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Messages - Zuriel

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Author Craft / Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:17:36 PM »
Personally for reading I take it anyway that seems to fit. Even 2nd person.

I've noticed that most if not every UF novel is First person. Which leads me to my second point.

I started out writing in Third Omniscient--it's my default POV-- but after being told by editors and writers that readers don't go in for that anymore I try to just do Third Person. But I've noticed that, probably as a result of reading so many UF novels, that now I tend to want to do First person, especially when doing UF. In fact of 12 to 15 UF-paranormal short stories and five novels I've only done one in Third. I started it that way and decided it fit for that novel.
Other types of stories seem to be a mixture of First and Third, sometimes within the same story... Oops. :)

Mmm...I wonder why UF leans more towards First Person than Third?  I don't actually read any other fiction at the moment - and it's been a long time since I have - so I can't compare other genres this way.  Interesting.

that they do
personly i prefur writing first person
you don't have to do redicules long diologs to revile stuff
but thats just me

One of my strengths, I discovered, is writing dialogue, which does seem to be difficult or not appealing to a lot of writers - at least the ones I hang out with online.  Most of them write without using dialogue at all or very little.  I've tried that for a few very short stories and it was a struggle not to put dialogue in!  It's just in my genes, I guess.   :)

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 29, 2012, 02:54:54 PM »
Thanks, Shecky!  I think I did see somewhere that Jim liked these books, so they are definitely going on my list.  I'm glad you reminded me about them.

And cen...I gave up on having money a long time ago.  It seems I'd rather feed my obsessions than eat.   :D

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 29, 2012, 04:22:15 AM »
LDWriter2:  Thanks!  This is great!  I've seen a few of the names before, but don't know anything about them.  I guess you can check out my list and I'll check out yours.  I notice your list is mostly women, where mine is all men.  I think I have this misconception that female writers are more into the UF/romance thing.  Guess that may not be quite accurate.

And a shout out and thanks to you, The Deposed King, for recommending the Kate Daniels series.  I will definitely check it out.

I'm gonna need a bigger bookcase...

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 29, 2012, 04:12:08 AM »
Interesting...the artist himself looks a bit like Harry, dark, angular face, thin frame, though he isn't quite as attractive as Harry.  Maybe he used himself as a rough draft. 

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:04:10 AM »
Well, technically they're both white with dark hair, so he's kind of similar.  He's what I picture Michael to be maybe, but not Harry.

When he was younger and leaner, and his 6'1&1/2" got his farther, he might have been able to do it.  And he has a decent voice for 1st person narration, as seen in the noir episode of Castle this past year. 

But I'm still not seeing him as Harry.

LOL...yes there are those similarities you mentioned.  I just took them for granted.   :)

I think my problem is that I have this image of Harry in my mind and he looks pretty much like the book covers, and I can't get it out of my head.  Cause I like it too much.   :P

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:58:01 AM »
Harry Dresden is described as lean, with only runner's muscle, and is approximately 6'7".

Nathan Fillion is 6'1&1/2" tall, and he's stocky.  If you've watched any of Castle, you'd see that he's beefed up a lot.  He had about 10 tons of muscle at the beginning of this last season for some reason, and I was suspicious that he might have been filming a superhero film on the sly.

Exactly.  Nathan does not fit the description of Harry at all.  And I think he's too old...or he just looks it anyway.  And he has a heavy nasal tone, like a constant stuffy nose quality to his voice, even though it's a baritone, which is also Harry's tone of voice according to Jim.  But that's the only similarity.

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:47:30 AM »
Gulp.  Yes I do, it seems, but I love to read, so it is not a burden at all, rather a joy to know I have a stack of books on my shelf to read, especially when winter rolls around.

But next I have to re-read DF, because I blew through all the books pretty darn fast...and not in order, as I wasn't able to find all of them at first.  In fact my first read was Turn Coat.  LOL

I'd be interested in your list of authors.  And though I love Jim's blending of humor and drama, I dig plain ole dark drama just as much.

So far I have found books by Harry Connolly (3), Kevin Hearne (3), Justin Gustainus (3), Joseph Nassise (Heretic) and Patrick Rothfull (The Name of the Wind).  Are any of those on your list?

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: May 28, 2012, 08:01:24 PM »
Readers that have been in this genre for a while maybe, but newbies, like me, are just tickling our toes in the world of UF, so there will always be newcomers to keep the books coming.  Like discovering old TV shows I get hooked on, that I never saw until they were in re-runs or off the air.  That's happened to me several times.

And I'm glad to see several books mentioned here that I've picked up to start at some The Iron Druid Series...if I can ever get my head out of DF.  I do research online, read most of the reviews to see if it's a book I'll like - and that way I can avoid the UF romance stuff that does not interest me.  I want it all...drama, angst...action...and romance, but I don't want it to be the whole focus of the book.  I also tend to gravitate towards series.  There's more character development, which is a requirement for me.

So bring it on!

Author Craft / Re: First Person vs. Third Person
« on: May 28, 2012, 03:58:11 PM »
I know First Person has limitations as you described, but what makes it attractive to me is I can put more detail into the thoughts of the person than I normally would be able to do in Third Person, and do it without using as much dialogue, if that makes any sense.

I've also written a short story both ways, first and third, and almost always, the first person narrative won out over the third, so I'm thinking I should pursue this line of writing with my new series, which is completely centered around the main character.  Maybe it makes a difference if you're using your "main" character as a group or team, instead of an individual.  In that case first person wouldn't work as well to me.  Mmm...I feel inspiration coming on...

Author Craft / First Person vs. Third Person
« on: May 28, 2012, 03:34:18 PM »
Which do you prefer?  A story told in first person or third person?  Does it depend on the author?

Just curious, because another group I'm in seems to thumb their noses at First Person storytelling, but now that I've read all the DF books, I'm thinking I like it even more than I did before I read DF.  I've tried it a few times and thought it worked very well, but those were short stories.  I have a series of short stories I want to write and am wondering if I should stick with third person.  Any thoughts on this?

Author Craft / Re: Deciding on a Story?
« on: May 28, 2012, 03:09:21 PM »
Sorry I couldn't solve your problem, but it happens to everyone, sooner or later.  You're not alone.   :)

We've had a very bad year for pollen, so I'm in the same allergy boat with you.  I feel your pain.   :P

Author Craft / Re: Deciding on a Story?
« on: May 28, 2012, 02:13:44 PM »
okay not shore where to put this or if it belongs in a diffrent thread but
i have put down a book i was writing for about two moneth and want to pick it up again but can not seem to get started
i started trying to get started on this book at about 11 this morning and its now 15 in the after noon and i have yet to write a singal word
the anoying thing is i knew what i wanted to write and had a good idea what was going to happen but RL got in the way and now i am stuck

dose any one have any idea how i can solve this problem ?

Hi cen!
When I find myself stuck like this, the only thing I can do is walk away from the story.  I can't force what isn't there, so if I'm not exactly inspired at the moment - even though I have a great idea - and the words just won't come, there's no use staring at a blank screen.  I go work on something else, maybe another story, and at some point, days later sometimes, I get all jazzed about it again, thoughts start to flow and I go back and work on it.  If I try too hard, it never works.  What I try to write never feels right, and I end up with a scene I have to re-write anyway.

So I don't think there's an easy answer for this.  But go with the flow, I always say, and if it's not there, move on until it is.  It will come back to you, just maybe not when you expect it.  That's how it is for me.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: May 27, 2012, 05:50:29 PM »
For me, in my two cents opinion, the main characters, Dresden, Murphy, Molly at least, should be relatively unknown actors, who are not associated with any other well-recognized role.  I'm kinda funny that way.  Harry - and company - deserves their very own, untainted images.

I admit I don't recognize several names on the poll (I have a very limited TV/movie interest currently), but the ones I see listed, that I know of, are totally not right for this part.  Nathan F.?  Ugh.  Not even close, as is Gerard Butler and Jared P.  They do absolutely nothing for me, and do not fit my understanding of Jim's descriptions.  Isn't Dresden supposed to be very tall, with an angular face?  That's what I want.  The real deal.  And no buzz cut hair, or whatever the current style is.  Keep Harry pure Harry!

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