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Messages - pcpoet

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Author Craft / Re: World building: my strength and my weakness.
« on: December 28, 2014, 08:31:09 PM »
I am new to writing. I am a author wanabe.  one of the things I have discovered that helps me write is to set up an action in my story and try to figure what is the logical reaction in the story by the other characters to what has happened. some times it takes me in a direction that I never thought I would go in my writing but it is helpful to me

My books title at least at this point is periwinkle. it is the story of a sprite (fairy) who gets trapped in a jen bottle  for four hundred years and escapes entrapment in the1960's..   I want to do a whole series of books dealing with the the historical and cultural events of the 1960-1970 and my character periwinkle.

my word count is 10,218 as of this post and counting 

Author Craft / Re: beta readers
« on: December 17, 2014, 02:07:30 AM »
I was out walking my dog today saw the little girl who read the first chapter of the book I am writing. it was great the only thing I could get out of her was that she liked it and she liked the names of the two characters of my story. it is hard to get opinions from the under the age of ten crowd.   I love it...   my goal is to someday have a kid I don't know to ask me to autograph a book I have written.

years ago when I was going to the university. I was new to owning a computer and my computer windows program  failed only two months after getting a computer. I had ten page paper on it which was most my grade for my class. I paid 100 dollars just to get someone to either retrieve the paper or to fix the computer. they fixed the computer. I had a setting wrong on the computer that made it so I could not access other programs using windows. I think it took the person all of tem minutes to fix the problem. I felt ripped off by the company at the time. but since then it has been back up everything digatal

Author Craft / Re: beta readers
« on: December 13, 2014, 04:10:09 PM »
I plan on using mostly adults as beta readers but when a chapter is at a point that really cant see making to many changes to it with out a complete rewrite I want to use kids because I am hopping that they will see a direction to take my work that I am not seeing or point out something that as an adult I don't understand as having meaning to them.

I save every thing now even the stuff I hate. you never no when you have gold. years ago I did poetry. I destroyed everything that I wrote when I was doing poetry because when I came down from my manic high all it did was remind me how sick I was when I have a mania. I have a few examples that somehow managed to miss the great purge and it sickens me because one or two pieces are truly brilliant.

thanks for the advice on writing. I no the key is to just write. I myself decided to write because. my life sucked I suffer from bipolar illness and have been on disability for years when ever I have tried to work or go to school my illness would get in the way. Last year I was so tired of being sick and tired. I decided to take up writing and to treat it as a full time job. it feels good to do this because if anyone asks me how I spend my days I now tell them that I am writing a book.

at the moment  I am trying to get 1,000 words a day for me that is about 4 hours of writing.

I just started writing last January. I spent the last year teaching myself to tell a story. I have had three false starts in writing a book because my skill at telling a story changed so drastically that I decided to start fresh. I am just happy to be at 11,000 word and not ready to start from scratch. I final am not embarrassed to show my work to others while my grammar skills need to improve. I have story flow and structure down. my writing so far has been free form no story board but I have decided that I got to sit down and outline my story so that I have belter structure to the writing.

not judging myself but I am still impressed

I am impressed. the most I can do in a day is about 3,000words

Author Craft / beta readers
« on: December 11, 2014, 04:49:00 AM »
I was just curies if anyone has a suggestion on how to handle beta readers.  I am writing a urban fantasy novel aimed at 8-12 year olds. . I was out today walking my dog and the kids in my neighborhood love to play with my dog. they have gotten to know me because I take my dog for a walk about every hour and a half to give myself a break from writing. the kids in the neighborhood  know that I am trying to write a book. today they found out it was a children's book and they were curies about it and asked when it was going to be in the stores. I had to explain to them that I am new at writing and that it might never get into the stores because I am not done writing it and don't have a publisher. I told them that only one of my chapters is ready for beta reading. I then explained that it meant that if they read it they could tell me what they like and don't like in the book and that if they really did not like something I want to know along with what they really like. I went home and then went through my first chapter trying to clean it up. when I was done I went over to my neighbors house and gave it to there mom to give to her kids to read. my question to anyone here is how do you handle kids as beta readers.

Author Craft / Re: Sack up.
« on: December 08, 2014, 07:20:07 AM »

Author Craft / Re: How do you deal with Writer's Block?
« on: November 23, 2014, 06:09:08 AM »
I take my dog for a walk. I have only recently started to write and I have discovered if I am having a problem with how to present a idea all I have to do is grab my dog
Bennie and take him for a walk. while I walk Bennie I usually have my center of attention on my dog talking to him and enjoying his company by the time I get home and sit down to write the block is gone. the worse things I can do is engage in any other activitie or sit in front of the computer.

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