took from Eb?
« on: August 29, 2021, 01:51:00 AM »
I thought the "her too" was Maggie Sr and Maggie?  Vampires stole two people that should have been in Harry's life.

DF Spoilers / Re: Demonreach, Ley lines, and Harry's connection
« on: August 28, 2021, 10:12:51 PM »
of course. Remember the ley lines begin at the island, the extend at least through Chicago. Iirc the necromancers were using them. Harry, on the island would be able to subsidize his power draw is the main difference.
Didn't Nicodemus's crew use it to contain the Archive as well (post-kidnapping)?  Luccio's map of leylines helped Harry figure out where to go looking, or something like that.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac's identity
« on: August 28, 2021, 10:11:12 PM »
Yes, but also in Cold Days Harry admits that Bob doesn't everything about everything, that example being Soul Fire.  So Bob could be right about the body heat, but what if that very heat is what is up-welling from the island forming and powering the ley?
Yeah, prisoner BO is the source of the island's ley line.  It was pretty much stated outright.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Dresden have been wrong about Thorned?
« on: August 27, 2021, 03:31:08 PM »
I'm thinking if that is what it comes down to in the end, it is a real cop out in terms of story telling..
Oh yeah, Harry or someone traveled back in time and altered all of that stuff... That for me at any rate would be a huge disappointment.
Not altered it, but worked in the background to make sure someone else didn't make it worse.  Altering breaks the law of conservation of history Odin talks about.  It's too hard to do, especially that far back.  More like Prisoner of Azkaban style where Harry's maintaining his timeline.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Dresden have been wrong about Thorned?
« on: August 27, 2021, 03:17:55 PM »
I don't imagine it will be and Rashid doesn't need Harry's help for that. Ask yourself why Jim made the choice to have LC be broken.
Does he need it, no, but it's more helpful that way for Rashid to be well out of the way of breaking any Laws.
Quote from: PG Ch.6

"Hindsight," I murmured.  "You mean he went to the future for this?"
"Well," Bob hedged.  "That would break one of the Laws, so probably not.  But he might have sent himself a message from there, or maybe gotten it from some kind of prognosticating spirit.  He might even have developed some ability for that himself.  Some wizards do."
Harry using Rashid as a messenger to give himself a message from the future works well.  It also fits with his altercation in TC where Rashid says it isn't Harry's time to defy the WC yet.  Yet being the operative word.  If Rashid met future!Harry, say at the Outer Gates, he'd know something was going to go down along those lines.  Harry couldn't risk telling Rashid too much, though, or he'd jeopardize his timeline.

With the attack on Arctis Tor, Little Chicago, and the Corner Hounds I'm wondering if there is going to be a time travel book where Harry is going to many different points in history, chasing someone else who's trying to mess things up.

Plot twist:  There was Hellfire, but the one who nuked Mab's army was Dresden using Soulfire.
There's a book going to be dedicated to every Law, so we're in for some time travel for sure.  My guess is that it'll be the last book before the BAT.  That way, it can be used as a way to get Harry's eyes on all the important plot points that have been happening in the background of the other books.  Dresden books have a pattern, and that pattern fractals out for the series as a whole.  Introduce the problem (StF thru GP-ish), big mid-book fight (Changes thru CD), big aha mystery solved moment (time travel book), finale fight to fix it (BAT).

Going on that idea where the time travel book is the mystery reveal near the end, we can probably see clues of future!Harry in the background of several other case files (with plausible explanations of why it might not be time travel to throw us off the trail).  My current list of candidates is:
  • PG message to Rashid and PG more generally
  • non-attributed "fuego" at Chichen Itza
  • Little Chicago being fixed (possibly not by Harry himself, but asking an ally)
  • PT cornerhounds

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Dresden have been wrong about Thorned?
« on: August 27, 2021, 05:31:21 AM »
My timeline isn't muddled..  You are right it was White Night when Forthill got the coin, however it isn't a stretch to think the coin might sill be locked in his office as of Changes.. We have no clue as to how frequent the coins collected by the Knight are picked up..  We do know it was Lasciel whispering to Harry in Changes which speaks to her coin not being very far away, that is my point.
WoJ is that distance isn’t really a factor in how the fallen operate in their coins.

What’s the range of influence for the Fallen in the coins? How far can they extend themselves away from their Denarian hosts?
Oh, their range is very, very limited, to this one little planet. :D
2011 DC signing

I doubt that Namshiel got a permanent boost and I could be altogether wrong about Lucifer helping him in PG.  But Jim has done everything but set up a flashing neon sign pointing at Namshiel. And I doubt Jim will revisit it in any case. That Arc is finished. The only real puzzle left will be resolved in the time travel book.
The time travel elements in PG do need to be resolved still. Like you said, the time travel book is coming. I’d imagine the events of PG are a major focus. (Also my guess is future!Harry is the source of the Gatekeeper’s message getting Harry on Molly’s trail.)

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