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Messages - Addicted2aa

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DFRPG / Re: start it off with a bang! (your coolest campaign beginnings)
« on: October 17, 2012, 09:56:51 PM »
I have a building I am itching to throw my players of, however this will go hand in hand with a big reveal I want to hold back on for a while. So I hope somebody here comes up with a nice bang start I can use.
You want to throw them off a building? Are you using the following rules as written? Cause that's pretty harsh.

DFRPG / Re: Warden Sword for a Mortal?
« on: October 17, 2012, 09:54:47 PM »
Gamers.  If you've ever RP'd - especially D&D, it's funny.

Yes, but I wouldn't allow an NPC to give something like that.  Maybe another PC, if they want to give up an Enchanted Item slot for another player since that's their choice, afterall.  Somebody has to pay the refresh for it.

I'm not sure I'd allow any of the powers of the sword per se.  The sword itself would be declaration fodder, so it could have minimal "latent" powers.  So while I wouldn't allow the counterspell ability, you could tag a +2 to get through a magical block, for example(assuming you succeed on the declaration or spend a FP).  If he wants the full powers, I'd say he'd have to pay the refresh.
No invoke for effect based off aspects? Only allowing the +2? As to NPC's paying the refresh, couldn't that be his trouble? Some one is paying for it, and they want it back? It doesn't always respond well, infact sometimes being detrimental, though occasionally it works as it's supposed to?
Not that I have a problem with your way, Actually seems like a really good solution, I'm just trying to find other options.

Which Gamers? Dorkness rising? or the first one?

DFRPG / Re: Warden Sword for a Mortal?
« on: October 17, 2012, 08:31:09 PM »

Make it a real Warden's sword that does absolutely nothing special because the guy is a Pure Mortal.  Instead, it will give lots of plot hooks and room for the character to grow into something more later on down the road.

Also, I'm sad that no-one got my Ogre Decapitation reference.

Is that from the "I attack the Darkness" Skit?

General Question?
Why can't the sword be an Enchanted item, that another wizard is powering? If the source of the power comes from another character it shouldn't kill his refresh right, Like harry's coat being usable by other people? I didn't see anything in the template suggestion pure mortal's should lose the extra refresh if they have an enchanted item, just if they take a power.
 I could understand him not being able to use the counterspell ability in normal action, but with the use of an aspect and a fate point I could see it coming into play. The weapon 6 I could see going the same way or being allowable.

DFRPG / Re: Spring Autumn Courts homebrew
« on: October 17, 2012, 08:26:30 PM »
The problem I have here is that it seems to be folding an awful lot into the spring/autumn courts.

What was there for electricity prior to the discovery of electricity?   If it was Lightning then surely that comes under storms rather than electricity?

I think defining the courts would help you and your GM a lot in terms of story potential, but also the boundaries the character and courts exist in.    We've had the Spring Court become the Neon Court in our game, but that's in the last 200 years and was the court stepping away from nature and the cycle.

If understand basic biology right, our brains work by firing electrical impulses. Magnetic is based on fields of electrons, so basically electricity. Static electricity seems like exactly the type of thing a prangster fae creature would use. Also I believe you can have lighting without storms.
BTW, I'm the GM. The character kinda jumped in in the middle so we didn't really have time to define the courts. We're trying to work on that now. I do see your point about the whole storms instead of Electricity though, it fits a more traditional model. But there are certainly ways that it could work around it.

DFRPG / Re: Spring Autumn Courts homebrew
« on: October 16, 2012, 09:01:41 PM »
Winter already has a portfolio though, there's no reason to add even more to it.
Especially since it's already in winter. Just noticed the slumber is a part of it :P

DFRPG / Re: Spring Autumn Courts homebrew
« on: October 16, 2012, 08:47:43 PM »
Yeah, harvest and earth seem better fits with Autumn than undeath.  Maybe sleep, since that's another way that you could envision trees dropping leaves and animals getting ready to hibernate.  Dreams would tie in nicely with Sleep.  I don't think that's been added to any of the fae magics yet.

On the theme of Preparation for Winter during Autumn I think Dreams make sense again if you believe in the prophetic ones.
I would change Winter to add sleep to it in that case. Hibernation and all that

DFRPG / Re: Adding Aspects
« on: October 16, 2012, 08:34:17 PM »
That's just what I was thinking.

I dunno if I'd want 10 Aspects, but it seems to work for Spirit Of The Century.

In any case, Aspects shouldn't be purchased with skill points or Refresh. Their advantages are perfectly balanced by their drawbacks, because both are pretty much fiat.

Haven't played any SoTC  yet, but I got the impression it was more streamlined. The lack of powers making the game slightly simpler.

DFRPG / Re: Spring Autumn Courts homebrew
« on: October 16, 2012, 08:31:33 PM »
Might as well leave these here, maybe they'll be inspirational or something.

(click to show/hide)

The Autumn Stuff
(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / Re: Adding Aspects
« on: October 16, 2012, 08:26:07 PM »
Something that I've been meaning to do when I get my game up and running again is to use Season and Episode Aspects.  Basically I put an aspect on different plot arcs, the Season Aspect lasting for multiple gaming sessions and the Episode Aspect lasting for one session, and then I would allow something like one free tag of each Aspect per session.  It allows me to control the themes and mood of each session in a fun and useful way.

I like this idea, Though Season Aspects just seem like threats and themes to me. As for Episode Aspects, it seems like you're just giving out a random bit of player power, but for no real reason. Not that there is wrong with that, but it doesn't really seem to add anything much it self. Maybe it will serve to keep players cognizant of the theme of the night but I see it more just devolving into a mechanical +2 when the players are in trouble
Will you be compelling it? Can NPC's invoke, Compel and Tag it? Is there a mini-game associated with it in anyway, where the players get to guess at the aspect of the scenario and the first to guess gets the free tag?

DFRPG / Re: Adding Aspects
« on: October 16, 2012, 06:39:58 PM »
Why do you feel 7 isn't enough? I find that I have a hard enough time giving all the aspects my characters currently have enough treatment.

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