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Topics - SergeiVolkov

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Could use some assistance with a new character
« on: July 05, 2012, 05:22:34 AM »
I've played in exactly one Dresden Files game and while I liked my character I'm still not so sure on how well I did in actually making him. Especially aspect design. So any help that can be thrown my way would definitely be appreciated.

Here is what I have so far:

Name - Jeffrey Holmes (Pure Mortal) Chest Deep
High Concept - Former Field Surgeon
Trouble - ?

Other Aspects - Military Brat, "My Ex-Wife is A
(click to show/hide)
... Literally"

Superb - Scholarship
Great - Empathy
Good - Endurance, Guns
Fair - Athletics, Resources, Discipline, Alertness, Rapport
Average - Conviction, Craftsmanship, Contacts, Lore, Might

"I Read the Map" (-1) - Uses Scholarship instead of Driving for the Street Knowledge and Navigation trapping
Paranoid? Probably. (-1) - +2 to Alertness when rolling against surprise
Tough Stuff (-1) - Armor: 1 vs blunt trauma
Run and Gun (-1) - +1 to Guns while moving
Doctor (Trauma Surgery) (-1) - Read YS155
Doctor (Family Practice) (-1) - Ditto

Adjusted Refresh: 4

High Concept: Former Field Surgeon
Jeffrey served two tours in Iraq (2003-2006) as a Field Surgeon. There he saved numerous soldiers lives, but also failed to save many more.
Invoke: When working to save lives using his medical skills
Compel: Whenever a sight, sound, or smell has him remember a soldier he failed to save


Background: Military Brat
The middle child of a multi-generational army family. Almost from birth he was expected to join the army as well. While growing up he moved around a lot as his father got promoted through the ranks and was given new assignments. While this did impact his social life it didn't seem to effect his schooling as he excelled in ways never seen before in his family, graduating from high school at the age of 15.

Having suffered the loss of a favorite uncle in the Gulf War he had decided to go into the field of medicine and serve as a Field Surgeon to try and save as many soliders lives as he could.
Invoke: As a bonus when interacting with fellow army brats and members of the military.
Compel: ?

Aspect: "My Ex-Wife is a
(click to show/hide)
... Literally"
In his first year of medical school Jeffrey met a beautiful woman named Diana when they both got part-time jobs in the school library. They hit it off almost instantly and began dating within a month of their first meeting. As time went on they eventually got married and had their first of two children. However, about two months after their honeymoon Jeffrey came across his wife out in the woods near their apartment. As he was about to call out to her he saw something that shocked him. As if by magic his wife changed before him from human to wolf! To say he was surprised was an understatement as he fell on his backside and then tried to scramble to run away. All this noise alerted his wife however and she stopped him before he could get too far.

After shifting back and getting them back to their apartment she explained a little bit about what she was and the existance of more supernaturals out there. After calming down he realized his love for her was not something that even the idea of being married to someone who could become a wolf could change. And while that didn't change their relationship, his long deployments put a strain on their relationship. He tried to fix it by leaving the military after his second deployment, but by then it was too late and they ended up getting a divorce. They stay close and have joint custody of their two children
Invoke: ?
Compel: ?

I also had the idea of how my character initially gets pulled in to all of this is his kids being kidnapped by some supernatural group and he goes after them, bumping into one or more the party during the rescue.

DFRPG / How would you handle powerful pets?
« on: June 20, 2012, 02:00:51 PM »
Here's the deal:

I'm planning on joining a game that is supposed to start in late July/early August. Currently I have two character ideas though only one is relevant to the thread. The idea in question is a young Tibetan Monk on a journey of discovery who is stuck with a Temple Dog companion after it snuck away from the monastery to follow him. I know it is a very powerful "pet", that is the problem. How can it be handled aside from being outright ignored without it unbalancing things a little?

Someone suggested playing the Temple Dog with the Monk being the "pet" and while amusing I don't think that will fly.

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