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Topics - My Dark Sunshine

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DFRPG / Help with "Compulsion" Power, Please?
« on: May 17, 2011, 04:27:36 PM »
Okay. So I'm working on a Vampire NPC. However this Vampire is not from one of the thus-far revealed Courts. It'll likely be from one of the unknown Courts (stealing the suggested colour of grey), although it could potentially work as a 'different' Black Court - in that this one isn't a corpse.   

They feed on blood, etc. Pretty much the common modern day interpretation of a standard Vampire; don't worry, they won't glow. Although, the inspiration is somewhat from the TV show Vampire Diaries - at least, for the power I wish to try and replicate. Anyone familiar with the show should recognise the name from the title.

Basically, the power allows the Vampire to force a (mortal) target to do something. Sort of like a Jedi Mind Trick, requiring eye contact. Powerful Vampires from the show can also use it to manipulate dreams and memories etc, but mostly I'm looking for the standard "you will not tell anyone I'm feeding on you", "shut up and don't move", "spike her drink with this", type things.

My first thought was to rework existing powers. Addictive Saliva, or Dominate. However the former places aspects, and the type of 'compels' (the pun is unavoidable) this power enables would exceed in-game compels power, IMO. Domination would fit better, as taking someone out allows for a variety of potent options - but this power would NOT turn someone into a mindless thrall. They would be themselves, but can be forced to take certain actions.

Any thoughts people? They would be greatly appreciated.

DFRPG / A Wizards (Shield) Friendship Bracelet
« on: February 02, 2011, 02:36:57 PM »
So, I was in the process of making a Shield Bracelet style item for a Wizard character, and decided to add something slightly different to it. I can't remember seeing this idea discussed anywhere else, so I thought I'd ask people for their thoughts.

Friendship Bracelet

On Kieran's right wrist is an assorted collection of bracelets, wristbands, hairbands and other mementoes he gained from his friends, and other people he's helped along the way. The center piece of which is a Friendship bracelet given to him by his closest friend Skye, whom happens to be have been the first (and thus far only) person to have seen his Soul. Arcane runes have been marked into the metal sections of the bracelet.

Focus Item (1 Slot): The Friendship Bracelet provides +1 power for defensive spirit evocations.

The Bracelet sometimes generates a warmth throughout Kieran's body. Whether or not this is the warmth, gratitude and love his friends feel towards him, or a simple fire spell that draws his attention to the bracelet; and thus its significance is unknown. But it reminds him of why he has to fight.

+ Enchanted Item (1 Slot): Places the temporary aspect (as a per manoeuvre) "I Fight Against The Darkness (For Them)" upon Kieran for 1 exchange; 3 uses per session.

Kieran has Great (+4) Lore, and a +1 Crafting Power speciality bonus. Thus 3 shifts to generate a manoeuvre, (Kieran is hardly going to oppose it), and two downgrades of the base-power to add to frequency.

Basically, the item acts as both a Focus Item, and an Enchanted Item, taking up 1.5 Focus Item Slots, or for ease of reference 3 Enchanted Item Slots.

Now, I have some questions:

> Would you allow a single item to act as both a Focus Item and an Enchanted Item?

> What type of action would you have the Enchanted part require? It would mainly be used for those Defensive Evocations that aren't rotes, e.g. protecting more then one person.
         > A free action would seem over-powered. +2 to a roll for no cost. But some 'defensive' items are capable of being
                     activated as a reaction.
         > A supplementary action would net a total of +1 to the roll, which seems more reasonable.
         > A standard action would make the most mechanical sense (but would require shifts added to duration), although
                     would make less thematic sense; without changing the concept.

> Would the second application be better utilised as an aspect? I originally intended to find a way around this, as he has a phase aspect referencing Skye, specifically "Skye's seen my soul, she judged it worthy".

> Anything else you care to comment on.

Thank you, all and any responses will be appreciated!

DFRPG / Grendel - Suggestions & Advice Please
« on: January 26, 2011, 06:33:42 PM »
Okay. First of all I'll set the scene a little. In the campaign I am running/will be running (only had one quick starter/test session, & more people are likely to join in the next) the main Threat is 'Faery On The Ley-Line'. This Faery is head of a major corporation which happens to have its Company HQ Tower built on-top of the Cities Ley-line.

She is of the Winter Court and intends to use the power of the Ley-line to bring back Grendel, believing he (it?) would accept her as his (its?) new Mother. Depending on whether or not the players can deal with the threat before it escalates, or if they fail and it escalates, I may indeed need to bring in stats for Grendel.

Now I am someone who has been completely unimpressed by almost every single interpretation of Grendel I have ever seen in any of the movies &/or most other appearances. In fact, sad to say the 'best' (subjective term) two depictions have been 'Star Trek Voyager', in a Holigram program in one of the episodes, & the enemy in the movie 'Outlander'. Although I'd rather Grendel be more humanoid as based upon the Original Epic Poem.

My problem with most the versions of him are they are brutish, unintelligent and generally lacking a fear factor -bearing in mind this creature scared a warrior culture, taking out entire groups of Soldiers with ease. In fact, Grendel was all but unstoppable until Beowulf appeared. For this reason I like the fact Grendelkin come with 'Cloak Of Shadows' and 'Glamours'.

So, I guess there are various things I'd like feedback on!

1) What is Grendel? The Grendelkin are his Scions, but as far as I am aware there is no predetermined concept of what Grendel was. Which is awesome, leaves lots of room to deal with. From the original poem-epic I believe he was the 'Descendant of Kain' (the biblical Kain); but this is rather vague. Is he a demon? Or what? I could even concieve of Grendel being an outsider, but what are your opinions?

2a) Considering Grendelkin are -18 Refresh, how powerful would you think fair for the original? It would be easy to make him insanely powerful, but he still needs to be defeat-able. I could easily just upgrade the Grendelkin a bit, perhaps making the Physical Immunity affect everything but something specific; something relating to Beowulf.
2b) If you think more variation is needed, what sort've powers would you think fit Grendel?

3) Anything else you care to add!

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

[Edit:] I probably should've mentioned that the party currently consists of a Mortal Clued-In P.I & A Sorcerer who charades as an exorcist (may switch to True Believer, as I'm allowing some character-recreation next session when more characters are introduced - no magic was thrown around last session either way). Knowing the other players that are joining, the group will likely have added to it a Were-something / Wizard, a Vampire (probably social skills heavy) & a general combat-focused character of some-kind. They're starting at Chest-Deep, but should've gained at least more more point of refresh each by the time Grendel appears on the scene, or not.

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