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Topics - batmanjr

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / How could I build this?
« on: March 04, 2011, 11:33:10 PM »
I would like to make a character that will serve as an NPC.

I want him to be a caster of sorts, with his focus being a glove with a circle imprinted into the palm.  It is linked to another circle, somewhere else.

Whatever he places into the linked circle, and closes it with his will, he can command through his glove.

I know that sounds confusing, let's give it an example.

Character places a lit sterno can in the circle.  He focuses on his intent on when he calls upon it, and closes the circle with his will.

Now, he can let fly with some fire action out of his glove.

Basically, I view it as a channeler who can change his channeling, at the expense of not having as much flexibiltiy when he weilds.

Does this make sense?  Is it even possible within the confines of the rules?

DFRPG / Monster reference cards, are there any?
« on: February 23, 2011, 04:20:51 PM »
Has anyone created some reference cards for the various monsters in the book?  I'm not a huge fan of how Our World is organized, and find it difficult to quickly flip to a monster I want.  It would have been much handier if the entire book had just been in alphabetical order.

Anyway, if there is something like that pm me with what you have, I'd appreciate it.


DFRPG / Quick question on consequences
« on: February 23, 2011, 04:17:45 PM »
This is probably a dumb question but I'm not fully understanding something.

I take a mild physical consequence, ouch.  We move onto the next scene in which a mental attack comes my way, can I take a mild mental consequence, thus having two?  Assume I have no free consequences from high skill.

I'm confused on whether or not I can have two of any severity of consequence, so long as the type is different.

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