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Topics - Synthesse

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DFRPG / Chronomancy Question
« on: July 15, 2012, 08:13:44 PM »
Hey guys,

One of the characters in my campaign wants to be a chronomancer who doesn't violate the laws of magic (only move forward through time, not backwards).

Any idea how to make/cost a spell that would allow an ally to take an extra action during combat? There's no real framework in the rules about how to make this happen.


DFRPG / DFRPG Supplement
« on: January 09, 2011, 06:56:23 AM »
So, I didn't see a thread on this, so I'm not sure if you guys had heard - apparently a third DFRPG book is in the works, at least according to Evil Hat:

What do you all think they'll include in it? My guess would be updates for the most recent books, and perhaps some rules clarifications from the previous two books.

If you had your choice, what would you want to see in it? (Hey, maybe they'll read this thread)

DFRPG / Future Dresden Files RPG Updates?
« on: August 20, 2010, 06:08:38 AM »
Hey, I know its a bit early to be thinking about this, but as more books come out, has Evil Hat/anyone said anything about releasing updates either with each book or every X books for the Dresden Files RPG? It would probably only be like 'Our World' type updates. But it would still be pretty cool imo.

DFRPG / The Power of SCIENCE
« on: August 06, 2010, 09:19:27 AM »
So an idea I have for a character type is a supernaturally powered scientist. A bizarre combination, I know. However, do you guys have any suggestions for how science would interact with magic in the following circumstances?

Evocation: The Elements
Obviously a scientist is going to have a more grounded view about how the elements work in the universe, and thus would draw his evocation ability from that. In the book, it gives examples of characters coming from different backgrounds using different element systems. How would you guys make this work? I suppose if you wanted to take element literally, you could divide the periodic table into parts (eg Radioactive metals, other metals, Anion-makers, Cation-makers, and noble gases?). Or perhaps, since you are looking at the smallest building blocks, go down to a theoretical physics level (eg Quarks, Leptons, Gravitons, Photons, and gluon/W and Z bosons?).

True Believer
I assume this is able to be flavor-changed to accomodate a belief in science? Even though the example is religious, I assume this is a 'belief in whatever', not a 'belief in god' (eg when Harry is able to channel power through his pentacle necklace through his belief in the order of magic).

Obviously this scientist, in order to do his research, works with very fine equipment. How would you guys handle a supernatural ability that made it so a person is immune to accidental hexing? It seems a little tough to cost that at -1 refresh... Are there other options? Would exchanging the ability to hex on purpose with the accidental hexing be a fair trade, balance wise? Although now that I think about it, the book talks about how hexing relies on belief maybesorta? It wasn't really clear to me.


DFRPG / Los Angeles City Ideas
« on: August 05, 2010, 01:35:14 PM »
So I was thinking of running this game, but was hoping to gather some ideas before city creation. I live in L.A. so that would probably be the city that my players know best.
Here are some of my preliminary ideas about how to incorporate the supernatural into LA:
- Hollywood: Showbiz is a huge part of LA culture (Wikipedia says 1/6 residents are working for it in some way or another). I figure that this would probably be the domain of the White Vampire Court (feeding off of the emotions of the viewers vicariously?) or perhaps the Summer Court of the Fae (Summer because I would think that the Winter fae prefer a colder climate? And there's never really "winter" in LA?).
- The two general disasters we have are the Earthquakes and the Wildfires. Maybe these could actually be the results of Earth/Fire mages practicing nearby?
- Gang violence: Currently unsure how to tie these in supernaturally. Maybe they are mortals who use supernatural items to try to build an arms race against the other gangs? Maybe they are some kind of were creatures/lycanthropes fighting for territorial dominance? Maybe, like the Earthquake/Wildfire things above, one gang is full of some Minor Talent/Focused Practicioner pyromancers while the other is earth mages?
- We have a lot of pollution. Its true. This could maybe be a work of the Winter Court (since they advocate decay) or perhaps vampires who just want to block out the sunlight over LA.
- Death Valley - not in LA, but nearbyish. Maybe this desert is some kind of leyline especially conducive to necromantic magics? Undeath valley, anyone? XD
- LA has a strong asian community, relative to the rest of the US, due to its proximity. Perhaps this could be an introduction of the Jade Court of Vampires?
- Los Angeles = The Angels. Clearly Angels should be involved on some level. But how?

Anyway, those are my random crazy ideas. Does anyone have any more? Or has anyone already made a city of LA in DFRPG and would like to share what they came up with? =)

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