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Messages - Snark Knight

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DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror Opportunties
« on: July 18, 2017, 03:47:45 PM »
Comment on Justine is not known to me.  Where do we get the hint that Justine has some hidden background?   Not surprised, just not familiar with the details.

I don't have the source anymore, just going off a vague recollection. Might have been one of the AMA's, but I'm not positive.

The WOJ itself wasn't super specific. The gist was just that there's something about Justine's parentage that Harry doesn't know but Thomas does - it didn't narrow down whether she was a changeling or her parents were some sort of VIP's in mortal society or something else entirely.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mortal Government Knowledge of Magic
« on: July 18, 2017, 01:04:35 PM »
Bodies/Blood? Taken away and examined by a Coroner who's either on the take, or refuses to acknowledge the truth in front of him (like Butters Boss).

Taking away bodies and bloodstains would require a team of cleaners prepared for a coverup pretty much on standby outside the door as soon as the shooting stopped. If the FBI survivors regroup enough to start sweeping their building and come across something that blows secrecy, any cleaners are too late.

Plus, institutional arrogance is going to work against a cover story that the elite federal police force got their asses handed to them to the tune of probably a high double-digit body count by a pack of drug-smuggler rabble who then vanished into thin air. Neither the FBI nor outside oversight is likely to buy that an attack like that got done without an edge well beyond what's known of cartel capabilities, without costing the attackers way more casualties than they did.

And even if most of the survivors didn't directly see the Reds in action, a lot would have heard the Ick - 'vanilla cartel gunmen' isn't going to suffice as a cover story for something so big it shakes the floors when it walks and has a heartbeat audible across half the building.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mortal Government Knowledge of Magic
« on: July 18, 2017, 02:22:48 AM »
And that none of the other people in the building managed to kill some of them too.

Even if the rest of the FBI were too shocked to line up a headshot or hit the kill spot on the belly, just wounding one heavily enough to leave a bloodstain would be evidence. Forensics is going to be very interested in a DNA profile on any 'terrorists' that escaped with wounds after something like that.

The more we dig into this, the more I think Jim is going to have to include some explanation of the aftermath of that as Harry reestablishes himself in Chicago. Shit pretty much had to have hit the fan after that incident - it's one thing for him to have been out of the loop during past events, but once he's back on the grid, there's going to have to have been some fallout that comes to his attention.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mortal Government Knowledge of Magic
« on: July 17, 2017, 10:31:27 PM »
Keep in mind that this is the same universe where a Coroner can say 'these people aren't human' and get thrown in the loony bin despite having the bodies to prove it.

It's going to be tougher to pull that if there's an intact corpse, though. A dispute about what intense heat does to a skeleton is pretty much inside baseball among coroners. If they actually left bodies behind, a greasy anthropoid bat-monster with fangs isn't going to be mistakable for human by first responders, even with its belly shot open or half its head caved in.

And while the Reds were certainly pretty deadly, it stretches belief that nobody in the whole building but Tilly and Rudolph saw them and evaded being killed.

DF Spoilers / Re: A warden's sword for Harry...
« on: July 17, 2017, 10:02:19 PM »
Well, Harry is an example where it breaks down then, because he didn't get one, right?

I thought the implication there is that some level of fencing instruction is part of the general Council apprentice curriculum, though I'm not sure I agree. Nobody seems to have been after Harry to teach Molly to fence, for one thing. And we don't know where or when Harry studied fencing to get to his stated description of OK at it but nowhere near good enough to challenge the serious swordsmen. There's never been a mention of whether Justin taught him that, Ebenezar did, or he decided some lessons after leaving Eb would be a useful skill.

In terms of a weapon though, I really can't see Dresden taking up Amoracchius at this point after all the buildup that it has to be meant for someone with the right biblical virtues, even without the WOJ that a sword for Harry isn't in the plan. The Warden of Demonreach has to walk in a lot of grey areas, whereas the Swords are for paladins, pure of heart.

If he's going to get any sort of special weapon, my money is on figuring out how the four of five artifacts from Hades' vault that he already has actually work. Many have speculated the 'knife' might be the head of the Spear of Destiny - if so, the foreshadowing of that being mounted on his staff is, uh, pretty strong. How cool would a showdown between Harry and Cristos be, with Cristos expecting the sword he kept as a former warden to undo Harry's staff, only for Harry to break his sword instead when they come to blows?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mortal Government Knowledge of Magic
« on: July 17, 2017, 09:16:26 PM »
Or the car that tried to run him off the road?

Yeah, the car ramming in PG is one unsolved mystery (assuming it wasn't time travel shenanigans).

The bomb on Murphy's car in WN is another one, albeit also credibly attributable to Madrigal.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror Opportunties
« on: July 17, 2017, 09:11:09 PM »
Maybe one is sick or has an unusual relative. 
Alternately, Harry can identify one of his companions as nemfected, with obvious implications. 

Like what the 'something significant about Justine's background that Thomas knows but Harry doesn't' actually is.

Though with divergent histories, it's possible for someone to be N-fected in one universe but not the other.

DF Spoilers / Re: Applying a new coat of paint
« on: July 17, 2017, 09:08:59 PM »
Re. the horcrux idea, when asked if Harry could make better focii with his Soulfire, the response was (forgive the paraphrase) it would be a terrible idea because an object carrying a piece of a person's literal Soul would be your enemy's idea of the Holy Grail of Thaumaturgical links.

I wouldn't be happy with any soul-fraction-storage like horcruxes showing up in the DV. It seems based on a much more discrete and less mutable concept of the soul than the DV has previously established. And since soulfire is only known to be accessible as a granted boon from Heaven's agents, I don't see how a necromancer would get into a position to be trusted with that kind of ability.

However, a better prepared necromancer than Corpsetaker might have laid other preparations to return ahead of time. Stuff like keeping an indoctrinated cult and a suitable victim to body-hop into as a prisoner on standby, or reservoirs of power keyed to themself that their spirit could use as fuel to regain the strength to act faster than it took Corpsetaker. I'd be a bit surprised if Kemmler didn't have some degree of plans to ease his way back after the first time or two.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mortal Government Knowledge of Magic
« on: July 17, 2017, 07:21:40 PM »
He told /An Agent/, but I dont know that the FBI as a whole was made aware of the fact in any official way (even an ignored one like with Butters and the CPD).

Yeah, Tilly got clued in, but he can't very well report everything he knows up the chain without getting fitted for a straightjacket.

On the other hand, Harry and the gang dropped some bodies at the scene, and as I recall Murphy mentioned killing another set to guard the stairwell after they split up. If the Eebs missed removing any of their dead, inhuman bodies left behind after massacring a bunch of federal agents would be orders of magnitude harder to make go away than one videotape of a loup garou.

Only instead of Intpol, the Librarians.  Favors exchanged between the council and the LoC could work this way.

Pretty sure the Librarians would be just about as averse to the White Council learning about their organization as just about any of the other supernatural nations. The WOJ about them was that they're obsessively secretive out of caution about the powers they're in opposition to. I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind a few of the assassination attempts against Harry that haven't been otherwise attributed (though Ace is also a candidate).

DF Spoilers / Re: New short story in process
« on: July 17, 2017, 07:07:37 PM »
On the bright side... Mouse!

If he's as sassy as he was to Lea when she turned them all into dogs, this is going to be a fun read.

DF Spoilers / Re: Stone Table Sacrifice
« on: July 14, 2017, 08:35:04 PM »
There is no blade that can pass through a coin, it would hit the coin, and deflect a little bit to pass through the skin next to the coin.

Well ... the faithsaber just possibly might. And we don't have a clue of the abilities of the knife (spearpoint?) from Hades' vault yet.

But from Harry's description of their auras, both of those are vastly more powerful than even Medea's bodkin.

DF Spoilers / Re: Stone Table Sacrifice
« on: July 14, 2017, 06:46:57 PM »
I don't think the relationship between the Fallen and host is such that the Stone Table could be used to consume the angel's power. They let the host use a portion of their power, but I can't see the Fallen being anything worse than somewhat weakened to the tune of whatever fraction they delegated to the host's use (like a Knight holds power enough to upset the balance between courts, but sacrificing him isn't going to depower the Queens from whose power his mantle was sourced).

As for breaking the coin itself, I believe the WOJ on that would still apply (basically, it's absurdly difficult and would release the Fallen rather than kill them anyway).

Successful rulers and leaders often are not.  Sometimes you can't be both nice and successful in politics and war.  It's not hard to find examples in history of kings and rulers who were kind, decent...and ineffectual or worse.

In-universe, Nic even acknowledged at one point that Marcone would have been a successful ruler in times gone by.

DF Spoilers / Re: Wag the Fomor
« on: July 14, 2017, 06:30:35 PM »
I wouldn't doubt a variation on the theme of Bombshells, from the Fomor.

Pretty much. I'm expecting:

Step 1: Try to assemble as many supernatural VIP's as possible under the pretext of negotiations.
Step 2: Mass casualty attack. (Something along the lines of another poison bomb, or a strike with more superghouls / hidden Black Court allies / Franken-servitors hopped up on magic stolen from kidnapped minor talents)
Step 3: Move against factions that are deprived of leadership.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dog Men part 2 (Spoilers)
« on: July 14, 2017, 06:20:04 PM »
Am I going to have to get this one? The title seemed silly enough to put me off.

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