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Topics - princeearwig

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Need a rating for an Inhuman Recovery/Toughness catch
« on: February 10, 2012, 08:33:16 AM »
Hi all, having a bit of trouble deciding on the degree of the following catch for Recovery/Toughness powers.

ok the power is granted to the character directly from his Goddess, a shamanistic deity with a love for live and all the sensations and emotions that it entails.
The Catch is that any and all "natural" weapons bypass the powers. So guns, knives, lasers etc. all affected by the powers.
Fists, Teeth, freaky living bone swords inhabited by demons etc. go straight through.

Essentially anything that is not "alive" is anathema to Her will.

Any suggestions for the values this should qualify for?

DFRPG / Idea for a character and need help with one of the features
« on: January 26, 2012, 04:17:26 PM »
Hi all,
Just gotten into both the books and the RPG and was thinking about giving my own game a go.
One of the players has a cool idea for a character and I need some help with one of the aspects (lower case a) of the character.

She wants to play Destiny Smith, an Emissary of Power and the idea is that the PC is the mortal 'literal' Daughter of Fate, chance whatever you want to call it.
Now the emissary of power bit works quite well as her Lineage will be known and she will have to deal with the baggage that comes along with it.
Her forebears have a reputation for bringing "ill luck" with them when they arrive. Their arrival almost always heralds the fact that fate has decided to take a hand in unfolding events or at least to monitor things to make sure they unfold correctly. Bad guys hate it!
Essentially Fate's plans can be thrown awry and it is her daughter (on earth) who is charged with the sometimes machiavellian task of bringing the universe back to its correct path.

How to do this?

Well I already thought about a REALLY holistic approach and doing it all via declarations but that sounds a little cop out'y as it isn't going to give the character anything that cannot be done by everyone else already.
I liked the idea of a power that allowed the application of compellable aspects, almost always fragile, to represent the little tweaks that the PC is able to pull off on Fates loom (momma doesn't let her do anything big unless its already part of HER plan). Maybe allowing the free (ie. no roll required) assignment of one or more declarations per scene?

Any ideas? and also how much should that sort of thing cost?



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