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Topics - Damian Magecraft

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DFRPG / Sell my group on the using the FATE system
« on: March 13, 2010, 11:01:37 AM »
I am an long time gamer (30+ years) and a new fan of the Dresdenverse.
I have several friends who are requesting I run a DFRPG for them; as the resident RPG guru I have successfully translated several universes into one system or another.

I am familiar with most game systems; however my experience with FATE is limited to online discussions on various message boards most of which are extremely vitriolic against all but the system of the moment. Those discussions tend to devolve into flame wars so I thought perhaps I would get a better view of the system here. Is this going to be a system that will be easily used and welcomed by players familiar only with a small handful of systems (mostly D20, nWoD, SWD6, and GURPS)?

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