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Topics - Antisuperman

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Photomancy
« on: May 29, 2013, 10:19:35 PM »
Building out a Photomancer and curious who else has toyed with this. Mostly I'm looking for spell suggestions. So far I've given him a blinding flash spell, a veil, and a spell that can increase and decrease illumination in an area. Haven't statted out the spells yet but I'm just trying to come up some more creative uses. Illusions and stuff are another obvious idea. I figure the veil, the blinding flash, and one other would be good for rote spells (He has 3 lore). Also apologies for the slight incoherency of my post... It's been a long day.

DFRPG / Voodoo
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:02:00 PM »
Howdy. New poster here. Been a Dresden fan forever and played lots of tabletop role playing games in my day but somehow JUST found out this exists. I'm ashamed of myself. Anyway, enough about me...
Someone in our gaming group seriously wants to play a voodoo character. I was wondering if there's any homebrew mechanics for that established already or not? I tried using the search function but no dice...
I feel like voodoo should incorporate both faith aspects an thaumaturgy. If nothing is out there already I'll throw something together and post it up for critique if folks are interested.

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