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Topics - Krico

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Trying to figure out my template...
« on: July 20, 2010, 06:08:55 PM »
Not really a focused practitioner, not really a sorcerer, certainly not a minor talent or what the crap am I?

Basically I'm trying to figure out what my template is so I can know what it would be fair/make sense for me to take as far as refinement in character advancement.

Here's the basic rundown of the powers for my character at creation.

-3 Full Thaumaturgy, +1 power to crafting spec, +2 power to crafting foci
-1 Refinement, +1 power to crafting foci (added to the previous for a total of +3), +1 to divination Foci
-1 Refinement, 4 enchanted item slots

The idea is that the character is primarily self taught (though he did stumble upon a book that helped him figure out how to do thaumaturgy which is how he awakened) and looking at the templates I can't really see what he fits under. The biggest part of the character is going to be focused on magical items and potions, but he also get's heavily involved in other forms of thaum.

Minor talents only have one limited ability, and full wizards have training with full sight, evo etc. Focused practitioners only have channeling or ritual, and sorcerers are required to have full thuam and what the crap am I?

DFRPG / Potions on contact
« on: July 03, 2010, 04:00:37 AM »
Would potions HAVE to be ingested, or can they be set up to work on skin contact, or possibly activate an effect if the container breaks (ie, potion grenade)?

DFRPG / Metal evocation?
« on: June 27, 2010, 10:17:00 PM »
One of the examples in the book for eastern elements lists metal, wood, water, earth, fire, and spirit. If you were to do metal evocation, would it essentially be creating metal out of ectoplasm? Ie. a metal evocation attack summons up metal shards that go flying at someone?

DFRPG / Crafting Foci
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:22:37 AM »
I searched through the forums and can't seem to find a post on it since the rules have been updated, so I wanted to see if I understood this right. Judging form what I read in the item crafting section and the explanations of foci, I was wondering if I could create the following foci:

Thaumaturgy foci speced in crafting power, (+1 for a one slot +2 for a two slot etc) to increasing the base power of the items by the bonus? And if this is out it works, would it also apply to potions?

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