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Topics - Sammael

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / law question cunundrum! (transformation)
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:19:21 PM »
Hi, iīve been thinking about the "donīt change anothers shape" law. . . . . if there is someone who wants to be changed to a still human form, just different, how would that work, warden-law wise?

Like a Male to female transsexual, for example?

DFRPG / feeding dependency question
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:15:51 PM »
Hi. low-level question:

When a vampire uses his powers at the end of the scene/conflict he/she is supposed to take Hunger damage to his hunger stress track. Is this the sum of the refresh (Inhuman str, though, rec=6) or the number of times the powers are used?.

DFRPG / Maneuvers Help
« on: November 05, 2013, 10:14:33 PM »
Hi. new GM here.

I have read the book YS 5/6 times and I canīt precisely wrap my head around a few things, though I think I get the basics.

For maneuvers the add a factor which you can tag for a +2, that I get. But Iīm wondering how I should apply the "disarmed" aspect on a gunman. If he canīt reach his gun, he canīt attack right?. But as I understand it the aspect only gives a +2 modifier, unless compelled by players or GM.
So if a player wants to "disarm" someone for sure. . .how do I correctly model it?

I guess if the maneuver goes through by Compel or roll I make it a Contest to find the gun/sword again?/remove the aspect. Unless the aspect crumbles on itīs own?
Iīm also confused with Fire Hazards, HWWB Zone of Silence and Indirect attacks. For example, a guy lobs a grenade to collapse the cave roof over the heroes. The roll gets decided by throwing, but how do i deal with the damage from the tonnes of rocks?

Itīs mainly that I donīt really get how to GM aspects for effect, apart from compels and they can always be resisted.

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