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Messages - Snark Knight

Pages: 1 ... 70 71 [72] 73 74 ... 76
DF Spoilers / Re: Nicodemus
« on: July 11, 2017, 05:31:26 PM »
This is always brought up, but how do we know the noose doesn't protect itself? A two millennia old piece of rope that didn't snap as harry pulled on it in earnest and was farther unaffected by the cold lake water? just like the shroud of Turin, that thing shoulda fallen to threads. It didn't though.

The noose itself is definitely unnaturally resistant to destruction. I'm pretty sure there's even a WOJ about it, but the implicit text evidence is enough.

What it doesn't do, though, is heal the wearer absolutely immediately. Nic's wounds close when he gets shot, but it takes a distinguishable amount of time. Sufficiently violent overkill might not hurt the noose itself, but the strike only has to decapitate him and knock the noose loose.

What's more, it can presumably protect him from huge Holy Swords attempting to decapitate him.  If anything could cut the Noose that would be it, and removing the Neck should be a reasonable way to remove a necklace. The Knights certainly seem to favor decapitation as a goto tactic (for good reason).

Given how skilled he is at swordplay, it's possible that none of the Knights have ever managed to fully behead him in combat and see if it sticks. Cutting less than all the way through or too slow to knock the noose free before he starts healing isn't sufficient, and he's world-class at denying opponents the window for a clean strike. Massive explosives or an anti-tank round, on the other hand, do their damage in a few thousandths of a second.

DF Spoilers / Re: Nicodemus
« on: July 11, 2017, 04:21:17 AM »
Getting rid of an obstacle to Nic's further goals, who also knows the one way to kill him, would be a great reason to try and murder Harry.

Well, one way, at least.

The noose can only help him if it stays on. A big enough explosion or bullet to completely destroy his neck and knock the noose off, and he's done for. Which means he's probably got more to fear from Marcone's hired vengeance and their tendency to use overkill-level firepower in at least the short to medium term.

DF Spoilers / Re: Standard Warden Equipment?
« on: July 11, 2017, 02:55:25 AM »
As for armor, unless it's made from metal, it's probably hard to make a standard issue item that folks could universally refresh on their own.  Even though Harry is probably the Warden that visits Edinburgh the least, the others probably don't go as often as necessary to have someone do the refresh for them.

Well, better & more expensive materials can bring the required maintenance rate down considerably. The Council might not issue much gear directly, but it would be kinda stupid of them to tell their fighting force that resources to increase survivability are their own problem to fund out of their not exactly lavish paychecks.

DF Spoilers / Re: Nicodemus
« on: July 11, 2017, 02:50:55 AM »
I don't think I can agree- every time I see opinions that Nicky and the Nickelheads are secretly out to save Earth and humanity (especially as justification for their depravity), I am strongly reminded of C. S. Lewis' quote regarding Screwtape: "My readers are advised to remember that the Devil is a liar; not everything that Screwtape says should be assumed to be true, even from his own viewpoint. There is wishful thinking in Hell as well as on earth."

I believe Deirdre was sincere about describing their purpose to 'save the world' mostly because it would have been a stupid lie to entirely make up. There was never any chance that would deceive Harry into second-guessing whether they might be justified after all, and she had to have known that. She was flaunting that she knew something he didn't, not trying to talk him over to their side.

Many of the Fallen and the willingly collaborating Denarians probably do subscribe to the wishful thinking that their tactics are justified by brutal utilitarianism, and ruling the remainder will be their just reward for having preserved something from the even worse Outsider-pocalypse. But they can be delusional about the ends justifying the means or the disease being worse than their cure without being technically liars.

DF Spoilers / Re: Senior Council Magic Speciality
« on: July 10, 2017, 03:45:39 PM »
As far as him throwing spells around: Nothing he could do offensively would come close to registering on the scale of that battle, where formations count in the tens of thousands, and are doing battle well out in front of the Gates.  So him throwing any sort of offensive evocations is pointless tactically, but would still both distract and fatigue him, when he already has a much more specific and  critical role, one that nobody else can do (unlike offensive magic that Fae would do better anyway).

From Harry's glimpse at the battle, did we actually see the Sidhe using magic against the Outsiders? A landscape composed mostly of bones would make for abundant shrapnel to throw around with anything that can push on it.

For that matter, air support doesn't even have to be magical. Find a grenade that still goes boom under Nevernever physics, buy lots, drop them from above.

Besides Luccio had a good take on the Warlocks position (upstairs) and where the rest of the people are (downstairs) so evacuating them and avoiding causalities was possible IMO, also I think it is implied that the Wardens have a certain immunity when fulfilling their duties, they definitely don't get beheaded if a Warlock dies resisting arrest.

For one thing, I don't think she was anywhere near confident that there was nobody else out of sight on the second floor.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Blackstaff discussion
« on: July 08, 2017, 03:34:34 AM »
The Laws of Magic have nothing to do with permission. Harry gave Molly permission to muck with his mind, and it was still a violation of the law.

I'm not at all sure I agree with that. The law is against "invading" someone's mind - that doesn't sound like a prohibition on mind magic done with consent. LtW's efforts to help heal the damage Peabody did to the younger personnel would fall under a similar situation. Also, for that matter, Molly and Harry's sparring sessions about trying to plant an idea in each other's head, which they apparently did a considerable amount of, would also be prohibited under the interpretation that consent doesn't negate the violation of the 'invade' law.

I dug it. It's a little predictable (No more than you'd expect from a prequel story.)  Luccio is a bad ass, I always love getting another creature featured

The idea of using something as a horse that's, mythologically speaking, a close cousin to Jenny Greenteeth was just ... disturbing...

I have not read the story yet.
That being said, does it mention Hogs Hollow?  Is it possible that this trip to the West is when Eb discovered where he ends up settling down on his farm?

He doesn't appear directly. Luccio just alludes to him being the current Captain at the time and some of his warlock-hunting exploits.

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: July 06, 2017, 04:26:44 PM »
Better materials means not needing maintenance as often, sure (in which case maybe Luccio was doing the maintenance, and her incapacitation hasn't been an issue for the few surviving veteran wardens because the few surviving veterans of the old guard simply haven't hit the required service deadlines on their blades yet).

But soul linkages would probably fall under the same reason it would be a terrible idea for Harry to use soulfire in crafting - if an adversary ever gets hold of the blade, its owner is screwed.

Partly though, I think it might just be considered disrespectful of the active duty wardens to continue using the blade after retirement (sort of like how military members have a protocol against wearing their uniforms after discharge).

Well Krakatoa was really big and is around the time Jim said Ebenezer first picked up the Blackstaff.   It's not impossible that the previous Blackstaff died during the event and that Ebenezer's first act upon picking up the Blackstaff (in desperation?) was causing the boom in a last ditch effort to stop whatever it was.

From reading about the actual disaster though, there were seismic warning signs ahead of the eruption. It wasn't extremely sudden.

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: July 06, 2017, 04:15:34 PM »
Has there been any indicators that McCoy has a 'warden' sword?  he works with the Wardens and helps direct them, but I've never seen him in a gray cloak, aside from CI, but I don't think that was a warden cloak.  And 'most' wardens don't have off the shelf swords, they had been specifically made by Luccio for the individuals while she still had the ability to make them.

Never seen on page, which is why it was news that this short confirmed he had been a warden.

The swords are enchanted items, which means they need maintenance. That's probably on the user, after Luccio initially made them - perhaps like some of the foci Harry has given up on, Eb simply used his time on other pursuits since leaving the Wardens.

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: July 06, 2017, 02:54:44 PM »
And have Harry go even deeper in her debt?

If he wants a fae metal spear point for his staff, he'd probably end up owing a favour to the fae smith.

At this point, he's probably better off paying the svartalves in diamonds for any smithing he needs done.

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: July 06, 2017, 01:04:32 PM »
Personally, I like the idea of the Winter mantle being used to supplement his staff.  He could use ice to form edges along four feet of its length, leaving him a two foot handle for his ice sword-staff.  Not to mention he could use ice to make it a spear, or even a sickle.

And just think of all the Game of Thrones pop culture references about White Walker ice weapons ...

I've started to connect the blackstaff with things falling to the planet(the classic 'calamity from the skies' trope like in FF7) but New Madrid was one that just didn't add up, being an earthquake.

Krakatoa was a big volcano, so really only Casaverde and Tunguska were "bomb it from orbit" type events.

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