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Topics - MacAllen

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Help with Enchanted Item?
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:40:16 PM »
New player, still wrapping my mind around the rules and want to find out if an Enchanted Item is feasible and, if so, how would be the best way to make it.

I want a book that gives a bonus to Lore/Scholarship when looking for information. 

The RP idea is that my Wizard is wearing glasses and everything he reads goes into this book.  He's worn them forever and everything he's read/seen is in this book in text, even articles read in passing.  The book is large (picture big leatherbound Oxford dictionaries in libraries) and not easily movable and the bonus would apply when he's doing research/data dumps/etc...he's a Bibliothcary.

I haven't found yet how to make an EI that effects skills, just powers (again, new to the rules).  Any suggestions on this to make it or improve upon it?  Thanks :)

DFRPG / West Portland OR DFRPG
« on: January 23, 2011, 03:01:15 AM »
Want a game badly, no one is running one that I can find, so in order to get my fix, I'm going to start one.  Read all the books, own the rules, huge fan of the books (not the TV show).  Putting it together to run from my Hillsboro home, based in PDX.  I'm exploring it right now, as I have no players, but if you live in PDX and are interested, let me know.

I'll be assembling the campaign on my portal so you can see how it fleshes out.  Expect it to be rules-light, SUPER RP heavy, like a LARP without moving around :)

Looking forward to hearing from anyone interested.

DFRPG / West Portland OR DFRPGr's?
« on: September 27, 2010, 01:42:34 AM »
Friend of mine is starting up a game in West Portland, Oregon, and is looking for 1-2 more players.  If you're in the area and interested, let me know and I'll connect you with him.

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