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Topics - JStreet

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Summary of Plot Idea's. [Opinions wanted/needed]
« on: October 22, 2011, 05:13:19 PM »
Lil'bit of Background....

The Campaign is going to take place in the Cowichan Valley (British Columbia).  The Timeline will put us right in the middle of the Red Court Vampire Wars.  The Wardens are stretched thin.  There is one that checks in on the area from time to time, but leaves most of the Work to the Local Shamans of the First nations people here.  There Magic is Sponsored from there Gods, and the shamans are also all Lycanthropes.

Plot Number One:  A Man hires the party to Acquire a Tribal Artifact kept in some Catacombs under the city.  If the party makes a Lore check, They can find out that the Spear is said to be able to kill the Spirit Chief; in essence the God of there Gods.  The Man that hired them is a Chronomage, who has been avoiding the Wardens.

(click to show/hide)

Sub-Plot: There is a Red Court Vampire Seeing if they can get Sponsored Magic from the tribes Gods.  The Chronomage has some hand in this.  The Gods are eventually killed, and the party then has to deal with a Red Court and its new Infectee's.

Plot 2: (happening during plot 1, at a slower pace): Black Court Master Vampire Living in town, keeping to himself the best he can.  He is Recruiting Apprentice Wizards to Teach them Necromancy.

Sub-Plot: Cowichan Zombie walk is Coming up! People Dress up as Zombies and walk around.  What better chance to bring out Real zombies and have them Wreak Havoc.

Plot 3: Wardens ask the Party to look out for an Elf using a Stolen Magic Bow.  Cupids Bow!  Weapon -2, gives 3 compels for 72 hours.  "Nothing can get between me and him/her", "Falling for Him/Her", and "Anything to be with him/her".  All Targeting the First person of the opposite sex they see.

Mini-Plot:  Haunted House.  Spector in the Basement.  Once dealt with they find the Grimoire of a Necromancer.  Inside will be a recipe for a doom box. We will see if the party destroys it / Turns it in to the council (there is one wizard in the party).

Opinions, etc?

DFRPG / Focused Practitioner + Refinement
« on: October 19, 2011, 05:44:05 PM »
I had a player come to me and say it does not  make sense that a focused practitioner can only take Refinement once.  I totally agree.  You focus all your time on ONE type of magic.  But at the same time, you can only take it once cause it works like skills for stacking.  Has Anyone Come up with a house rule or solution to this?  Was this done just so someone cant dump all there refresh in to refinement + Channeling?

Thanks in advance

DFRPG / Telekinetic Spells
« on: October 18, 2011, 10:01:14 PM »
Situation one: 
I have a player that made a spell For Throwing/Moving things.  8 Stress in to the spell, How far would you be able to throw someone straight in to the air?  We estimated a Crotch-rocket would be up to 600 pounds, (stress 8 can throw a motorcycle, or pick up a compact car).  Average person being 200 pounds.  600/200 = 3.  3x8(stress) = 24 feet.  12 stress when they pancake on the ground.  Sound about right?

Situation 2:  Trying to throw someone out a window.  Roll to hit target (using Discipline), then roll to aim at the window.  My problem is that the rote is high enough that most people cant make the athletics to block it or catch themselves.  :S

Situation 3: Same player wants to make a lesser version over multiple rounds.  Basically wants to yo-yo the bad guys for damage.

Any help/suggestions?  I like the idea of the first 2... just not sure how to defend against it.

DFRPG / Reading a NPC Stat Block (Inhuman Toughness/Catch)??
« on: October 15, 2011, 10:41:37 PM »
So monsters have things like

Physical OOOO(OO)
I assume that the ones in Brackets are do to the Supernatural Toughness.  Are those only able to be beat IF you use its Catch?

Thanks in Advance

DFRPG / White Court Fae?
« on: October 11, 2011, 07:15:12 PM »
I have a player wanting to be a White Court Changling... Don't think it works but thought i would ask.  She essentially wants to be a White Court Vampire with Wings.   

I was thinking of telling her that she could wait till they "gain a refresh" and do it in game through the use of Magic, And make her for a spell to Permanently Give her wings later.

Any Idea's? She wants to be both Fae and Vampire lol.

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