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Topics - CrackedOzy

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Fate Core / Atomic Robo conversion to DFrpg?
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:31:21 PM »
Has anyone seen this? >

I'm about to start a new game and I'm considering using the rules provided to convert to Fate Core. Has anyone tried them?

DFRPG / Catch Idea/Question
« on: February 12, 2013, 08:44:10 PM »
Is there a way to have a Catch for Recovery that instead of being something that prevents, being something that is required?

In other words, rather than say having a Catch of "fire" so your Recovery doesn't work on fire damage, you have a Recovery that requires something, such as blood or brains in order to work. Is this possible as the rules are written and if not, could this be a viable house rule option?

DFRPG / Gargoyle Template - Help Needed
« on: November 14, 2012, 06:15:39 PM »
I have a player who wants to play a Gargoyle (the Disney cartoon style) in an up coming game. I think this is a great idea, but I was wondering if anyone had built a template for this or had suggestions as I'm not familiar enough with the show to know what should be included.

DFRPG / Minimalist Cover Redesign
« on: September 20, 2012, 07:29:04 PM »
That Other Guy from forums is doing up a bunch of mock RPG cover designs and did one for DF that I wanted to share with everyone here as I thought it was really excellent.

Here is the whole thread if you care to see the other minimalist cover mocks.

DFRPG / Candlewick City Creation, help needed!!
« on: March 13, 2012, 06:58:01 PM »
So a couple weeks ago I started up a game using the Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor as the city, but the kids were just normal kids, rather than orphans. I found that I don't care for the ORE system, so I've decided to switch over to Dresden Files.

What I could use some help with is ideas for how to integrate the Candlewick Township into the Dresdenverse. Sadly my group has shown no interest in the excellent collaborative city creation method, so I'm left to do this on my own.

DFRPG / Need Help! City Creation for Manhattan!
« on: January 30, 2012, 07:17:50 AM »
So here's what I have so far:

Manhattan - The city that NeverNever sleeps

Theme - Wake Up Time!
Threat - Red Court Power Vacuum
Theme/Threat -

Status Quo, Supernatural - Trying to catch our breath.
Status Quo, Mundane - We've seen everything.

Movers & Shakers -

Location - Central park    Face - Summer Court
Location - Harlem Face -
Location - Times Square Face -
Location - Woolworth Bldg Face - Red Court remnants
Location - NY Public Library Face - the Archive "Ivy"
Location - Chinatown Face - ghouls
Location - Wall Street    Face - House Malvora (WCV)
Location - St. Paul's Chapel Face - true believers, seeking new KotC
Location - Carnegie Hall Face - White Council

Would love to hear ideas on where to go from here. Sadly, my group is unresponsive when it comes to city creation, as they are used to the old ways, where coming up with the world and the NPCs is a GMs job, not there's. So, I turn to you for help.

DFRPG / Gadget Builder character?
« on: December 09, 2011, 04:38:51 PM »
How would you handle this type of character? Thinking along the lines of the Mad Scientists of Deadlands or the Madboys of Girl Genius, so the ability to whip up a device on the fly is very important.

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